WA8801-CS 890215TO GINN, INC. /Fir Consulting Engineers 17103 Preston Road Suite 100, LB-118 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 (214) 248-4900 WE ARE SENBIN~ YOU ~h~ B Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Copy of letter [] Prints [] Change order COPIES DATE: NO, DESCRIPTION I / F2 rd1,1,,z,' Nz . t 7)~ T~7- /z'a,'Y~rF/z4/< z2 oA/' ~ /d, '" ,4'2,//e THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted our use [] Approved as noted [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Resubmit copies for approval [] Submit copies for distribution [] Return corrected prints [] For review and comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER I~OAN TO US SIGNED: PROOUCT2~3 ~lr.,. Sml0~ ~ 0NIl If enclosures are not el noted, kindly notify us at once. REPORT OF FIELD CHANGE P.OJECT 2Zt" CC~O~STOt, Ufi WlqT~2 LIN ~ LocAT,oN L IN~ '%~__~ 'l PROJECT NO. ~ ''~ CONTRACTOR ~//~CL~'~'AI%J Co N,.~>TI~Lc"I'to'/~Jj IIv'~, SPECIAL REPORT NO. PAGE LOF... I PAGES DATE F~. I~: CROSS REFERENCE TO DALLY REPORT NO. INSTRUCTIONS Whenever any corrective change is aide in field construction which is It variance with ~e specifications and drawings as originally issued, a complete detailed report shall be filed, listing the following items, ~o that ~pecifications or drawings storage data cln be corrected. 1. Identify the problem: Indicate why originally specified construction was not used. 2. The Solution: Describe, in detail, the recommended change or changes that were made, as applicable, 3. Indicate whether thil il an isolated case or a general condition which could be improved by changrag future specifications or drawings. 4. Submit sketches es nece~ary. REFERENCE DATA SPECIFICATION SECTION No. PAGE No. PARAGRAPH No. DRAWING No. ,r~.~ OF ~>~/_ ENTITLED I[t~/~''~''',' "' -r--~_7'A.4~'bcj"~ SKETCH NO. ATTII~'D DATED/2..~15~? ENTITLED DESCRIPTION I. DETAILED IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM ~tqudr~'X23 WILL Pl~V~ac3?t,4.~'~r' ~ P/~EEH6~ PIP IA}~" 5~DF_- ~ ,. DETA,LEDsoLuT,o. PRoP0sEDoRAccoMPL,s. ED ~,,!_~N Colu.rq'tzu6'F..,.c.,,J i IG~ LF- If-=," [::DUCTILE. lt~,,3 t:;':ID~ ~ ~e"~S.5oZ--Gt-. = ~ 5q~4. Do p___.,4 - 1(.,," t:~I/TTF~FLY V~J Vp_,Se- ~ 2~r,X:C--/_r--4 = 45o0. o. I LF - 42"/-~F:~E~L ~PF_-- ~r-%~r:~7~,~l-36~Zcr = tE,4'TO, m ~,, _ A~tsuNT 4~ 2~ o ~'4, 007 3. IS THE PROBLEM AN ISOLATED CASE On GENERAL? SUBMIT SKETCHES AS NECESSARY · B- ._o.y, /<'./%Y'/~'~" BY I (Altech extra shllll Is necllllrY} INSTALL I-16"~ 6"Tee I I . Z- IS' Butterr y Valves ,Plug Ends ,Pay Items 6,7.3-(D)~ Bt~';O'I:HER THAN OPEN 119 LF 42"STEEL ITEM 6.4 D O I~I /111I ,I/II I~I IIII fi'l III I-"' (J II I~ IUI~ II I~ Sta. 0+60' x Tee 1-16"Butterfly Valv~ Stubout with 'l-6"Gote Valve .1:~' ~lu~ +1 I// INSTALL e II. 1-16"x 16"Tee~ I- 16'I' Butterfly ValVes Plug End fi I II I II ///~, ^-J i ill IIII I~l I I1.1 III III BY OTHER THAN OPEN CUT 96 L F. 42 STEEL PIPE BY ~THEiJ~ INSTALL '?V._~I~~(,~ I- 16"x 16" Tapping Sleeve iI t . ~ 'P_,XtAIE,tT "A'~ RELD c~,AN~,E ~o. I 1::'LA I,,I FOR PROFILE OF X-ING(~ DENTON TAP RD, SEE D.~.~A" / . ~5 T.. enton Top RCL , "r f"" ' ''~ i 'Ex; 2=7'x'4' RCB C'.~ Esm't.