WA8801-CS 860603Haukos Construction Co., Inc. 6103 Bluff Point Drive Dallas. Texas 75248 (214) 586-4220 I, Sharon A. Haukos, Sec.-Treas. of Haukos Construction Co. Inc., do declare that all bills for labor, material, rental, subcontractor work and any other incidentals have been paid in full and there are no claims pending on the Coppell, Texas, Nisc. Water Lines project. Sworn to before me this hiy Commlssion Expires (Seal) Sharon A. Haukos, Sec.-Treas. day of ~ 1986. c CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT AIA DOCUMENT G707 OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR SURETY OTHER PROJECT: WaCezlines in Coppell, Texas (name, address) TO (Owner) rThe City Of Coppell '~ ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: L_ _J CONTRACT DATE: CONTRACTOR: Haukos Construction Co. In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (here insert name and address of Surety Company) Fidelity &Deposit Company of Maryland , SURETY COMPANY, 7557 Rambler Rd. , Suite Dallas, Texas 75231 on bond of (here insert name and address of Contractor) Haukos Construction Company, Inc. 6103 Bluff Point Dr. , CONTRACTOR, Dallas, Texas 75248 hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to (here insert name and address of Ownerl The City of Coppell , OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this Attest: (Seal): 17th day of June 19 86 F~delity Surety Company .! Title & Deposit Company of Maryland R. Utech NOTE: This form is to be used as a companion document to AIA DOCUMENT G706, CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS, Current Edition AIA DOCUMENT G707 · CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT · APRIL '1970 EDITION · AIA& © 1970 · THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, '1735 NEW YORK AVE., NW, WASHINGTON, D.C. 213006 ONE PAGE ' Haukos Construction Co., Inc. 6 ! 03 Bluff Point Drive Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) :~86-4220 June 16, 1986 Ginn, Inc. 16135 Preston Rd. Suite 106 Dallas, Tx. 75248 Re: Misc. Water Lines, Coppell, Texas The Haukos Construction Co. Inc. guarantees the workmanship on the above project to be free of defects for a period of one year. Should any defects arise, such defects shall be restored to the original condition at no expense to the Owner. Sharon A. Haukos Sec.-Treas. Maxim Engineers Inc. jLZ~C',~,j!'~ General Report ReOon Date To Pfolecl Metr~x:l Of TeSI 06/13/86 sampw Daw Haukos Construction Company Miscellaneous Water Lines Analysis of Water Samples (Report No. S8-130-HCC) Applicable EPA. APHA 04/09/86 Results On 06/04/86, a representative of Maxim Engineers, Inc. collected water samples for analysis. The results of the analyses are as follows: Sample No. 06046HCC01 06046HCC02 Total Fecal Sample Fluoride, Sulfate Chlorine, Coliform, Location ppm. ppm · ppm. Col/100 ml Southwestern 0.9 80 2.4 N .D. Road, W. of Coppell Coppell Road 0.9 90 3.0 N .D .' and Bethel Road The above test results indicate that the samples are treated (i.e. city) water. N.D. = none detected, less than I colbny/lO0 ml. Technician: GA/RED / SaS