WA9301-SP 971106City of Dallas Date: November 6, 1997 ·, To: Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, Texas 75 146-0010 Atiention: Ms. Lucy Garcia Subject: Coppell 2 Metering Station Contract No. 94-81 Gentlemen: ,We are returning the following submittal data: IDENTIFICATION RB6-38T51 DESCRIPTION Vinylex Corp. - PVC Waterstop Submittal No. 03000-03 DISPOSITION 8 2 X Distribution: Design Engineer - 1 Project Manager - 5 (File - 1), (Field - 2), (Coppell - 1), (Pumping - 1) ~n Services Water Utilities Department Design Services · 320 E..Jefferson, Rm 213 · Dallas, Texas 75203 · 214 / 948-4576 · FAX 214 / 948-4599 A city utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safety. ,FAI~ . CORpORATiON® APPLICATION DATA WATERSTOP: When construction involves cast-in-place c,~ncrete members under conditions where the joints will b,e subject to water seepage or hydrostatic pressure, Viny- iex Waterstop should be installed, In all below grade con- s,,ruction and in any surface structure where it is necessary or c~esirable to contain or exclude moisture or water under pressure, Vinylex Waterstop provides a simple, effective ant positive seal. ~,ONTROL JOINTS: Vinylex Contrnl Joints are recom- mended in long walls and at joints .involving pilasters, col- umns, etc., to allow expansion and contraction without cracking. 'CONCRETE FORMERS: On columns, piers, panels, beams or any outside corner of poured concrete, Vinylex Radius Formers 'provide a clean, smooth, uninterrupted round finish edge. Vinylex Chamfer Strips are also employed in outside corners of poured concrete members to provide 8 smooth level finish that reduces plastering and pummacing time. DRIP 5TRI'~: Vinylex Drip Strip pro~ic~es 'a smooth uniform -drip groove on the underside of roof ,~verhangs. Nc'.~: Installation instructions pn page 5 of this insert. Complete product data sheets available from Vinyte: Corp., Knoxville, Tenn. : WATER STOP THAT FITS YOUR JOB REQUIREMENTS ' Vinylex Waterstop prevents wcfer movement through con- =rats joints in a number of applications including reser- voirs, locks, canals, dams, sewage and water treatment =~ants, bridges, stadiums, basements, floor slabs, parking ;stages, and many other structures. Vinylex Corporation ,-,as established a reputation for producing only the finest extruded plastic products. Only virgin resins are used in FLAT RIBBED " -' - Vinyle~ flat ribbed waterstops are employed in construc- tian joints where movement between members is not anti- ¢~.:ated. They are generally used below grade in footings, HEAD CAT. NO. H20 .. R4-316 ' 75 RS-316T - 85 R5-316 R6-316T 100 FLAT RIBBED : I, ,.~ .:'~f ,, .:..::,'.':.~::.-:..":::-i..' ..',:,:,. ,,~ .~:.'. . .:' !. ~ :_...;. .-. ., ,.. ' ,, ~ "! .. :'- -.:.' ..... ' :-~ J~,, ..... . .. . .: ~" I T ' ' 12.1, I: , ' ' ::'::'' "': . . :. ..".j, R6-31S' , R6*35T 125 Vinylex Waterstop... never ,'::processed or reclaimed ma- terials. The elastic and abrasion resistant qualities of Vinylex Waterstop, together with high resistance to oxy- gen, ozone, alkalies or waterborne chemicals allows its use in .any subterranean or surface construction. Also Vinylex Waterstop will not stain or discolor. concrete. walls, slabs, or for breaks in concrete due to limitations in working methods. · -' CAT. NO. H~O '~:': :"::'" ':"" ..... :i'~5:" '~ · .~,.....;,. . ~--. Rg-31rr '15~' , ,: ..... {-: ...: . .... . '.'.: :.: . Rg-316° 150 '.-..,.,~.- . ...' .qg-38T , ' 150 R9-38 · lsl~, FLAT RIBBED -: J -+ .:.~.... --. f-::...-:.,.,...:.~.,.::..~,:.- :.,... ..... - ., --... ,, . ..:: -:.'~:;:. , :.-. ...' . · -.,..- ..:; .. ',1 - '1 ,.. ",.... . ,..~- ..'.- -~..- .~ .. · '1 :." I { -:, '1 _"'~' R175-316 150 !r 'I" TIT l' . ...... RgS~:'ONSI~ILrN FOR CONFOR~zlANCE WITH CONTRAC"F REQUIREMENTS. P.oJEcT ~ Z. ~V CONTRACT # ~ I:::~4--~ ,! DALLAS WATER UTILITIES DEPT, d RIBBED WITH CENTER BULB Vinylex ribbed center waterstops am employed in expansion joints where movement between members is anticipated. "--~ They are generally used above grade but in fact are a universal design and can be used in any type of joint above or below grade. HEAD FT, CAT. NO. H20 RIBBED WITH CENTER BULB RB4-316 65 ,:- r~1 .. .' :::. ;.. ;..,-. RB6-316 100 . ,'. -'- ~ F 3~s-," . .....-~r.. ~--~ .::.",.'; '-:'-'. ,':"i:':.. · ' ' I, s~ r ' ', I '.~ ""' ;' ",,: .~.:. .... : - , - :~:,.;~,.~,~,:,,~.~, ..~ . ,-.- '- -.-...=..C,;,,' . ...... .:. .. ...... · .... , ~'::.: .' ~-.--.. ,:~ .:.~.~:.:'.. '. -.~. :-.~ '- I r ~r I ::',-... ~'.~;--.,%,.' ' . "~.'..: . '~' ' .Tr.' RB6-12 150 ·: · .: ~ !...::,.-. T'. -"~ .' .aT-~4H. :,.-'.---I "' 1-;' ......':-.".:".'. TYPE B .11111111 Ill .'-" _ ,- ,~ r-,4- k, : . '. "'."' -- ::,, ....-.-,.. RB9-316 150 ~,,~e:,l~.T_,, ..... · ' " "" I I RB9-14 ' - 150 ' :. :,,,-,-' T_,:,, .. I I ,,~,r-J 1-; "" "Conforms to James M. Montgome~t Specifications · 'Conforms to CH2 M-Hill SDecificalions CAT. NO, R89,38o - RBg-38H ° ° -..,. ~,:".~.: RLBg-3~ .! .~.~,.~-,p ,.. 3.6/Vin HEAD FT. lS0 I' -'1 II1-: ';...11 -I i- - .:. '~:! ':""".~."ii:lJ,..- .~:.- ........ 150 ..~ .::'~ 150 RIBBED WITH' CENTER BULB :: .....-...r~Q~ ~-~r IIIIIIII .:lllll . I :-w--I i=- · |. SPLIT RIBBED .. .. Vi~ylex split ribbed waterstops are used in jther construc- Uon or expansion joints where elimination of split form wor~ is feasible. The split leg of the waterstop is spread open anc~ nailed to the bulkhead· When the form work is remove~ following completion of first pour, the split leg is joined together and fie second pour completed. · -- -. HEAD IT. CAT. NO. HaO ,.~. ,.-..' .~, . .. RSB4-318 65 · .'e' · ' . '.. ;,.-, . ~ . .. .: RSaE~, ~.., ...,~...:',..~-.,,, ... .-.,-~.~ ~.; '.:; ..... · RSB9-318 .100 SPLIT RIBBED · L..~ ~,.',.,- ~:,r"", ...:~..:... .,e .;..... ;.: -, · =:,; :L: ~ .~ '.~, ,:,;-"' ,: -. ':' .: ..;,.,: ,:-:'., -,:.:...... RSB6-12 125 · -_,-!..-:.: RSB9-38 150 RSBg-12 . ~00 RSB12-12 250 RSBD6-14 110