WA9301-SP 980416City of Dallas Date: April 16, 1998 Submittal No. 03:K~0-0:' To: Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, Texas 75146-0010 Attention: Ms. Lucy Garcia Subject: Coppell 2 Metering Station Contract No. 94-81 Gentlemen: We are returning the following submittal data: IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION TXI #9742 Mix Design for Flowable Fill D[SPO 51 ::?ION 93X Dis,tribution: Design Engineer - 1 Project Manager - 5 (File - 1), (Field - 1), (Coppell - 1), (Pumping - 1) Water UUIIUes Department Design Services · 320 E. Jefferson, Rm 213 · Dallas, Texas 75203 · 214 1 948-4576 · FAX 214 / ! ~4,E~45,~ 9 A city utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safett. 1341 West Mockingbird Lane · D~llas, Texas 75247 · 972,6~7.6700 -www.txl.com March 31, 1998 Bar Constructors , Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, TX 75146 Attn: Ms. Charlotte Humphries RE: Coppell 2 Metering Station; Contract #94-81 City of Dallas Water Utilities Department 9742 The attached mix design utilizing the appropriate ASTM C-33 or ASTM C-330 ag regate is roposed for use on the above referenced project for f~owable fil~ to be furnished by TXI. To ensure that the correct mix is delivered to your project, please order by the mix design number which appears in the upper left hand comer of the mix design. Contact us if you have an questions or require any additional information. Please notify TXI of approval of the proposed mix design prior to its use. Failure to notify us prior to first placement shall constitute acceptance. To ensure that the proper mix design is ordered, please send a copy of this letter, after approval, to the above referenced project to be used by the person ordering the concrete for this job. Sincerely, Texas Industries MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED /~ REVISE AND RESUBMIT .['] REJECTED [] FOR RECORD ONLY [] REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONFORMANCE WITH CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. PROJECT C 7 N1V coNTRAcT #°TT 9 4-- % I DALEAS WATER UTILITIES DEPT. l' '[ '1[ /REVIEWED ~J~ CONBTnUOTO~S, INC. TRANS. #jaG~ ct{mensions and measu~ construction criteria ements, field :mbers,and slmi~r ;:[:rials, catalog Wov~ checked with the%a' ,and that we rk and the Contract ~ulremente of the cuments. Mix #: 9742 Description: 100/300 DARAFILL FLOWABLE FILL USAGE AS REQUIRED Maximum Water/Cement Ratio: 6.92 gal/sack or 0.730 lbs/lb Cement/Cementitious content: 5.06 sacks (per cubic yard) Maximum Placement Slump: 8.00 inchee MATERIAL QUANTITIES PER 1.0 CUBIC YARD AT S.S.D 100 lbs. A~TM C 150 TYPE I CEMENT 300 lbs. ASTM C 618 FLY ASH 2501 lbs. CONCRETE SAND 292 lbs. or 35.0 Gallons of Water 1.0 unit DARAPILL @ 3.00Z/UNIT Placement Slump: 6.00 + or - 2.00 inches PUMPING NOTES / RECOMMENDATIONS 2. 3. 4. 5" minimum diameter lines with no reduction to smaller lines. Keep rubber hose to absolute minimum length and plan pipe with as few 90 degree angles as possible. samples for slump and strength tests should be taken e discharge end of hose for strength guarantee to be valid. To prime pump lines, a minimum of 8.0 ~ack grout should be used for lubrication. In the case of strength concrete, equiyalent strength grout should be used if the grout remains in the placement. Pump mixes are based on minimum cement content pumped at ground level. As pump line increases in length or height and/or layout configuration changes, additional cement may be required to assure strength and pumpability at additional cost to the contractor. TXI cannot control, and is therefore not responsible for excessive loss of antrained air content when loss occurs as a result of boom configuration or free fall discharge from hose. To ensure minimum air loss when pumping, maintain a continuous flow of concrete through the entire length of pipe and do not subject concrete to free fall. We are enclosing all available back up data for the referenced mix design(s). If the strength information is not available, or is insufficient, confirmation tests may have to be conducted by your laboratory. MIDLOTHIAN CEMENT PLANT · 245'Ward Rot~d · MidlothMn, Texas 76066 · www.txi.com SPECIFICATIONS Portland Cement Type I!11 (Low Alkal~ A. S .T.M. C 150 -97 Bin Number Car Number Tons Date of Sampling February '! 998 Monthly Average "'~: .: '~ ........ ':' .'CHEM ICAE RE(rdlREM ENTfl .:.,:...... :' ,. : ....... , .. ...... Silica Oxide, Minimum Percent Numina Oxide, Maximum Percent iron Oxide, Maximum Percan( Magnesia Oxide, Maximum Percent' SO3 (C.3A less than 8%), Maximum P~rcent Loss on Ignition, Maximum Percent InsOluble residue, Maximum Percent .. } ASTM' ~ TEST SPECIFICATION RESULTS .. '!': 'i'~ '~ .':~ 'Z ~ ~':~ ,~i:.~.-,~:'.~.';.~:;.~. :. ~.:.. .~.:..' . ....,:. 20.0 20.6 6.0 4.3 6.0 4 6.0 1.3 3.0 *" 1.0 0.75 0.17 .S__p...ecnhc surfuco. Rlainn Miramum (M'~>IK0) Gillmore, Initial ~et, Minlmum (Minutes) Gillmore, Final Set, MaxImuml!linutes) ' Minimum (Minutes)' ' vicar, Initial Set aXimurn (MInutes) Air Content, Volume, Maximum Percent Autoclave Expansion, MaXImum Percent 3 Day Minimum Compressive S. trength, MPa (psi) 7 Day Minimum CompresMve Strength, MPa (psi) STATE dF TEXAS 280 ~0 'i 60 ' 171" 600 293 45 375 100 12 7 0.80 O 12.0 (1740) 24.0 (3481) 19.0 (2760) 30.6 (4442) ELLIS COUNTY J.R. Owens .., being duly sworn deposes and says; that he is Chief Chemist of TXI, Mldlothian Cement Plant, who prepared the above report of tests and that the sam is true ,and correGt. ~.SuDsc~ an~e me this lath day of March, 1998. *See ASTM C160 Table 1, Footnote B. ! ~ K.C. COKER ~, %T/Notary Publi~ ;ATE OF TEXAS y 0mm. Exp. 10/22/98 Giftoral-Hill & Company FM 1735 * P,O, BOX 278 · CASON, 1EXAS 75636 A~H PRODUCTS FLY ASH ANALYSIS NATERIAL~ Class C Fly Ash 8AMPLED BY: GiffordHill SOURCE: #750 CASON FLYASH FAX: 903/B56-O951 GIFFORB.lilLL DATE= 02/27/1998 SPECIFICATION: ASWM c-618 TEST PRODCEDURE= ASTM C-311 SAMPLE NU~ER: DATE SAMPLED: PHYSICAL TEST Specific Gravity Variation From Avg.(%) Retained on No. 325(%) Variation, %Points from Avg. Water Requirement(%) Pozz Index, % Control Autoclays Soundness(%) Moisture Content(%) Loss on Ignition CHEMICAL TEST Silicon Dioxide, SIO2(1) AlUminum Oxide, A1203(%) Iron Oxide, Fe203(%) Total= SiO2;Alao3;Fe203 % Sulphur Trioxide, S03(%) Magnesium oxide, MgO(%) Calcium oxide, cao(%) Sodium Oxide Eqv, Na20(%) Available Alkalai as Na20(%) 519339 SPECS. 12/17/1997 2.69 ... .04 5.0 (Max.) 19.1 34.0 (Max.) .0 5.0 (Max.) 96.7 105.0 (Max.) 96.6 75.0 (Min.) +,055 +0.s (Max.) .02 3.0 (Max.) .12 6.0 (Max.) 33.02 ... 19.00 ... 6.16 ... 58.18 $0.0 (Min.) 3.36 5.0 (Max.) 6.01 ... 28'43 2.54 ... 1'19 Quality Control 1.5' 1,0' %- 3/8' #10 #16 ~f,30 ~40 P~, M.C, De;ant 100% of 01111198 9.9% .61% 91.05 tests: 29 Size: 33 TEXAS INDUSTRIES QUALITY CONTROL DEPT. AGGREGATE SIEVE ANALYSIS Production Facility: Grading Designation: Sample Location: CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE % RETAINED % PASSING .47 99.53 3.13 96.87 13.32 86.68 RED RIVER SAND AS'IL'M ~_FINE AGG, REQUIRED 8PECiRCATION % RETAINED % PASSING 0-5 95 - 100 0 - 20 80 - 100 24.84 75.15 15 - 50 50 - 85 43.05 56.95' q0 - 75 25 - 60 75.92 24.08 95.66 4.34 99.43 0.57 2.56 FIneness Modulus PLANT: RE~D RIVER SAND 70 - 90 10 - 30 90 - 98 2 - 10 Job: **'**"ALL JOBS P R o D U C T Desoription D~aHIP CLS1VI Performance Additive produces engineered Controlled Low Strength lViaterial (CLSM)~ that is highly flowable, volume stable and excavatabte in the future. DataFill is a viscous solution of orga~c compounds used in cementidous backfill mix- tu~es. t~y developing a stable-air matrix in the CLSlV[ mixture, DataFill improves flowability and reduces the required amount of mix water up to 50%, compared to a water-based CLSM- DaEaFill is packaged in an inert wax capsule that releases its contents during the mixing action in large volume mixers. The capsule shat- ters upon impact inside the ready mix truck and disintegrates dur- ing mixing. DataFill capsules are available in two sizes, 90 mL and 360 mL (3 oz and 12 oz). The use of DaraFill CLSM Performance Additive produces a low water content CLSM that is primarily used to improve flowa- bility, lower densities, eliminate segregation and settlement, and control strength development in applications where future excava- tion is required. DataFill is designed to be used with cement, C O rlC I' e I N F 0 I~ M A I I 0 N DaraFill' Controlled Low Strength Material Performance Additive and pozzolans such as &STM grade fly ash and ground blast furnace slag. The addition of DataFill is a cost-effective alterna- tive to a water-based CLSM mix- ture, and CLSM is a cost-effective alternative to soil back fill. Performance The addition of DataFill CLSM Performance Additive generates stable air contents of 15 to 30% and significantly reduces mix water requirements by as much as 50% when compared to water- based CLSM. When used as rec- ommended, DataFill enhances plastic and hardened properties of CLSM accordingly: -' Provides a CLSM which is highly flowable with no segregation. · Controls strength development for future excavatability, usually in the range of 0.35 to 1.40 MPa (50 to 200 psi) depending on the application requirements. Increases yield of materials up to30%. Construction Products Provides densities in the range of 1440 to 1920 kS/ms (90 to 120 IbiS}. Aid~ pumpability and mirfi- mizes segregation in pump betw~n loads. Pre-job testing with actual equipment and int~ded configuration is strongly recommended. Reduces buoyancy problems in CLSM around embedded pipes and tanks when compared to wa~based CLSM. ~)araRll CLSM Performance ond CLSM is designed for CLSM and is not recommended : use in conventional concrete. CLSM offers the follow- benefits: Safe, efficient, non-corrosive ' for trenches, tanks Self-leveling and high lateral flow fills for trenches, under- cuts and voids. Cost-effective in comparison to compacted soil by increasing efEciency of labor and equipment. Flexible, mix designs to suit requirements. Minimizes. settlement in com- parison to compacted-soil back fill. Storage, 'Addition Rate, Dispensing and Mix Designs DataFill CLSM Performance Additive capsules have a storage tolerance in the temperature range of 0°C to 55°C (32°F to 130°F). Store DaraFill above freezing, away from heat sources and out of direct sunlight. Addition rates are typically one 90 mL (3 oz) capsule to dose 0.75 m3 (1 yd3) of CLSM and one 360 mL (12 oz).capsule to dose 3 m3 (4 yd3) of CLSM. The DataFill CLSM Performance Additive capsules are added in their entirety to the CLSM load. For ready mix truck batthing, best results are achieved by toss- ing the capsules against the bot- tom of the truck hopper to ensure breakage and then washing down. DataFill should be added direcdy into mixers after the CLSM load is batebed. For opdmization of freight volumes, add DataFill at the job site. CLSM with DataFill reaches optimum consistency when the mixture reaches a creamy, flowing appearance. For central mix operations, add DaraFill capsules into the central mixer and not into trucks to ease discharge from the central mixer. Mix design information may be obtained from a Grace Construction Products representa- tive. If water-based CLSM is now being used, a mix design adjust- ment will be required in order to use DaraFill CLSM Performance Additive. Specification Material for backfill operations shaU be cementitious Controlled Low Strength Material mixtures as supplied by concrete producer and contain DataFill CLSM Performance Additive, as manu- factured by Grace Construction Products, Cambridge, MA. Mixture ingredients and propor- tions flail be submitted for approval. DataFill CLSM Performance Additive shall be added by the concrete producer personnel as per manufacturer's recommendations. CL,,q%4 rtM~/t;e referred to os 'Flowc~le Fill ", 'Contrdh~3 Def~W Pill' ot "Cetnenr Stabilized Send' k~ different geOgrol:~OI c~eas, ~ lt.R. C, mce ~ Co.-Conm 62 Whittemon Avenue Cambridge, MA 02140 . .. :~i 7ed~i.~ab.rdemd,,a~orWJLG"a~&Co.-Co~ ,' ~i~ji~m!hC~e~dr~,p~.amOrlnj~tapend~a6. C~yrfii,4l~,w,l~,(~nkl~tkC~,..C4mn. O'F-IE P~N~'dmU, S.,~ ~ "' I' "[ I~ ConstnJdionRoducts City of Dallas Date: April 16, 1998 Submittal No. 07 iCi0-01A To: Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, Texas 75146-0010 Attention: Ms. Lucy Garcia Subject: Coppell 2 Metering Station Contract No. 94-81 Gentlemen: We are returning the following submittal data: IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION KOPPERS Super Service Bitmastic Black Dampproofing D~SPOii:,'iON 9 3 X Dist~b-tion: Design Engineer - 1 Project Manager - 5 (File - 1 ), (Field - 1 ), (Coppell - 1 ), (Pumping - 1 ) DesiSn Sen i,: ,.,~s Water UUIIUe$ Department Design Services · 320 E. Jefferson, Rm 213 · Dallas, Texas 75203 · 214 /9484576 · FAX 214 1 94.845' A dty utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safe TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Protective Coatings TYPE OF COATING COAL TAR Product: BITUMASTIC SUPER SERVICE BLACK DESCRIPTION: USE: REVIEWED BAR CONSTRUCTORS, INC. DATE TECHNICAL DATA: Number of coats: Volume solids: Theoretical coverage: Film build ratio: Minimum dry film required per coat: Wet film required per coat: Drying time at 70°F. and 50°/t~ relative humidity: To touch: Between coats: Prior to submerging: Color: A self- riming, heavy-duty, cold-applied, water resistant coating made ~om pitch derived from suitable tars, selected solvents, mineral fillers and special additives. FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY. NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN THE HOME. One of its outstanding features is providing a thick film that will protect metal and concrete from severe chemical fumes and corro- sive vapors. It has roven especially effective in the sewage industry · by protecting meta~ and concrete against the deteriorating effects of raw and industrial waste materials and hydrogen sulfide gas. It can be used on all metal and concrete surfaces which will be buried or immersed. It can be used directly on concrete without the need for a separate primer. When exposed to sunlight and effects of weathering, the coating should be a ed approximately 2 to 4 weeks, then topcoated with Bituplastic ~o. 28 or Bituplastic No. 33. This minimizes weathering effects that result in alligatoring or cracking of coal tar films. Do not use for the interior of tanks, containers or pipelines designed for containing potable water. Two, minimum 68% 1,090 mil sq. ft./gal. 60 to 70 sq. ft./gal./coat on smooth metal surfaces. (Allows for approximate 20% application loss.) Concrete surf. ces. first coat. 50 to 60 sq. ft./gal./coat. (Inc~ ~9~jf~atliR~3t~ss.) Coverage will depend on surface profih ~f~I~5%~ECTIONS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT [] REJECTED [] 12 to 14 mils FOR RECORD ONLY [] REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER DOES NOT 18 to 2] mils RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONFORMANCE 6 to 12 hours P ~ . 24 to 48 hours CONTRACT # 4~ J Black DALLAS WATER UTILITIES DEPT. Koppers Company, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219 TECHNICAL DATA (Continued): Thinner: Cleaner: Surface preparation: Primers: Steel: Galvanized and non-ferrous metal surfaces: Concrete: Methods of application: Temperature limitations: Storage life: Packaging: Koppers Thinner 1000 (Use Koppers Thinner 2000 with VOC- compliant version). Do not thin exce t in cold weather, when not more than 1/2 pint of thinner to eacK gallon can be used. Do not use ordinary aint thinners, mineral spirits, gasoline or turpentine as they will d~stroy the material. Kop ers Thinner 1000 or Koppers Thinner 2000. Use to clean bru~es spray equipment. or Apply only to clean, dry surfaces. Remove from metal surfaces rust, paint and other foreign matter by sandblastin (SSPC-SP-6 mini- mum), pickling, wire brushing, scraping or ot~er means. Concrete and masonry must be free of laitance and slick surfaces which can be removed and roughened by sandblasting or acid etch- ing with 15 to 20 percent muriatic acid. After acid etching, rinse well with clean water. Oil and grease can be removed by using Ko pers Thinner 2000 or by thorou hly scrubbing with a solution ofF-l/2 ounces of tri-sodium phosphate and 1-1/2 ounces of soap chips or detergent in a gallon of water. In Shop -- None or Bitumastic Black Solution or Bitumastic Mill Undercoat In Field -- None Either Super Service Black or the primer must be applied the same day the surface is cleaned. Degrease, then either brush-off sandblast the surface or apply one coat of Koppers 40 Passivator. None for dense surfaces. Use Bitumastic Concrete Penetrant on very porous surfaces. Brush, roller, conventional or airless spray (30:1 pump; tip .019- .025; line 3/8 I.D.) Only natural bristle brushes or phenolic cored rollers should be used. Do not apply to surfaces that will be exposed to rain before the coat- ing is dry or on surfaces with temperatures below 40°F. -During the cooler months, the use of a heater with spray equip- ment will facilitate ease of handling and rapid drying of the coating. dry: 400°F. wet: 120°F. 1 year minimum 55-gallon drums, 5-gallon pails and 1-gallon cans PRECAUTIONS: Take these recautions during ap lication and before the coating dries. (See ~aterial Safety Data ~Pl~eet for this product.) Regular Version DANGER! Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Vapor harmful. Skin and eye irritant. May sensitize skin to sunlight. Combustible. CONTAINS COAL TAR NAPHTHA VOC Compliance Version DANGER! Flammable. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Vapor harmful. Skin and eye irritant. May sensitize skin to sunlight. CONTAINS XYLENE Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Avoid breathing of vapor or spray mist. Avoid contact with e es and skin. Use an ultraviolet barrier cream on exposed skin. ~ash thoroughly after handling. Keep closures tight and upright to prevent leak;i e. Keep container closed when not in use. In case of spillage, abso~ and dispose of in accordance with local applicable regulations. Do not take internally. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Use with ade uate ventilation during application and drying. In tanks and o~er confined areas, use only with ade uate forced air ventilation to prevent dangerous concentrations 2~ vapors which could cause death from explosion or from breathing. Use fresh air masks, clean protective clothing and explosion- roof e uipment. Prevent flames, sparks, weldin and smoking. FolFo~w OS~A regula- tions regarding ventilation an~ respiratory equipment. FIRST AID: In case of skin contact, wash thoroughly with soap and water; for e es, flush immediately with plenty of water for 15 minutes and caffa physician. If sunburn occurs, treat sympto- matically. If affected b breathin of ca or, move to fresh air. If swallowed, CALL A ~HYSICIA{~ IM?Vrl~DIATELY. DO NOT induce vomiting. IN CASE OF FIRE: Use dry chemical, foam, water fog or CO2. Cool closed containers with water. Photochemically reactice. Volatile Organic Compound Content (VOC) as supplied, no thinner added, is less than: 2.5 lb./gal. (300 grams/liter) for re ular version. 2.3 lb./gal. (275 grams/liter) for V~C compliance version. IFARRANTY All technical advice, recommendations and services are rendered by the Seller grati~ They are based on technical data which the Seller believes to be reliable and are intended for use by persons having skill and knowhow, at their discretion and risk. Seller assumes no responsibility for results obtained or damages incurred from their use by Buyer whether as recommended herein or otherwise. Such recommendations, technical advice or services are not to be taken as a license to operate under or intended to suggest infringement of any existing patent. Revised June 1985 Supersedes all previous data sheets printed on this product. Reprinted May 1987 Date: April 16, 1998 City of Dallas Submittal No. 15800-02 To' [:3 ~r Cot .structors, Inc. P O. Box 10 L mcast,,'r, Texas 75146-0010 Atte:: ~j :~n: Subji.~:: M s. Lucy Garcia C. ~ppell 2 Metering Station C. mtract No. 94-81 GeneS,e: nan: We m'e rattinting the following submittal data: IDENTIFIr.: :/,TIC:vl~ DESCRIPTION ACME Mo !t :1 Pl?.b' CENTRAL MASTER Exhaust Roof Ventilator DISPOSITION 9 3 X Distributior; Design Eng ia, ~'er - 1 Project Mm tilt ;er - 5 (File - [) , (Fiel t - 1), (Coppall - 1), (Pumping - 1) Water UtlliUee Department 1: ,'~: ;ign S;el vices · 320 E. Jefferson, Rm 213 · Dallas, Texas 75203 · 214 / 948-4576 · FAX 214 1 9484599 Ac ty utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safety. ACME ENGINEfirINGS: MANUFACTURING CO P. ' P.O. BOX 9 8 7440 K 7 MA MUSKOGEE, O LAHO · C m DUCT SIZE O A SO. INSIDE DISCONNECT PLUG · JSQ. (~) PRN126 21.00 16.38 27.75 12.~ 4.81 ~mendons are shown in inch~. * ~d 8 IN(203mm) for ~lodon Proof SPECI~ NOTFS CEN"""'I MASTEI POWER Project Location Architect Engineering Firm Conffigtor Submitted by Date ROOF EXHAUSTERS Model PRN, Direct Drive AMCA Certified AIR and SOUND Coppall 2 Metering Staljon City of Dallas, Tx. Henry Niblo Bar Constructors H.R. Capers Co. March 17, 1998 are correct within limits for normal irmtall~on requirements. WARNINGI DO NOT use in HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS CAUTIONI Guards must be inslalbd when fan is wlthin reach of personnet or within seven (7) feet (2.134 m) of working levet *Duetova~ngkx=d~c~ee~vedngexpk~onproofappikaUons J K L M 1 27.50 19.50 16.50 13.50 Acme Engineering & Manufacturing Corp. resaves the right to change spedfk:alions without nolbe. VOL REFERENCE QTY MODEL cfm EF-1 -- t peMt"~ 130e , ACCESSORiES:NO E×~Df~Je~isconnect Switch ~k MAKE CORRECT(Or'~S NOTED REVISE AND RESUSMIT [] REJECTED [] FOR RECORD ONLY [] REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONFORMANGE WITH CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. pRO,~ECT(,,-.Tr,,,~ ~ IVIV coNTRACT # 9 4, --~0 I DALLAS WATER UTILITIES DEPT. .5 SP la=V POWER SONE ELECTRICAL hp inWG 1~1 12.2 .25 t20/10DP bVIbWbu BAR CONSTRUCTORS, INC. DATE BY TRANS. # BAR Constructors, Inc. represents thatwe have determined and verified ell field dimensions and measurements, field construction crlterla, materials, catalog numbers, and similar dale. and that we have checked with the requirements of the Work and ~e Contract Documents. ACME ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING CORPORATION P. O. Box 978 Muskogee, Oklahoma 74402 Telephone 918/682-7791 Fax 918/682-0134 FORM 610041 Rev. C Section 12 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS CENTRI MASTER® MODEL PRN RECEIVING AND INSPECTION Immediately upon receipt of a shipment, carefully inspect for damage and shortage. Turn the impeller by hand to see that it turns freely and does not bind. If any damage and/or shortage is detected or suspected, the carrier must be asked to conduct an inspection. The consignee's representative should not accept a shipment without a notation on the delivery receipt indicating items not delivered or the apparent extent of damage. When a shipment is opened and damage is found which was not evident externally (concealed damage), it is mandatory that the consignee request an immediate inspection by the carrier. Report any damage to the carrier within 15 days. Failure to report damage within the above time limit will result in rejection of a claim. HANDLING AND STORAGE flammable materials, unless the unit is specifically built for hazardous environments. 3. If an Acme prefab curb is used, a flange is provided for mounting the damper. The damper should be installed before setting the exhauster. w If a damper box is being used, assemble the box and mount in the curb before setting the exhauster. The damper may be installed at this time if desired. The damper should be fastened to the bottom of the damper box, curb flanges or nailing strips in the curb. Remove the exhauster from the carton or crate and inspect within 15 days after receipt. If damaged, report damage to carrier. Raise the exhauster to the roof using a sling or platform; do not lift by its hood. Units should be lifted using a sling or platform. Whenever possible, fans should be stored indoors in clean, dry locations. If storage outdoors is necessary, fans should be protected against the elements and accumulation of dirt and moisture. Special care must be taken to keep motors and bearing assemblies dry and clean. See Acme Form B33, Proper Storage of Acme Fans. Note: PRN fan cartons have arrows indicating proper storage arrangement. 6. Impeller Adjustment turn the centrifugal impeller by hand to make sure it rotates freely. If the impeller hits the orifice, adjust by loosening the set screw in the impeller hub and moving the impeller back on the motor shaft. 7. CAUTION! Guards must be installed when fan is within reach of personnel or within seven (7) feet (2.134 m) of working level or when deemed advisable for safety. INSTALLATION 1. CAUTION! This unit has rotating parts and safety precautions should be exercised during installation, operation and maintenance. 2. WARNING! Do not use in hazardous environments where the fan's electrical system could provide ignition to combustible or Remove the motor compartment cover (small hood). CAUTION! Before proceeding, make sure electrical service to the fan is locked in the "OFF" position. Run the wires to the motor (or optional disconnect switch) through the internal wiring post. WARNING! The wiring post is sealed to the curb cap with a large washer and sealing gasket. If the wiring post is loosened, the seal may be broken, thereby creating a possible water leak. 9. All wiring should be in aCCordance with local ordinances and the National Electric Code. 10. WARNING! Check the voltage at the fan to see if it corresponds with the motor nameplate; high or low voltage can seriously damage the motor. Extra care should be taken when wiring two speed motors since improper connections will damage the motor and void the motor warranty. 11. Apply power momentarily and compare rotation of the impeller with the directional arrow. WARNING! Operation in the wrong direction will deliver air but will overload the motor to the extent of blowing fuses, overloading protection and seriously damaging the motor. 'In the case of single phase motors, the reversing instructions will appear on the wiring diagram· This diagram is located either in the motor wiring compartment or on the outside of the motor housing. 12. Using a ,minimUm of eight (8) lag bolts - two (2) on each side near the corners, securely fasten the exhauster to the curb; replace motor compartment cover and fasten all bolts securely. The fan should rest on the curb as level as possible. MAINTENANCE Under normal usage, no spare parts are expected to be required for one year of operation. Recommended spare parts are shown on Page 3. CAUTION! Before proceeding, make sure electrical service to the fan is locked in the "OFF" position. Motor bearings are pre-lubricated. Consult information printed on the motor for lubrication instructions. EXPLODED VIEW OF PRN NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Small Hood 2 Motor* 3 Motor Mount 4 Small Hood Brackets 5 Large Hood 6 Impeller* *Recommended spare parts. PARTS LIST LEGEND QTY. NO. DESCRIPTION 1 7 Wiring Post I 8 Large Hood Supports 1 9 Birdscreen 4 10 Curb & Orifice Assembly 1 11 Windband 1 Optional Disconnect Switch (not shown) QTY. 1 4 1 1 1 1 DESIGN CHANGES Acme reserves the dght to make changes in design, improvements and addi- tions in and to its products any time without impos- ing any liability or obligations to itself to apply or in- stall the same in any product manufactured by it. TITLE The title and dght of possession of the equipment sold heroin shell remain with the Com- pany and such equipment shall remain personal property until all payments herein (including de- ferred payments whether evidenced by notes or TERMS AND CONDITIONS otherwise) shall have been made in full in cash and the Pumhaser agrees to de all acts necessary to perfect and maintain such dght and title in the Com- pany. SAFETY ACCESSORIES The Company manu- factures equipment designed to serve multiple ap- plications and offers a wide range of safety equip- ment, including guards and other devices, as may be required to meet customer spedfications. With- out exception, the Company recommends that all orders include applicable safety devices. Equip- ment ordered without applicable safety devices is cleady the responsibility of the Purchaser. Further, the Purchaser warrants that he has determined and acquired any and all safety devices required for equipment sold by the Company. Weather covers and guards for motor and V-belt ddves, couplings, shafts and bearings, along with inlet and outlet screens, are optional accessories noted in the pdce list. These instructions cover the usual installation, operation and maintenance methods for which the product(s) was designed. They do not purport to cover all details or variations in the product(s) nor to provide for every possible contingency that might be met in connection with the installation, operation and maintenance. For any departures from these instructions, or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the pumhaser's purpose, the matter should be re- I:erred to the Company. WARNING Acme products are designed and manufactured to provide reliable performance but they are not guaranteed to be 100% free of defects. Even reliable products will expedence occasional failures and this possibility should be recognized by the User. If these products are used in a life support ventilation system where failure could result in loss or injury, the User should provide adequate back-up ventilation, supplementary natural ventilation or failure alarm system, or ac- knowledge willingness to accept the dsk of such loss or injury. WARNING DO NOT use in HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS where fan's electrical system could provide ignition to combustible or flammable materials unless unit is specifically built for hazardous environments. CAUTION Guards must be installed when fan is within reach of personnel or within seven (7) feet (2.134 m) of working level or when deemed advisable for safety. DISCLAIMER The Company has made a diligent effort to illustrate and descdbe the products in this literature accurately; however, such illustrations and descrip- tions are for the sole purpose of identification, and do not express or imply a warranty that the products are memhantable, or fit for a particular purpose, or that the products will necessarily conform to the illustrations or descriptions or dimensions. WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER: Acme Engi- neering and Manufacturing Corporation extends this limited warranty to the odginal buyer and war- rents that products manufactured by the Company shall be free from original defects in workmanship and materials for two years from date of shipment, provided same have been propedy stored, installed, serviced, maintained and operated. This warranty shall not apply to products which have been altered or repaired without the Company's express authori- zation, or altered or repaired in any way so as, in the Company's judgment, to affect its performance or reliability, nor which have been improperly in- stalled or subjected to misuse, negligence, or acci- dent, or incorrectly used in combination with other substances. The Buyer assumes all dsks and liabil- ity for results of use of the products. Warranties on purchased parts, such as but net limited to bear- ings, sheaves, belts, couplings, electdc motors, pumps and controls are limited to the terms of war- rarity extended by our supplier. Polyethylene tubing and cooling pads are war- rented to be free of defects in matedal and work- manship for a pedod of 90 days from date of ship- ment and a like warranty applies to the cross fluted cellular type cooling calls for a period of two years from date of shipment provided same have been propedy handled, stored, installed, serviced, main- tained and operated. And further, not subjected to excessive heat, corrosive agents or chemicals, or mechanical abuse that may cause teadng, crushing or undue detedoratioo nor used on a system or in a manner ether than that for which it was designed as explained in the product literature. LIMITATION OF REMEDY AND DAMAGES: All claims under this warranty must be made in wdt- ing and delivered to P. O. Box 978, Muskogee, LIMITED WARRANTY Oklahoma, 74402, within 15 days after discovery of the defect and pdor to the expiration of two years from the date of shipment by the Company of the product claimed defective, and Buyer shall be barred from any remedy if Buyer fails to make such claim within such period. Within 30 days after receipt of a timely claim, the Company shall have the option either to inspect the product while in Buyer's possession or to request Buyer to retum the product to the Company at Buyer's expense for inspection by the Company. The Company shall replace, or at its option repair, free of charge, any product it determines to be de- fective, and it shall ship the repaired or replacement product to Buyer F.O.B. point of shipment; pro- vided, however, if circurnstances are such as in the Company's judgment to prohibit repair or replace- ment to remedy the warranted defects, the Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy shall be a refund to the BUyer of any part of the invoice pdce, paid to the Company, for the defective product or pert. The Company is not responsible for the cost of rs- moval of the defective product or part, damages due to removal, or any expenses incurred in ship- ping the product or pert to or from the Company's plant, or the installation of the repaired or replaced product or pert. Implied warranties, when applicable, shall com- mence upon the same date as the express war- renty provided above, and shall, except for warran- ties of title, extend only for the duration of the ex- press warranty. Some states de not allow limita- tions on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. The only remedy provided to you under an applica- ble implied warranty and the express war- ACME ENGINEERING AND ranty shall be the remedy provided under MANUFACTURING CORPORATION the express warranty, subject to the terms P.O. Box978 and conditions contained therein. The Muskogee, Oklahoma 74402 Company shall not be liable for incidental Telephone 918/682-7791 and consequential losses and damages Fax 918/682-0134 under the express warranty, any applicable implied warranty, or claims for negligence, except to the extent that this limitation is found to be unen- forceable under applicable state law. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. No employee, agent, dealer, or other person is authorized to give any warranties on behalf of the Company or to assume for the Company any other liability in connection with any of its products except in writing and signed by an officer of the Company. REPLACEMENT PARTS If replacement pads are ordered, buyer warrants that the odginal com- ponents in which these replacement parts will be placed are in satisfactory working condition, and when said replacement parts are installed, the re- sultant installation will operate in a safe manner, at speeds and temperatures for which the odginal equipment was purchased. TECHNICAL ADVICE AND RECOMMENDA- TIONS, DISCLAIMER: Notwithstanding any past practice or dealings or any custom of the trade, sales shall not include the fumishing of technical advice or assistance or system design. Any such assistance shall be at the Compeny's sole option and may be subject to additional charge. The Company assumes no obligation or liability on account of any recommendations, opinions or ad- vice as to the choice, installation or use of products. Any such recommendations, opinions or advice are given and shall be accepted at your own risk and shall not constitute any warranty or guarantee of such products or their performance. GENERAL In no event shall any claim for conse- quential damages be made by either party. The Company will comply with all applicable Federal, State, end local laws. Member Air Movement and Control Association July 1994 Form 610041 Rev. C _. ACME ENGINEERING & MANUFACTURING CORPORATION P. O. Box 978 Muskogee, Oklahoma 74402 Fabricated of heavy gauge galvanized steel with wide flange for easy flashing to roof. Included for field installation is a foam rubber gasket to provide a better weather seal and to reduce the transmission of metal-to-metal conducted noise. Continuous welded corner seams with integral base plate provides watertight construction. Acoustically and thermally insulated with 11/2" (38mm) thick, rigid fiberglass insulation. Back draft damper may be readily attached to mounting flange in base of curb. - J SQ. FI%S~~NG~Y OTHERS K S(;I. j DAMPER (OPTIONAL)' ' ' ' IUI SO. · ,~( GLASS-FIBER INSULATION C12 20 508 12 305 9 229 8 203 C14.5 221/~ 572 141/2 368 11 1/2 292 10 254 C17.5 251/2 648 17~/~ 445 141/2 368 11 1/2 292 C19.5 271/2 699 191/2 495 161/2 419 131/2 343 C22.5 30 1/2 775 22 1/2 572 19 1/2 495 16 1/~ 419 C26.5 34 1/2 876 26 1/2 673 23 1/2 597 20 1/2 521 C19.5 27!~ 699 191/2 495 161/2 419 131/2 343 C22.5 30 1/2 775 22 1/2 572 19 1/2 495 16 1/2 419 C26.5 34 1/2 876 26 1/2 673 23 1/2 597 20 1/2 521 C30.5 38 1/2 978 30 1/2 775 27 1/2 699 24 1/2 622 C32.5 40 1/~ 1029 32 1/2 826 29 1/2 749 26 1/~ 673 C34.5 42 1/2 1080 34 1/2 876 31 1/2 800 28 1/2 724 C38.5 461/2 1181 38t/2 978 351/2 902 32 1/~ 826 C44.5 521/2 1334 441/2 1130 41 1/2 1054 38 1,,~ 978 C49 57 1448 49 1245 46 1168 43 1092 C54.5 62 1/2 1588 54 I/2 1384 51 1/2 1308 45 1/'z 1232 C58.5 66 1/2 1689 58 1~ 1486 55 1/2 1410 52 1/2 1334 CENTRIMASTER® PREFABRICATED CURB TYPE SF Self-Flashing Type Project Coppell 2 Metering Station Location City of Dallas, TX Architect Engineer Henry Niblo Contractor Bar Constructors Submitted by H.R. Capers Co. Date March 17, 1998 Typical drawing for dimensional purposes only, which is correct within limits suitable for normal installation requirements and do not necessarily show actual construction. PRN80; PDU110 i- z ,PRN100-110 OLU PRN118-145 PRN163'171; PDU165; PNU135 PDU200 PNN100-135 PL, PU135-145; PNN163 PL, PU163-171-200-223, PUH, PNN200; PNU165, PNU200; AFS106 AFS126-150 rr PL PU, PUH245-270; PNN245, i PNu245 uj AFS181 m PL, PU, PUH300-330; PNN300 ! AFS200 i PNN425, PL, PU, PNN490-543 AVAILABLE OPTIONS A. Curb height 12" (305 ram). B. Curb height 16" (406 mm). C. Other curb height. D. Raised cant type. Adds up to 3" (76 mm) to original curb height. E. Single pitch - 6" per foot (150 mm per 300 ram). F. Double pitch. Equal pitch both directions - 6" per foot (150 mm per 300 mm). G. Galvanized steel liner. H. All aluminum construction. SPECIFICArlONS I Mod!:,i EF-1 1 C19.5 8" See Fan Submittal Sheet For Type of Damper Acme Engineer~g & Manutactunng Corp. reserves the right to Change sl~Ofcations without no~,e. See Fan Submittal Sheet For Type of Damper SUBMI'FI'AL NO. 1K-3 SECTION 11 892 City of Dallas Date: April 16, 1998 Submittal No. 15800-01 To: ,Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, 'rexas 75146-0010 Attention: Ms. Lucy Garcia Subject: Coppell 2 Metering Station Contract No. 94-81 Gentlemen: We are returning the following submittal dam: IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION ACME Model TIV TRIMLINE Fresh Air Intake Vent 93X DISPOSITION Z Distribution: Design Engineer - 1 Project Manager - 5 (File - 1), (Field - 1); (Coppell - 1), (Pumping - 1) Dc~siScl'viccs Water UUIIUes Department Design Services · 320 E. Jefferson, Rm 213 · Dallas, Texas 75203e 214 / 948-4576e FAX 214 / 9484599 A city utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safety. '~c~,CME MANUFACTURING · GRANBY, MISSOURI 64850 CT$ BY CRA~MEN CORPo TRIMLINE FRESH AIR INTAKE VENTILATORS MODEL TIV STANDARD FEATURES · ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION WITH STANDARD MILL RNISH. · ALL CURB BASE CORNERS MITER CUT AND CONTINUOUS WELDED. · HOOD REINFORCEDsAND BRACED FOR EXTRA STRENGTH. · HOOD ASSEMBLED WITH STANDING AND SNAP BACK SEAMS SECURED WITH SPOT WELDS. , HOOD PERIMETER OPENING AREA TWICE AS LARGE AS THROAT AREA FOR LOW VELOCITY INTAKE. · BIRD SCREEN OF 1/~"xl/,z'' MESH GALVANIZED WELDED WIRE · HOOD HAS EXTRA· WIDE OVERHANG FOR STORM PROTECTION. PROJECT Coppell 2 MeterinR Station LOCA~ON City o f Dallas, TX ENGINEER Henry Nfblo CONTRACTOR Bar Constructors SUBMITTED BY H.R. Capers Co~ DATE ~ P.O. NO. 3/17/98 { OPTIONS · HINGE HOOD -- FOR EASY ACCESS TO INTERIOR OF VENTILATOR. INSULATED HOOD -- RUBBERIZED ANTI-CONDENSATE UNDER COATING OR 1" BAT TYPE GLASS FIBER. · FILTERS -- PERMANENT TYPE 1" OR 2" THICK CLEANABLE ALUMINUM MESH. · INSECI' SCREENS -- ALUMINUM 18 MESH IN PERIMETER OPENING. · ALUMINUM BIRD SCREENS -- DIAMOND SHAPED 1/.f'xl' FLATTENED EXPANDED ALUMIMUM .060" THICK. STORM CONSTRUCTION -- EXTRA HEAVY INTERNAL REINFORCEMENT AND BRACING. DECORATIVE COATINGS -- INDUSTRIAL GRADE ENAMEL IN SPECIFIED COLOR. PROTECTIVE COATINGS -- GREY EPOXY, BLACK EISENHEISS OR BLACK HERESITE. .0~" ALUMINUM ,I o i )~ "~E'2"' ),' REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS & DIMENSIONS QUAN, NO. A B C D E OPTIONS 16" 16" 28" 28" 9" Aluminum Birdscreen SUBMITI'AI: 5030/90-2 . a I NO EXCEPTION TAKEN 2:~ MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT [] REVIEW ,.'_-3'~' 1"~-'.~:: Ef.i,S.NEER DOES NOT RES{_~Z~',,'t~: '~':-~E C,::N~R,x~,CTOR FROM RES~:~Of',;SIL3IL~';'Y FOR CONFORMANCE DALLAS WATER UTiLITiES DEPT. ,