WA8801-CS 860327 ~ CODDett, Texas 75019 The City With A Beautilul Future 2~-462-0022 March 27, 1986 Mr. A.F. Collings Utility Co-ordinator St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company Engineering Department 7600 S. Central Expressway Dallas, Texas 75216 RE: 12" waterline crossing - Moore Road 16" waterline crossing - Coppell Road 24" waterline crossing - MacArthur Blvd. Dear Mr. Collins: Enclosed are two orginal agreements of each of the above referenced waterline crossings as well as Riverchase Joint Venture check no. 311 in the amount of $260.00, and City of Coppell Capital Improvement Projects Fund check no. 138 and check no. 139, each in the amount of $260.00, to partially defray the cost of handling. After all documents have been fully executed, please return one copy of each agreement for our records. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Dorothy immons ' DT/lsg Encl. [] m' I'm r T I '1 IF CITY OF COPPELL ~o85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ~. 3 9 COPPELL, TEXAS 75049 March 26.19 86 PAY TO THE ORDER OF St. LOUIS Southwestern Railway Co~any · HO HUNDRED SZX~ 00/~00 .... DOLORS THIS CHECK IS DELIVERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS. Z6" ~a~e=~ne c:oss~ng T.I~RNSR FEE Cl~ 0F COPPELL ~o85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS P. O. BOX 478 PH. 214-462-~22 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 March 26.19~ PAY TO THE ORDER OF St. Louis Southwestern R~ ]w~y ~nmpany J $ 260.00 TWO HUNDRED SIXTY 00/100 ..... DOLORS THIS CHECK IS DELIVERED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOLL~ING ACCOUNTS, ~ 12" water]~ne crn~n~ Moore R~ -T,~ ~Pn~ Fee "MAYOR" GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS November 19t 1985 Dear M~. P~octor~ ................... We are enclo~ing~ herewith, duplicate counterparts of the proposed agreement with the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company for the 12" waterline crossing of their facilities and associated with the Moore Road Paving and Drainage Improvements Project. Also included is the transmittal letter from St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company to Ginn, Inc., which includes the railway company's instructions for execution of the agreement. We recommend placing this item on the agenda for the December 10, 1985 City Council meeting. Sincerely, H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. City Engineer JK/HWG/sr Enclosures cc: Dorothy Timmons 16135 Preston Road · Suite 106 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/386-6611 m ~ ~ T T I I i T Engineering Department Coppell, Texas - 12" Waterline Crossing - City of Plano Mr. H. Wayne Ginn Ginn, Inc. 16135 Preston Road, Suite 106 Dallas, Texas 75248 Dear Mr. Ginn: Your Job Reference: Moore Road - Coppell. Attached are duplicate counterparts of agreement. 'This agreement covers a 12" waterline crossing, located at Coppell, Texas. Please have both copies executed on behalf of City of Coppell and return them to this office for further handling. Include a check in the amount of $260.00, made payable to St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company. A fully-executed counterpart of this agreement will be returned for your records. No work is to begin on this project until all necessary paperwork is finalized. A. F. Collins Utility Coordinator AFC/bob Attachment , '!' r t T I ! If Approved as to Forth by . (;-S. 34Ot) General ounse. October 1, 1984 RELMIS TCC-607.38-X THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 19 , by and between ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY a c(rporatio~ (Liee~sor), and CITY OF COPPELL, a municipal corporation of the STATE OF TEXAS (Liensee) address: 616 Coppell Road Coppell, TX 75019 WITNEMSETH: 1- Grant of Rights: Lieensor hereby grants to Lieensee the right to construct, reconstruct, maintain and crate, subject to the terms of this agreement, a twelve (12) inch waterline, encased within an eighteen (.18) inch steel casing col lective ly (herein/called "structure"), at or near Coppell Station, County/15e~je~ of Dallas , State of Texas , in the location shown on the print of Lieensor's Drawing AED-85-0121, dated 11/4/85 attached he~eto and made a pa~'t hereof. This grant is subject and subordinate to the prior and continuing right of Lieensor, its successors and assigns, to use all of its property in the conduct of its business, Lieenso~ reserving full rights, c, onsistent with the rights herein granted, to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate existing and additional transportation, communication, pipeline and power facilities upon, over and beneath ltS~pt~mises, I~..~l~i~iIdtts~ Markers: Markers in form and size satisfactory'to Lieensor shall be installed and ~csmtantly.maintainecl by Lieansee at Lieansor~s property lines or such locations as Liee~sor shall ckstgnate and s!~ll be relocated or removed_by Lieensee upon request of Lieensor. The absence of markers do~s not constitute a warranty by Lieonsor that there are no subsurface installations, i:~ !~.~.~,' Costs: Lleensee shall pay Lieensor T~o Hundred Tc~ ~ Dollars ($-~c~ to partially cost.or handling. ' Lieensee shall bear the entire cost of constructing, reeonstructing~ maintaining and operating the structure on Lieensor's pr~mises, and will not allow any mechanics~ or materialmen~s liens to be enforced against Lieensor's premises by reason of any such work. Lieensee shall reimburse Lieensor for all cost and expense to Lieensor in furnishing any materials or performing any labor in connection with such work, including, but not limited .to, installation of falsework and other protection beneath or along Lieensor's tracks, and furnishing such watchman, flagmen and inspectors as Lieensor deems necessary. 4. Comtruetioa m~d Maintenanee: Said structure shall be constru~ed, reconstructed and maintained in accordance with plans approved by Liee~sor. Approval by Liee~sor shah not constitute a warranty by Lieensor that such plans conform with federal, state and/or loeai codes and regulations applicable thereto. An work upon or in connection with said structure shall be done to Lieensor's satisfaction at such times and in such manner as not to interfere with Lieensor's operations. In the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of said structure, Lieensee shah keep Lieensor~s premises in a neat and safe condition, rafting which Lieensor may do so at Lieensee"s expense. If requix'e~ by Lieensor in its-use of Liee~sor's premises, Lieensee shall reconstruct, relocate or alter said structure. Except in emergencies, Licensee shall give Lieensor five (5) days' written notice of the day and hour it proposes to de any work on said structure. Lieensee shall be responsible to Lieansor for all work on or in connection with said structure, unless performed by an independent contractor who shall have Lieensor's wriUen permiss~'on before entering upon Lieensor's premises. DK64,DC26 - I - " s i Is F [ I ! i1 t' bicensee shall cooperate with hieensor in making any tests it requires of any inst~li'ttion or emK~ition which in its judgment may have adverse effect on any of the facilities Of Lieensor. All costs ,ncurred by the tests, or any corrections thereafter, shall be borne by l. ic'm~see. No change shah be made by Lieensee in the commodity being conveyed through said stru~'ture without Lieensor's prior written approval. Insofar as it lawfully may, 5. lndemnifieatimm:/Licensee agrees to release, defend and inde~nnifv Lieensor from and ~gHinst all liability, cost and expense for 1o.~ of or damage to property, and for injury to or death of persons (including, but not limited to, the property and employees of each of the parties hereto) when arising or resulting fro,n: use of said premises by Licensee, its agents, employees or invitees; or (b) the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, presence, use or removal of said structure; or (c~ breach of the contract by Licensee, whether or not caused or contributed to by .qny negligent act or omission, active, passive or otherwise, of any employee of Licensor. If required by Lieensor, Licensee shah provide evidence of insurance coverage in form and ainounts satisfactory to Licensor, insuring Licensee's liability hereunder. The term "Lieensor," as used in this section, shall include the lessors, successors, assigns and affiliated companies of Lieensor, and any railroad company lawfully operating upon Licensor's tracks. 6. Condemnatimm: In the event all or any portion of Licensor's premises shall be condemned or taken for public use, Licensee shah receive compensation only for 'the taking and damaging of said structure. Any compensation or damages for taking said premises or Licensee's interest therein, shah be assigned to Licensor. 7. Termination-. This agreement shah terminate: (a) upon abandonment of said structure or discontinuance of the use thereof; or (b) upon failure of Lieensee to correct any default hereunder promptly after receipt of notice from Licensor; or (e) upon thirty (30) days' written notice by Lieensor to Licensee; or (d) upon thirty (30) days' written notice by Licensee to Licensor. Upon termination of this agreement, Licensee shall remove said structure and restore the premises to Lieensor's satisfaction, failing in which Lieensor may arrange to do so at Licensee's expense. 8. Environmental Impairment: Lieensee Shall, at its expense, comply with all applicable laws, regulations, rules and orders, regardless of when they become or became effective, }ncluding without limitation those relating to health, safety, noise, environmental protection, waste disposal, and water and air quality, and furnish satisfactory evidence-of-such compliance -upon request of Licensor. Should any discharge, leakage, spillage, emission, or pollution of any '{ype occur upon or from the premises due to Licensee's use and occupancy thereof, Licensee, at its expense, shah be obligated to clean the premises to the satisfaction of Licensor and any governmental-body having jurisdiction thereover~ Licensee agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Licensor against all liability, cost and expense (including without limitation any fines, penalties, judgments, litigation costs and attorneys' fees) incurred by Licensor as a result of Li-censce's breach of this section, or as a resxilt of any DK64,DC26,P2 .... 2 - . such discharge, leakage, spillage, emission or pollution, regardless of whether such liability, cost or expense arises during or after the life of this agreement, unless such liability, cost or expense is proximately caused solely by the active negligence of Licensor. Licensee shall pay all amounts due Licensor under this section within ten (10) days after any such amounts become due. 9. Neff-assignability: This agreement is not assignable, in whole or in part, by Licensee without Licensor's prior written consent. 10. IRnseture Specifications: Said structure shall be installed in accordance with minimum standards of Form C. S. 1741 , also attached and made a part hereof; provided that such standards are not in conflict with, nor less than those required by law. 11. Notices to Lieenso~. All notices to Licensor hereunder shall be directed to Licensor's Engineering office at 7600 S. Central Expressway Da~llas, Texas 75216 telephone (214) 372-7459 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed in duplicate the day and year first herein written. LICENSOR By UCE SEE DK64,DC26,P2