WA8801-CS 800909 re~ P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 Office of the City Administrator JAMES R. ELIUM, ITF NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids addressed to the Honorable Mayor & City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas (Owner) will be received at the office of the City Administrator, City Hall, Coppell, Texas 75019 until 2:00 p.m., Sept. 18, 1980 and then publicly opened and read aloud'immediately thereafter, for furnishing all labor, material and equipment and performing all work for the construction of approximately 1720 linear feet of 6-inch water line in Bullock Street and Howell Drive, and other related appurtenances located in the City of Coppell, Texas. Proposal shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check upon a national or state bank in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total actual bid price payable without recourse to the City of Coppell, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract and execute performance bonds within ten (10) days after notice of award of contract to them. The sucessful bidder must furnish performance bond and payment bond upon the forms provided in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price from an approved surety company holding a permit from the State of Texas, to act as a surety or other surety or sureties acceptable to the Owner. The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder; however, the right is reserved, as the interests of the Owner may require, to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informality in bids received. The low bidder shall be prepared to submit such evidence as the Owner may require to establish his experience, possession of such equipment, qualification of personnel, and financial responsibility necessary to prosecute the work on this project in an expeditious, safe, and satisfactory manner. Plans, specifications, and bidding documents may be secured from the office of the City Administrator, 616 N. Coppell Road, City Hall, Coppell, Texas 75019. City of Coppell, TX /s/James R. Elium, III City Administrator ,& . PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS (OWNER) For the Construction of ~ Water Improvements Bullock & Howell Dr. In Coppell, Dallas County, Texas The undersigned, as bidder, declares that the only person or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those names here- in, that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm, or corporation; that he has carefully examined the form of con- tract, Notice to Contractors, specifications and the plans therein referred to, and has carefully examined the locations, conditions, and classes of materials of the proposed work; and agrees that he will pro~ vide all the necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, and other items incidental to construction, and will do all the work and furnish all the materials called for in the contract and specifications in the manner presecribed therein and according to the requirements of the City of Coppell as therein set forth. It is understood that the following quantities of work to be done at unit prices are approximate only, and are intended principally to serves as a guide in evaluating bids. It is further agreed that the quantities of work to be done at unit prices and material to be furnished may be increased or dimin- ished as may be considered necessary, in the opinion of the City of Coppell, to complete the work fully as planned and contemplated, and that all quantities of work whether increased or decreased are to be performed at the unit prices set forth below except as provided for in the specifications. It is further agreed that lump sum prices may be increased to cover additional work ordered by the City of Coppell, but not shown on the plans or required by the specifications. Similarly, they may be decreased to cover deletion of work so ordered. P & BS-1 It is understood and agreed that the work is to be completed in full within the time designated. Accompanying this proposal is a (certified or cashier's Check payable to the OWNER) (Bid Bond) in the amount of Dollars ($ ). The bid security accompanying this proposal shall be returned to the bidder, unless in case of the acceptance of the proposal the bidder shall fail to execute a contract and file performance and payment bonds within ten (10) days after its acceptance, in which case the bid security shall become the property of the OWNER, and shall be considered as payment for damages due to delay and other inconveniences suffered by the OWNER on account of such failure of the bidder. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. P & BS-2 ~l~ '! 1! T 1 .......| BID SCHF_DLILE A Item Estimated Description and Unit Unit Price No. Quantity Unit Price in Words in Figures Amount 1 1,720 L.F. For furnishing and installing 6-inch (Base Bid) ductile iron (51) pipe, complete in place, the sum of Dollars & per Linear Foot. $ $ 1A 1,720 L.F. For furnishing and installing 6-inch (Alternate Bid) PVC (Class 150) water pipe, complete in place, the sum of Dollars and cents per Linear Foot. $ $ 2 2 Ea. For furnishing and installing Standard fire hydrant, complete in place, the sum of Dollars and cents per each. $ $ 3 2 Ea. For furnishing and installing 8-inch x 6-inch tapping sleeve and 6-inch valve, complete in place, the sum of Dollars and cents per each. $ $ 4 2 Ea. For furnishing and installing 6-inch valve, complete in place, the sum of Dollars and cents per each. $ $ P & BS-3 lil · ! T i ; 1' I" I' T 5]D SCHEDULE Item Estimated Description and Unit Unit Price No. Quantity Unit Price in Words in Figures Amount 5 600 LB. For furnishing and installing cast iron fitting, complete in place, the sum of Dollars and cents per pound. $ $ 6 100 L.F. For furnishing and installing road bore for 6-inch water line, complete in place the sum of Dollars and cents per Linear Foot. $ $ 7 45 Ea. For furnishing and installing new copper water service including meter loop, complete in place, the sum of Dollars and cents per each. $ $ 8 800 S.Y. For constructing 2-inch asphalt concrete pave- ment, complete in place, the sum of Dollars and cents per square yard. $ $ Total Amount Bid Items I through 8 (Base Bid) $ Total Amount Bid Items 1A through 8 (Alternate Bid) $ P&BS-4 Since the work on this project is being performed for a governmental body and function, the OWNER will issue to the CONTRACTOR a certificate of exemption for payment of the State Sales Tax on materials incorporated in this construction project. Each bidder shall submit with his proposal a written statement showing the following information: Cost of Cost of Total Amount Materials Labor, Profits, etc. of Bid BASE BID $ $ $ In the event of the award of a contract to the undersigned, the undersigned will appear before the authorized representative of of OWNER and furnish a performance bond for the full amount of the contract, with sureties offered by and to secure proper compliance with the terms and provisions of the contract, to insure and guarantee the work until final completion and acceptance, and to guarantee payment of all lawful claims for labor performed and materials furnished in the fulfillment of the contract. The work proposed to be done shall be accepted when fully completed and finished in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, to the satisfaction of the City of Coppell. NOTE: Unit and lump sum prices must be shown in words and figures in the Proposal, and in the event of discrepancy, the words shall control. Receipt is hereby acknowledge of the following addenda to the contract documents. Addendum No. 1 dated Received Addendum No. 2 dated Received Addendum No. 3 dated Received Addendum No. 4 dated Received Addendum No. 5 dated Received P & BS-5 ni 'i ll~ ~ 1 ! I This is a Proposal of A Corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of ; or a Partnership, consisting of and ; or an Individual, doing business as BY (Title) (Street Address) (City and State) (Seal, if a Corporation) (Telephone Number) P&BS-6 n[ '! ~Hi ~ 1 ! i 1 PO1,YVINYL CHORIDE (PVC) WATER PIPE 30.1 GENERAL Unplasttcized polyvinyl choride (PVC) water pipe shall meet or exceed requirements of AWWA DeSignation C-900, PVC pipe with cast iron out- side dimensions. Laying lengths shall be'20 ft. ~ 1 in. (6.1 m. ~ 2.5 cm). 30.2 THICKNESS CLASS PVCwater pipe shall meet the dimension ratios (DR's) and physical dimensions as shown in Table I. The pressure classification refers to the maximum hydrostatic pressure to which the pipe will be subject in 'normal operations. JOINTS PVC water pipe shall be furnished with a rubber ring at each joint and an integral thickened bell as part of each joint. Pipe and fittings must be assembled with a non-toxic lubricant. 30.4 FITTINGS Fittings for PVC water pipe shall be of cast iron and shall conform to the American National Standard Specification for Gray-Iron and Ductile-Iron Fittings 2 in. (-~.1 cm) through 48 in. (121.9 cm) for water and other liquids, AWWA C 110 unless otherwise specified in the proposal, special specifications or on the plans. Fitting joints shall be mechanical or push-on joints. Bolts and nuts for mechanical joints will be of a |ligb-strength corrosion resistant low-alloy steel and shall conform to ASTM Designation · A-325 (Type'3). 30-5 APPROVALS PVC water pipe shall be approved by the Underwriter's Laboratory and shall be accepted by the State Fire Insurance Commission for use in water distribution systems in cities and towns of Texas. PVC water pipe shall also bear the seal of approval (or "NSF" mark) of the National Sanitation Foundation Te~ting Laboratory for potable water pipe. 30.6 CERTIFICATION When requested, the manufacturer shall furnish certification that the PVC Water pipe meets all requirements of this specification. 30.7 TESTS Each lenRth of PVC wa~er pipe shall be tested by four times tile class pressure of the pipe for'a minimum dwell of 5 seconds. 30.8 RF~JECTIONS PVC water pipe may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this specification. as '~ m ' ! 1 I I' POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) WATER PIPE TABLE I PVC MUNICIPAL WATER PIPE DIMENSIONS Nominal Class 200 (DR 14) Class 150 (DR 18) Size 0.D.* Min. Wall Thickness Min. Wall Thickness In. (cm) In. (cm) In. (cm) In. (cm) 4 (10.2) 4.800 (12.2) 0.343 (0.9) 0.267 (0.7) 6 (15.2) 6.900 (17.5) 0.493 (1.3) 0.383 (1.0) 8 (20.3) ~, 9.050 (23.0) 0.646 (1.6) 0.503 (1.3) t0 (25.4) 11.100 (28.2) 0.793 (2.0) 0.617 (1.6) 12 (30.5) 13.200 (33.5) 0.943 (2.4) 0.733 (1.9) * Cast iron pipe O.D. dimensions nl 'i ;m I ' I !