Copperstone-CS 960414 USES ANO FEATURES Erosion Control Streembank errj~;on c~JIHrol with tuff,tone u~itS has been the subject o~ many ~uccc~ful do~Ho~st~at;on~ ovo~ tho pa~ 20 yea~s both in Noah ~medca end abroad. For example, the tu~stone unlt~ installed ;r~ 1956 to protect the out~;d0 bank of u bend on Bu~alo 0reek tn Er~e County, New UnPgreen, with its patented ~nterlocking ~ction. o.ers specific and distinct advantages controlling eroglon of, ar, d giving soil stabilization to: Copes; embankments; river and 10w flow channels; flood plains an~ the share lines of iniend rivers, dykes, creeks, lakes, ponds Ove~low Parking The ~lra~s 9row.~ where the tr~Hic goes. Ur~i-~lra~n rfclnforce~ cJra~sy sub~e~ted tO wheeled traffic that would othe~ise become so compacted as to mhibi~ the permeability of the ¢~il ~truCture that is necessary for the grass to survive. '1 he nerd su~eced green space created by the Ur, J-green paving system ~b ovcdlow p~rk~ng facihty for park~, historical site~, institutions, univerdtv and school campuses, golf course~ and any location where public pa~k~ng perl0dlcally peaks extensively buyond everyddy needs, ~centc Parks It is often necessary to provide emel and maintenance routes thrOu~j~ greenspace, parkland and complexes, Because turfstOne paving enable5 the traffic to go where the ~lras~ grows, it suitable product for fire routes which, because of landscaping cona[derations0 must r~m~in gre~n~p~¢e. Composition and Manufacture Unl-green is made ;rom a no slump (;;~f'tGfale I~,,iA comp¢ised of O mm (1/4") have a oomprea3u~e strength of 3000 p~, ~ water absorption max;mum freeze lh~w resistance equei [o Section of ASTM C 67-73 o~ CSA A82, Inatailation Erosion Control applications require the slope tc be giaded uniformly !idealiy to a 2;1 or more gentle slope) before b~dding the Uni-green units m e thin layer cf sand. In order to prevent the m~red~ of fine ~ranular materiel i~ may well be necessa~ to place · ma,.made filter on the graded dupe befur~ appW;t~g tile beddi,~y ~'uursu of send. If such is the case, the filter fabric should perm;t revegetat;cm. In order [o suppo~ grass of plant graph, the interstices must be lifted to within 15 mm/%" below their su~,ce with suitable tapsoi~ Or mlzture of Soil etd fe~ilizer. Then the openmgs utc seeded, sprigged or plugged When in.tailed as e pavement, un~uitabie, unst~bte or unconsolidated 5ubgr~do material shall be excavated according to the direction of the Site [ngiu~/ A~chitect/Lendscepe A, chitect and c~mpaeted. Backhll w~th ~ mm/2" to 3C~ mm/12" or as othe~ise directed by the above noted Site AuthOrities with compacted, dense, graded aggregate. The Uni-green units are placed on a thin, compacted layer of not more th~n 15 mm/%. of sand. Revegetsdon procedures ,e the same as those described for u~iun Curltrul applluutiu~. LuilyLh ~ mm {~") Width ~ mm II1"~ Height 110 rnm (4.~") S~°nefm2 6.4 (1 stone 1.~ sq. ~.) Ma~ 20 kilograms (~ tbs.) Maas/sq. motors 128 kiln0mmR ~Ma~/sq. ft 26169.) The lull in lerlOCklng Cil~r~Ctl~rll~ll~;$ Of t. Jtli-gr#~l! are shown above, although L,~n~ar ~nd Parque~ laying ~lve~r,s a,e aisc possible GOU~ ~ VA TEL coupe T /VOTE: Ir~o ~11 'Un i -~reen 'Modular P~vem~nf Dy. ~M£t~AtCY ,~ CCE~ ~ETA~ IL COPP~ f? $ TO/Vd COI='/~L~ · TX DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16~.50 DALLAS PARKWAY SUITE I00 (214) 9:~1-0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75;'48 Scale /~0 ' Job No. Oate ~-/d'~O J