2016_0929 i i �3��1�F.���pP�,LL�f�.�TL���TZZT�'?��� �CU�'I'�C�IiI��'��������C�+�i1�P��CT���l� . ]E��e�6�r3�P�kaa] ��^`', �m�r�n�r�9aa � 'T11���'��D r'��D57���� I y��.•���6,�' ��� ��� ,upon�Zs��CTIOIl flT i'_nz p�ivat� �V32E?d15t"il'J71r10Ii i�C111i7.�5 IOCdtZa 2T 6�� �,bv�.�. �9�/�t��(1� �_ , which is c�zmec��d to the Cirij of�o��ell ti+iater Sy;te_n, do her�by cerci�y t�hat,io the best oi my lc��o��ledge: " Ia 1Ton- N/A Compliancz Coi�pliance (1) ido dsecY co�eczio� '�etrveea the public drinjcing wa�er supply and a pocen�ial �< ❑ ❑ source ci conta��zatien exis�s. d�oieurial sources oi contami.naticn are isolated fron ihe public water syste�by an zir gap or an appropriate bac'nzlow�revention assenbly in accordance wiu`�Corrli-iissioa regularions. (2) i�10 cross-co�necnon bervee�`�e pubi_ic 1��-in,'cing vrater supply�d a p�vace water . � ❑ ❑ sysie�exists. bVhe;z zn actuaI air gap is not maintained beYwe�n the�ubtic v�ater supply and Nnvate water supnly, an approved reduced przssur�-zo�e bac��ou� pre�✓e�iio� asse5nbly is properly i�zstallecl aad z sei�iic� agrez�enY e;asts for . a�ua1_�spection zi:d testing by a ce:�izied back7low preve�tion devic�tester. . �(3) No cor.nec�ion e;cis�s wich would alloui the retu.-n oi water used Tor co�c�e�sing � ❑ ❑ coo?ing or iaelus�al p_ocesses bacic to the public�iater sup�ly. (�) �10 pipe or p;pe fi�iing�N1i�'ch contai.ns nore ihan o.4% lead z�„_is�s in private�;va7er � p ❑ dis�bntien faciliries installed on or ai er 3uly 1, 1988. (5) T10 solder or flux which con�ains �ore than 0.2% lead exists � p�ivare wz�ez � ❑ ❑ � disfibutio�iacili�ies ius�lled on or a.ter 3u1y ?, 19oS. V�Iater service s�al1_�ot'oe provided or�es�or�d Yo 1�-e private w�ier dis¢ibu�ion faciLrizs t�ntil"�z a'oovz co�dit�ons are de�e�i�ed io be in conpLance. � I c�=ify uiat t�e iollowin�naterials will bz nsed in�'�e installa�ion of the priva�:e water dis�bution fac��ti.es located z2 6 �3 �6 L� `�nf, t1��s ��. and that t3ie inspector v✓ill val;�te compliance dtuiag ihe i�saecrion process: �t�. r Service l�,�es Lead ❑ Copper ❑ �V� ❑ Other � So1�er ' Lead O Lezd ssze 0 ' Sol��eni We1d ❑ Othzr � ' I recoo ize tha�this docu�ent shall becone a az�anent record cf ti:e afor�inentioned�ublic tiVater System and that i an legally :esAo� 'ble fo:the validity of tt,e i�ro?mation I have provided. . ���,..��,,�'� � � � d �i � Signature of Licensed!1� mber ' Registration Numbei ' ,��.������J � �Oa�l/��� . Tyue oi Reg?station Date 3 recognize ihat t�'us documeni snall become a pernanent record oi the aforementioned Fublic�A/2ter System and ihat I am legally responsitile ior the validity oi the inior,naiion provided. , , . Sigaature of Ins�ector . Registration Nunber , ly�z ofRegis7atio� Datz �Y.hite-Cusiomefs Coov 1'cllow-Cirv's Coov ' PiaS:•fasneaofs Coov