2016_0816 • � £ CI�'X OT C�pP�T..�WA1'L$T17.'I�I'FIES E Ci7S'z'OMER SERV�C��NSPEC�'�014 Residential �1" . Commcrcial ❑ I'3�TT2CC ID�057p040 � c � u r ,G l � Z - � /�'i/ upott it�specfion of ths priti�ate watar distri6ufiop faailitiss located at ; � �' � �� 9 /i'7CQ�e wbich i�connecied tn tlie City of Cappell Water System,do hereby ceztify � : ttxat,to the best of my knowtedge: � . • � � ' Tn Nan- NIA � �om liance Corrt�pjiance ;; (1) No direct connection betrv.een tt�$publie drinking water supply and a pot�ntiaI � ' p q � source of contaminatiou exists, Patentis�souroes of evntumination are iso]aced ' ' � fraxn th� uhlic Water sfem b an aur � I� s7' y gap or an appropriate backfIow preverrcion r assembfy in eccnrdanee with Co�m,n�ission regulations, . • , .. � {2} No cruss-connection bekween the pubIic drinking water supply aud a pr9vate Yvatez� �' p p systein esists;1�here an ac4.t�1 au gap is nof maintaiued betweea the�u�Iic water � ; snpply and private water snpgly, an approved raduced pressare-zoue backflow � � , pre'ventian assGmbly u properly instalied and a s�rvice agreemenf nxis#s for � � annual ittspecfio�and tasting by a oertified back#]ax�prevetttion device tester: � �=. (3) PTo connecri�n exisfs whzch would aIlow the rcturn of�vater used£nr condensing �/ p � s c�o�ing ar indusiria}processes back ta tha publi�water supply, � {4) 'Na pipe orpipe fitting which cor�tains mare rhan&,0%tead exisfs i�pr#vate watez �• q p � distri6ndan facilities instaIled an or aftez•7uIy I,IJ88. , �' • • .. � (S) No solder or flux v�3aich coptains more than,0,2% lead exis�s in�srivate waier � �[,7 � p � distn'bufion facilides instaTted aa or after July 1,I988, � i \� � �� �Z Y' Water service shall natbe pravidad or restozed to the pdvate twater disttihufinn facilzdes until the above eonditiotts ara deteFu�ined io be 7n colnpliariCE. ' k I ccr.tify that tbe fo]lo��ing materiaIs�rill be used in the installation of the griva[e v1a#ez dism'buti.on facilities I�cated at 7�� ���,,,Q47� ^and that the inspector tviIl valiciflte�omp}lapce d�ring the inspecrion process; � . . �x Service[ines Lead ❑ Copper ❑ p'�� ' [� Q�r,� � SoZder �.ead q 7.ead Free � Sol.vet�k Weld q Othex Q ` a � I recognize thatthis docvme.nt sh�Llbacome a pezmanebtrecozd of tha aforementioned Public Water Sysicm and thatl am IegalIy respons�a��for th,e validity ofthe informar3on I ha �ded. � ! � � • 4; Sigttature of Lice� mbcr Itegis�raiA��.Numb�F �_ �s�,�s � _ f: Type ofR.cgi5trariou Date � � f I recognize that�this doctunent shalI become a pecmancnt recozd of.the aforementioned.pa.bli�Watex Syst�m�nd tbat I am[egally `` r�sponyu�'SIe for the vAlidity of nc�informakion avzded. ,, /./ 7� // (� (O { Signa[ure qX;tt�pe or Re�istratiou Nuznber `� ��✓Sf',�' .� � _/�- �� � �:: � ; Ty�te of`_Kegishxtion Date . G- i; Whi¢-Customctr�upY YcElow-Cit�'s Capy Piok-tnspeburs G,pY �