WA9301-SP 980318 (2) City of Dallas Date: March 18, 1998 Submittal No. 13315-01A To: Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 DISPOSITION Lancaster, Texas 75146-0010 ~ Attention: Ms. Lucy Garcia i ~ ~ Subject: Coppell 2 Metering Station ~ ~ r~ ~ ~ Contract No. 94-81 ~ ~ Gentlemen: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ We are returning the following submittal data: ~ ~ ~ ~ IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION Job #2323 (133 15) Flow Meter Instrumentation Resubmittal 9 3 X Di~ribu~on: Design Engineer - 1 Project Manager - 5 %n (File - 1), (Field - 2), (Coppell - 1), (Pumping - 1) Services Water Utilities Department Design Services · 320 E. Jefferson, Rm 213 · Dallas, Texas 75203 · 214 / 9484576 · FAX 214 / 9484599 A city utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safety. CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT No. 94-81 COPPELL 2 METERING STATION PRODUCT DATA SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATION SECTIONS 13315-01A FLOW METERING INSTRUMENTATION REVtEV BAR CONSTRUC' ORS, INC, DATE_ ?../,2~ BY~ o~ TRANS, # /~_.,.,~ BAR Constructors, Inc. re ~sen/s that we · have delermined and verffi ~f all field dimensions an0 rneasurem nts. reid BAR CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ~'lstruclion crgeria, mated Is, catalog GENERAL CONTRACTOR numbers, Ind simiior data, nd that we have checked with ~e requ ements of t.h9 ACME ELECTPjC COMPANY, INC. Work and the Contract Do~ Tmnts. FORT WORTH, TEXAS JOB #2323 ACME JOB NO. 2323 OctsOft2,1997 CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT No. 94-81 COPPELL 2 METERING STATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Transmitters A. Flow Transmitter - Spec Section 133 15-2.01 B. Pressure Transmitter - Spec Section 13315-2.05 2. Floor Stands - Spec Section 13315-2.01.D.7 and 13315-2.05.D.8 3. Acromag A. Level Set Point Control Sw. - Spec Section 133 15-2.06 B. Current to Current Isolators - Spec Section 133 15-2.08.A 4. DA Manifold Valves P A. 3-Way Mani~od Valve - Spec Section 133 15-2.01.D.6 B Mani~od Valve - Spec Section 13315-2.05.D.7 5. Panel Indicators ............ NO EXCEPTION TAKEN ,~ A. Totalizer - Spec Section 13315-2.02 MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED [] B. Flow Indicator - Spec Section 13315-2.03 REVISE AND RESUBMIT [] C. Level Indicator - Spec Section 133 15-2.04 REd ECTED [] 6. LIPS - Spec Section 13315-2.07 FOR RECORD ONLY [] REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER DOES NOT 7. Power Supplies RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONFORMANCE A. Power One - Spec Section 13315-2.02 WITH CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. B. Moore Inductdes- Spec Section 13315-2.09 PROJECT ~ ?''/V~ ~ 8. Control Relays and Base, 13315-2.06 CONTRACT # ~:::}~t "' ~ I By ~ (,t);~.. Date~ DALLAS WATER UTILITIES DEPT. f'X2323\,~bmiltsub3to~.do¢ I 'I 11 T I l'" I I /? :::= : o !/A Series® INTELUGENT .. ' !.:+:.:'iC D/Pj-CELL:TRANSMril'ERS- . .i:, i!: ,! c Application Versatiii,h/ · 316SS Process Cavers :n.~ C=-N~Cr Sensors ~, STartDOra. ·Static. Pressure rating is 25 M?:, 3625psi, 253 bar. = Rugged Dependability · Fie:5-aro',,en silir. gn strain ~,~uge technology. · C.orrgsive-resis~s.nt e?~x,:,, finish. - Superior Performance ·.Ambient temaer:ture eFe:ts to =0.2% URL per 55=C (iSO'~F). i Choice of .Electronics MoHules versions. Tr:.-.smitters measure the di.~eren:e be,'ween · ::3n3m[:_?./z-2'D r.;-'. ',,'ers!:.'.. ,~'o pressures and transmit a ar.~:.~:ianal ar I LCD lndicai'or/Pushbufi'3n Configurator s:'_'gre raat (flaw) e;e::ri:gJ siL]nr~i, in eit~-,er ' r,,A vers~sn. %' Llnegr/_,'~uare" · , ' · __." ' Ks:., 'Z,'zrr,.pin~, Far :smo]eTe saecificatla~s, refer ta ?r:auct E Z. E7L S:,.:: ' -:.Z LZZ: ~--2 ' :_ 'L "2': -:.:. ' .:'.L-5."~;z -2."'?&-2ZC r:,-2 7LZ:Zk:" :":LE-:2 ,--2 : 75321Z',:-a=' : -2':.&-Z'Zk'tz .E-'Z,&-E..:Z:r-:2 ":7!,:: '.':: ':Z.::".."; :';..2':..:':'.~ :-: -: :' :.,-Z : :.'r'z -':Z3-.,lZ'2"': E .: 7& ::: .','.s: l :': L ': :':': :: . 7L:;::.-':',,- :-: :-::' L-:': ,',":= "':,& 2::":"; Overrange Limit (DP) cmd Maximum hzzardous locations. Refer tg Faxboro far Static Pressure: 25 M?,?.-, 3625 psi, 250 bar carnalere specifications. ar k~/cm= (either side may be higher pressure Output Signal and Con~gur~tbn during overrange). Refer ta "How ta order" for m=ximum limits when oatisnsl 316L ss or B7M c · :, =:=L ~o×co',' · '.--' baits are specified ::~= = :=='=- =':' · Zero Suppression: Ta t'ne uDDer range limit "'-~: =' ==:' ::':' , , ~ · minus the span. · H=,.:/.d, to 20 r~, · H:n t¢~':e~ 275 Zero Elevation: To the lower range limit· ': ;,,~.-=r o: s==e =:' Electrical Classification: Various agency certifications for Division J and Division 2 b,:=, =~ :==,e ':= Accuracy (includes Linearity, Hysteresis, and =) For spans less than 5% of UP, L (Span CoJe B) or less Rep~=tabillty) (a) than 6.7% of URL (Span Codes C, D, E), refer to PSS 2A-1C14 A. Ambient Temperature Effech Total Effect for :-: ._ } :.=.: ..-:~. : =: :7 a 55=C (100°F) change with-in normal . - --- ,, ::.: ::.:._. ;:.:. =: :: oper:ting condition limits :, . :: . ':-:: ': "--: =: :: Ir'?10-D, -T: =0.2% s~ UTM :':: ': :: ::: :: ':' ia. Pi G-l: ={0.2% of UEL ,.0.:% sF span) : - - _. 1331 "'2. 1 Material Combination &Value Package: Enclosure CI¢~ssiRcofion: Meets IEC 1?65 and Refer fo "Haw To arbor' For material versions NEMA Type ,4X. available. For exceptional value and corrosion ~.ensor Fill Fluid: Dew Coming dimethytsiloxane resist3n:e, the standard material combination with (DC 200) or fluorinated hydrocarbon (3-M Fluorinert the lowest price is 316L ss Process Covers with Co- FC/'7), as specified. Ni- Cr Sensor. This is called. the Value Package. For Additional Optional Features: ReFer to Product Specification Sheet PSS 2A-1 C14 A 1 ) SPECIFY MODEL NUMBER: IDP 10 ' FJectronic Versions and Output Signals: Di=itsl FO×COM or 4 to 20 mAd=, Sofi~'sre Select=b~e ............................!.D:': ' :" :' f ~ :"' Di~izsl HART/4 re 2'3 mA d= ..................................................................T--L-. : - .4 F'a 20 mA ...................................................................................... T - .¢,tructure Code -- Process Covers, Sensors, Fill Fluids, end package .De...'.sig~..atio,n: ,' ~ "' cover Material Sensor - Mater~al Fill Fluids ,-..-:- .:..- -": S~ee! C=- ~?- Cr ~,l-...s~e ....................................10~ . ~ :- S~eel Co- Ni- Cr Huorinen .................................~ 11'-: Steel 316L ss Sijir'one .... ' 12 Steel 316L ss Rusrinert .................................i 13 ~.. Fi .... astelby C Silicone ................................... St~l Hostellay C Fluarinert ................................. ss o:,- Cr Si icone ......(Value Pack,:, e) ....... 316 ss Ca>- Ni- Cr Flusrine,"t .................................: 21.. ~-':i7 ;~;:: ['i'. ' ' 316 ss 316L ss Si]i:ane ...................................L22 .. . :.:.,.. 316 ss 316L ss Fluorine.'-t ................................. ~.':-%~- .-.~-... 316 ss Hastelby C Si]i:one ...................................'. 26.;: .:.-~..,. '. 316 ss Hcsteiloy C Fluorinert..27 ~.' :"-' ............................... ;----;i::2-~.':;'.;~::~.'-.:~ Hasteby C Hostellay C Sili."ane ...................................~.46.~'.~2_;.2[':.'.:~::r~'.~- Hastelby C Hostellay C uonn rt 47 Span Limits -- Differential Pressure Unit kPa inH~O rnbar 0.87 and 50' 3.5 and 200 8.7 and 500 ........................................ 7 and 210 28 and 840 70 and 2100 ........................................~( ~- 0.07 and 2.1 10 and 0 0.7 an 21 ....... · ....[ D 0.7 and 21 100 and 3000 7 and 210 ........................................:..E,_; k~'~E!!' .h:-., ;.':-- ... '~.'7.-.'. None, Covers Tapped for 1/4 NPT ....................................................................... /~ NPT ...................................................................................................................... / NPT...' ...................................................................................................................'("3~' c 1/2 ......................................................................................................................· :: ,::-.!. ,..._;., 1/2 Schedule 80 Weiding Neck ...................................................................................;";6--: ~2-'-C ~?.;-5-'; Conduit Connection and Housing Material ~ 1/2 NPT Conduit Connection Both Sides; Aluminum Housing ..................................................... PG 13.5 Conduit Connection; Both Sides; Aluminum Housing ...........................................................:2 (AvailabIe only with Electrical Safety Codes E and N) Electrical ~ (See PSS for Description/Status of Approvals) CENF_LEC Certirie~ infrinsicaily Safe ..................................................................................................... Cr-NELr-C Certified F~smeproo ........................................................................................................... r-uropesn Nsnsssrkinc .....................................................................................................................f'C" _sA c .-,ifi ....; ........'. .......................................................................................................... / ~/2/,,C'- 2, ~) I 1) SPECIFY MODEL NUMBER (cont.): - Mounting Bracket Set, PainteJ Steel Bracket with --"-:' For IDP10-D, -T only.(Standgrd equipment on IDP10-1) ...............L1-: : . DIN 19213 Construction used with Process ConnectOr Code ..i~Oi' only: si:~:~ Ohly"One: Double EndeJ Process Cover with M10 Bolting {Blind Kidney Range on Back)(a)(b) .....................................D2 Single Ended Process Cover with 7/16-inch BoJting (a) ........... D3 ~ , :~.: .: .. Double EncZe~ Process Cover with 7/16-inch Bolting : - (Sjind Kidney Flange on Ba:k)(g){b) ....................................D4 .... Cleaning and Preparation -- Specify Only One: Unit D~re=se-'J (nat for OxTgen/Chiorine Service) ........................X1 . - ! . -. ~ - -: (Availohio only with Struc~re CoJes having SiJicone) Cleaned an~ Preoarec:J for Oxyaen Service ..................................X2 : ' (Available only v~ith Structure C~des having Fluorinert and not ~ ". ! .:.. .~.: ..: -..:. availoSie with cgrbon steel process covers) Cleaned and Prepared For Chlsrine Service .................................X3.; -:: (Availohio only with Structure Codes having FJuorinert and not '~' : available with carbon steel process covers) (includes 17-4 ss bolts; do not spe:i~ Option B2) : ' Bol~ng for Process Covers/Connectors -- Specify Only One: 316 ss Bolts and Nuts . - [Maximum Static Pressure 150 bgr or kg/cm2, 2175psi) ......................... B1 Conduit Thread Adamfrets -- Specify Only One: :' Hawk-Type 1/2 NPT Ca e Gland For use with Conduit Connection Cade 1 ....... A1 : :" Plastic PG 13.5 Connector far use with Conduit Connection Code 2 ................. A2 '-: (Available only with Electrical Safety Codes E and N) .... ',~ - :: M20 Connector for use with Conduit Code Connection "1 ". ........................... A3 i : '..-~--.. Electronics Housing Features -- Specify Only One: External Zero Adjustment ................................................................................Z1 Custody Transfer Lock and Seal ........................................................................Z2 : External Zero Adjustment and Custody Transfer Lock/Seal ......................................Z3 :, ..'~.:..:! .: Custom Configuration -- Specify Only One: ""' Di ital Output (4 to 20 mA Default iF not selected) (IDP10-D only) ....................................C1 Fu~ Factory Configuration ......................................................................................, '.:,.-;-- Ermeto Connectors -- Specify Only One: -"-" Steel, Connecting 6 mm Tubing to 1/4 NPT Process Connector .............................................. Steel, Connecting 12 mm Tubing to 1/2 NPT Process Connector ............................................ E2i 316 ss, Connecting 6 mm Tubing to 1/4 NPT Process Connector ........................................... E3 316 ss, Connecting 12 mm Tubing to 1/2 NPT Process Connector .......................................... E4_ Miscellaneous Optional Selections: Vent Screw in Side of Each Process Cover .................................................................................V Five Year Warranty .............................................................................................................W. Supplemental Customer Tag ...................................................................................................:..T.:.: a) Available with 316ss process cover only, No sidevents on cover, and maximum working pressure 1,500psi per DIN standard. b) Mounting Product Set Option is not available. J:331 -2.0 I/A Series® r" INTELLIGENT GAUGE PRESSURE TRANSMITrERS · Choice of Mounting Styies -':""" · IGPi 0 for compg:~ light weight and direc~-~:- ,.-...-._.: .......,., f pro:ess mounting (Srgcke~ a~tionaJJy :i""' ~. avsHabJe] · tG?20, Bra:ket mounted, ~ar lower ranges, · '--"'~:. ~ more material cptians, an~ vacuum seNice. E RuggoB Depend_ble · Fie~J-proven silicon strain ~:su.ge technology. · C:orrosion-resistanf esox',' Ttmsn. ~. · Superior Pe,,'formance i:~:. · Accuracy TO =0.07% O~ span. : ~.. -: · · Ambient temoerature e~e:ts to =0.02% URL ~ ~ ~ 3or 55:C {i gO:F) change. - Choice of Eie:tronic Modules IGP20 IG?I 0 · intelligent FOXCOM &HART DigitaV4-20 m~. version. " ' '-'-20 version. This in~elli~e::. tw:-v.,!-e Trgnsmi.'Te' ,rn. ecsures* '-Conomits; mA gauge Oressure ant T,:nsmi:s c :-23 m-'-, c, ""- LCD indicator/Pushbutton Configurctor Cigi::! OUTDU~ - · Optional on Di~ifgb/-¢-23 -^' S~on,dard on Z-20 -" version. :,,,-. :st carnalere sse:iFi:ztions refer :o ,=ra,,?,u:: · Set :era, soar.. ,'~issi,.av units. etc. ~ Soe:ificstian Sheers ?SS 2'-iCi3 A :n~ ' ' ~'SS 2.:.-IC!3 B Functional Specifications Span, Range and Overrange Limits: [ so: a :- ! ': :.2:: [ :-: s:- :~. :' .:a ::: i :a :' : 4so :~s E ; ,ZYS ;_, 2! i 'tC 32222 j :2 ;-,2:_ : C& Z' C& ZC:Z I Z& Z'C 5' 4520 3.!5 9.87 & :': ~ :,: "5 ,:, ' ~s = ' ;, 52: -53 & -5C -7 -Z, -' -2 5 & -2 5 ZE 3025 [ 25C Ze~ Supp~sslon: To usDer range limit minus ~nsor Temperature Limits: the span. DC200:-46 & +12i~C (-50 & ~{:F' Ze~ Eievcfion: FC77:,90 & !3P10: Not avciTs~ie Ambient Tempe~ture Limits: iOP20: To lower range ~imh DC200:40 & +ES:C ~-~:3 & -] B5~F) Intelligent Direct Connected Gauge Pressure Transmitter:. IGP 10 - Electronics Versions and Output Signal: Digita~ FOXCaM, or 4 to 20 mAdc, So,S, are Se!e~.tabb. ...................['~'~ Digital HART/10 to 20 mAdc .......................,4 ...............................~i' ~-~-:~: Process Connectbn Marl .Sensor Fill Fluid ' 316L ss Co-Ni-Cr Sillcone .......Value Package ......· s~6uss co-r~i-cr F~uarine..-t ..............................~.Z~:~l~-:iL 316L ss 316L ss Sd~con J2'~:': "!~!' " e Span Urnits -- Absolute or Gauge Pressure Units, as Applicable: Cr-NELEC Certified intrinsically safe ........................................... CSA' Cer'tifie~ inh'insic.~jy ssfe, ns~incendive an,., exDbsi~nsrss~ ......................................... F~ A~oro,,ed intrinsically safe, nsnincendive and ex~Iosion>oof ......................................... SAA ~'ertified intrinsically s~fe, na:',incer, dive and ex~Iosion>oof ......................................... O~tional SelecHons: Mounting Bracket Set -- Specify only one: Painted Steel Bracket with Plated Steel Bolts ............................................................................ 304 ss Bracket with 316 ss Bolts .......................................................................................... Indicator with Pushbuttons -- Specify only one: Digital Indicator, internal Pushbuttons, and Window Cover (for Elect Version D & T only). (standard equipment on IGP10-1) .................................................... Conduit Thread Adapters -- Specify only one: ...................................... HawksType Cable Gland (for use with 1/2 NPT Conduit Connection Code 1) ............................... Plastic PG13.5 Connector (for use with PG13.5 Conduit Connection Code 2) {available only with Electrical Safety Codes E & N) .................................................................. M20 Connector (For use with 1/2 NPT Conduit Connection Code 1} ............................................ Vent Screw and Block & Bleed Valve -- Specify only one: Vent screw in process connection ......................................................................................... Block and Bleed Valve -carbon steel ...................................................................................... Block and Bleed Valve -316 ss ............................................................................................ Block and Bleed Valve -316 ¢s body w/Monel trim (NACE a~oroved) .......................................... - - - ...... : ............................................................ c bdy S ............................................................................ External Zero Adjustment and Custody Transfer Lock & Seal ..................................... Full Factory Configuration (Requires configuration Form} ............................................................ M' · ' . : ~ '~-' te ~ J ~ ' 'r ........1 ........ ' T 11 'I 11 T I I'" 1" '[ l[ 'T FLOORSTANDS b'~ floor mounts have a ~A" thick steel 10" X ~", ,,'-'-'ase plate and are slotted to accept up L .' mounting bolts on 8" to 6" centers. Two 8" gussets are welded to the base plate and extension, significantly increasing the bending moment of SADDLEPAK floorstands. WALL MOUNTS Wall mounts have a W' thick steel base plate to clamp, bolt or weld to a vertical surface. The KM and K24M Hand Rail Clamp can be used with a wall mount to eliminate drilling or welding in the field. U-BOLTMOUNT$ The U-bolt mounts secure the instrument support to process lines from 1" through 36" in diameter. Restrictions against welding onto process lines make U-bolt mounts an alternative solution. The prefix to the model number designates the required process line size in inches. CABLE MOUNTS Similar in application to the U-bolt mounts. cable mounts use a pair of high-tensile :--.--, ,/'"" lgth cables to secure the instrument ~,~port to process lines from 3" through 36" in diameter. Each strand of the cable is individually galvanized to provide maximum corrosion protection. The cables are secured to the base plate with grooved seat wire rope clips. The 5/8" NC fitting swaged to the end of the cable is used to tighten the cable around the process line. AISI 6150 calibrated compression washers insure that Models FP40, FP52, 3FP52, FS52 and 32FP52 the cable stays tight during ambient and Standard heights are 40" and 52" as designated in the model number. Nonstandard sizes process line temperature Shifts. can be ordered by designating a different length in the model number. Two cable lengths are available: FP40 and FP52 50" for 3" to 14" line sizes is standard Standard 2" pipe mounts. The 40" high standard is ideal for mounting VIPAK instrument 120" for 3" to 36" line sizes enclosures. The 40' floorstand is normally used as the base for dual or triple mount Type 300 Series stainless steel cables are stands. The 52" floorstand is recommended for typical instrument mounting or when a also available for additional corrosion partial enclosure such as a HEATPAK, HEATPAK II or FLEXIBLE HEATPAK is used. protection. 3FP52 A 3" pipe stand. It provides added support for very large and heavy equipment. FS52 Has a 2" square extension. Use with "A" series Secondary Support Modules to mount a group of instruments on one pedestal with complete vertical adjustability. 32FP52 Combines the added strength of the 3" pipe stand and the versatility of a 2" pipe mount. Models WTM, xUTM. and CTM Models WP16M. xUP16M and CP16M The threade: coupiing accepts a 2" ij:T P;be e;::e,':s;::. T','.'o set2" pipe extensions are 16" long. screws lock the extens',on in oiace. WP1 aM mounts to a wall or. with Modei -',:vi. to an i-beam. For the WTM mcun:s to a ,,','ajlo:. ,.'.,ith Moo=.: KM. :o an l-seam. aires: mounting of pipe supposed ins~:u.,-e:.:s. xUTM utilizes U-bolts for aires: mounting on ',.,e~isa, or nor',zontatxUP18M utiiizes U-bolts to mount to ,/e:i:ai or horizonta! process process lines. lines. CTIVI is simitar.to xUTM P:j: uses hig~'-~,ensije s?'e:;:: stee~ sablesCP16M js simHar~c xUPi6M Put nas hiS,"-:ensiie strongab stee! for mount. inG on veF,~'sai s- j~orizontz,: process Zj:es. cables fo: moun[ing to ve,~icai or Rorlzon:a: 3rocess lines. Models WSiSM. xUS15M and CSISM Models xUEVISM and CEVI6M 2" s:care :e.: e:<:e:s;cms are :suail'. ::ms::e: .v :: _:e::::~rv ~J232: ,'.:s:,ez. s~:2s=e~ :ns:rumes:s on '.,e~:cai :rccess WS16M san :e :~,:u::e: -- a v.';['. 2'- .':~;~ ~ ;.::to r:;.:. :: a: :-xUEV15M .......'j-So~ts for seam. CEV16M ::j;:zes s:g~-:ensite s;renc:h s:ee :spies for mounting. xUS16M uriC;set b-s:.:s :2 msun: :::ec:~:.' :c .'e:~:s 2' :or:son;a: OrSteSS CS16M ~s s~m~:ar:c ,~:LS:5;..; su; z[~::es n~p-:ens:Le s::en;:n s~ee~ c;c',es ~or mSj~t[:,: s: '.'s~rssf cr ns::zcn:~ :'scene Model KM of ?.'.': ~ ~,' :" s~ee! cnannezs :nat are :es;;,':e.: :c moun:e: :o an ~-bea:': :r flange - ' '. '- Set .'.,een S" and t i". "' Mounting bolts and Models zUEH2OM and CEH2OM sating c;,ias are inc:u.:e:. 2" pi~e e!bov., is 16" long and is oriented f:F mounting pipe supported mstruments on horizontal process lines. xUEH20M utilizes U-9olts for mounting. Model WE16iVl Wall C~_H20M utilizes high-tensile strength s;ee. :pales for mounting. mountec right-angle elba,.': ex:ension. Can be =jse~ v,,ith rv'iode! ~,:[.,.4 ~a mount I ' I ] ; I I'" [ i I1 F 6"3,, %" Dia. "! ;,/f'~ C) 0 Holes ;', ' ~ 0 *-- 71/4''--~ -- 10" 6" 8"/~6" I ~ = = 12" ~ 0 o ~~ ~ + ,, ~ 12" · ++v4" ~ ~ ick _L~ o o = ~/4" GusSEt · eat ~ 4 V4" + + ~1 ~/~" 2 UMM 10M 2UF86M/3UF86M WFA M 24" ,----2" PiPE L ' ' ! '" 24" EP24x24M or ES24x24~ S24/PT18M BASEPLATESare 1/,,, steel plate. Base plates for all cable mounts and U-bolt mounts from 3" through 6" are W' steel plate formed into a channel to provide gripping edges on the process line. U-BOL T SIZES 1"-11/2'' lines 5A6" diameter 2"-2~/~'' lines 3/8" diameter 3"-8" lines W' diameter 10" lines ~/4" diameter 12"-16" lines W' diameter 18"-36" lines 1" diameter NSIONS Pipe is nominal size schedule 40 carbon steel. Square legs are 0.188" walt carbon steel. SET SCREWS :'/'s" reverse knurled cup point. Specifications subject to change wilhout notice. .ARC ScP, A'' "'e:?II .z 'i3 s a 2'ocess - .. 1;i F: j .'e" :; sDFFos',c: '-esislaRi zlP. c t-:.~ ,.vrnlcn moire7 mesa s s:r2 .,e~ cn~c 2 :zselcox'. 20a1,3~S. Oa n: ant manv other . ~ surface. The "esuIisnl :c2:'.ng n~s: T' me:a's co no: nave the serf-nee nc of;ne~eaesl: sext'-eme'. :lan:;na:'s a Z'Breraaam~esastancaraC.ODglnsnf9 the Bar:ices a~e = rmff ::':aeG tc ea2" mi]. z 1; te:alllzec caa~tna. TRIS thickness atner [v!etals UeDOSl:eC ~ :nls v.'a'. a-e v.'as sexestea sase~ on a '9 ,.,'ear stuD,. nDn~v rests;an: to cnDDin~. saatl~n3 a" ::' :he American Webing Soc~e:':" The cracking even .'.'hen mash:nee. stuB'. zro'.'e: ~Ra~ a 9 mi z1R3 Boat ng over BarDot steel provfoes corrosion protection BeaaLlse oi :zese outs;sPa'rig features a':f:rtne Base metal. Over the ~9 ,.,'ear aerlo: sara',. me:a ,:tea sos: has ~-3vl~e ace af 7e :es: :pc Dace me:a v.'aa no: aEaaKes arctectlon T"C: aOrraSla, r ar,~ RI~K D',' iRG:s:ri~ Or severe temperatures env:rsnmen:s. D'Brien -as s:a'-za-::ze: z- 12,~: a': sz'2Z 2~2z-e_ :z a~te'na:e SSZ:!:ZE S~SR aS meta,uzes asa:~n,; :eaause of its Dj'EDI'.:aai~: .'.':,:R IS RIGR ma;n~enanae costs or ~Ra nneren: "se':-'ea,ng' anara::e':s:: Cat'.an:: -; v.;:n Its c:sag'.'an:sges ant b"os: atmasz. ne't: cartcatch rest :s ;'aT assoa:a:e~ c-csls. C'Br:er s .s,~: ~ara'. eiea:rasnen- :a 'ea:;.a,*s ' .'. .... '..ie;~,,::e: Z n: Caallng s 'nc~s:tre r 7e a~r :o,.'e"~ -:eta st;aces s~ae~'~r _ D :=. ~ ~. sea a aa:s as a" e e::': '.:e -:' :s van:: 'eat::-'e:.a:e:e:: ~:aran~ee T3r E.: 13 'Re ess ]32 e anc:~c Te:a :sr':.cea :: :-e -e:s.,.:s: SaDDLEzAK useu ~c as'.'an:a?e :.. :'}r er.. }.. at: ...:.~i~ o~nBept, design. manulaBture and corrosion resistance, SADDLEPAK is a "r- :s:~n:::::::.'e-e.,'::se:s~ee s'_:;a:es technically superior product. /f any SADDLE?,:.K componenz fazis to meez me service tar which/t is in:ended during the first :0 ,,,ears of its life ~ from date of purchase ;. return it..orecs.,'d. to O 'Brjen. We r/l'/,,' send ~ r~=place.~e,~: component prepaid. 0 'Brien's Arc Spra,I.,' MezallCing is a ~ superior corras/on reszs:an: costing. The " process e/oct,riGa//,/c,~ia.rges [';/o z/n: wires ~- tRen sets b'; a S~20E CIrCU/[ aet[:,~en 27e e,zeczrl'c arc ms,,':s zhe ::,/,?s and ~ioltez7 z/no ant sc:~.'s z: c: zc Series 16EA Economy AC-Powered Alarms Features and Benefits · Excellent accuracy and stability ensure reliable measurements in harsh industrial environments · RFI and EMI resistance minimize the effects of noise · Deadband control helps eliminate relay chatter errors · Hi/lo failsafe option trips alarms above or below setpoint · LED gives visual indication of alarm status Performance Accuracy Repeatable within ___0.1% of input span Series ]6EA alarm rciav.~ dciiver cxccl/ent performance and Noise rejection ,~exibilit3* at a low cost. Common mode: 120dB at 60Hz, 100 ohm unbalance, typical Normal mode: 30dR at 60Hz. 100 ohm source, typical SERIES 16EA Isolation Function: The 16EA accepts DC current or voltage inputs and The input, output contacts, and power are isolated from each provides relay actuation at a proset sigr, a] level. other for common-mode voltages up to 250V AC or 354V DC These AC/DC-pawered a:,arm relays offer similar perfor- off ground on a continuous basis (withstands 1500V AC test for mance and many of the features found on the top-of-the-line one minute without breakdown). 160A models, but at a lower cost. Surge withstand capability f"""" For better pedormance, 16EA series alarm relays use heavy Meets ANSI/IEEE C37.90-1978 input filtering and provide a jurnper-se~ectable deadband controlAmbient temperature range to avoid false tripping and errors from relay chatter. Plus, input32 to 127F (0 to 50°C) isolation prevents ground loops. Ambient temperature effect Inputs Less than ±0.01% of input span per °F (___0.018%/aC) · 4 to 20mA process current Dimensions · DC current/vofta;e Refer to Technical Drawings chapter Outputs Additional specifications · Single 5 amp SPDT relay (hermetically-sealed optional) For the complete specifications listing, refer to the Appendix. · Dual 5 amp SPDT relays (hermetically-sealed optional) Power requirements · 115V AC or 230V AC Simplified connection diagram S;gnal ' ;" Output Source Device i SP~ 7 : , Alarm, Sensor, Annunciator, Transducer, ' Fan / heater, Transmitter Light / indicator For complete electrical connection diagrams, call factory. ,,-- Series 16EA Economy AC-Powered Alarms ORDERING INFORMATION (Select one option from each column. Example: 16EA-05-SH-1-C1) 16EA ........... $150 -V5 ............. $10 -SH ............ $N/C -1 ............. N/C Standard model 1 to 5V DC Single SPDT 5 amp relay 115V AC, +__10%, 50/60Hz -05 ............. S10 '-SH ............. $55 -2 .............. $15 1 to 5mA DC Single SPDT 3 amp 230V AC,-'-10%, 50160Hz -20 ............. S10 hermetically sealed relay 4 to 20mA DC -DN ............. $65 -50 ............. S10 Dual SPDT 5 amp relays 10 to 50mA DC -DH ............ $120 -VDC2 . .......... S25 Dual SPDT 3 amp hermeti- Customer-specified input cally sealed relays voltage from 0 to 100V DC NOTE 1: To order factory calibration (S20 extra charge), add "-C" to end of model number. Specify ranges on order. NOTE 2: Option requires factory calibration. See Note 1 above. ACCESSORIES (order separately) 1600-N4 ............................... Net S150 t"""" NEMA 4 enclosure, water-tight 11600.-N12 .............................. NetS115 NEMA 12 enclosure, oil-tight 1600-EXP .............................. NetS390 Explosion-proof enclosure, NEMA 7 and 9 IsolatoP specifications Series 1702 AC-Powered !solator .r'--, Series 1702 Isolator -1o mA to +to mA into 0 to 1000 ohms. -RTi: +10 mA to -10 mA into 0 to 1000 ohms. Function Mocje11702 DC Signal Iso:ator is capable of handling input spans from 50 mV -TC: Current output; any customer specified output from +/-1 mA DC to +/-10 to 1000V DC as specified. no,'Tnal or reverse acting, with 700V AC or 1000V mA DC, 10V maximum compliance for all units. Specify required range. DC common mode voltage rating. -RTC: Reverse acting current output. Same attributes as "-TC' option except Ad)ustments minimum input gives maximum output. A. Zero: 0% to 50% of input soon. Power Requirements B. Span: 50;; to 100% of ~nput span. -1: 115V AC, +/-10%, 50 to 60 Hz, 0.10A. Input -2: 230V AC. +/-10%, 50 to 60 Hz, 0.05A. -W: 1 to 5V DC, 5 me.:onms m;nimum input, resistance· Isolation -X: 1 to 5 mA DC, 1000 ohm inout resistance· StanOard thre.=-way isolation: input, output and power. The input circuit can · handle common mode voltages up to 700V AC, 50 to 60 Hz. or 1000V DC -Y: 4 to 20 mA PC. 250 ohm input resistance. above earth ground, while the output circuit can handle common mode voltages -Z: 10 to 50 mA DC 100 ohm inout resis;ance. up to 130V AC, 50 to 60 Hz, or 185V DC above earth ground. -F,',!: ---50 mV DC, 0.5 m~:sr',ms inch:mum inout rests;ante. Reference Test Conditions - ' input: 1 to 5V PC; Output: 4 to 20 map 77F (25C): nom=nsi Dower inpuL -LF: 0 to 10V DC, 5 megon.,-.s mlnzmum input resistance. Accuracy -LL: Any customer sp~if,..=-'j soan between 50 mV an~ 250 mV PC. Specify Accurate to within +/-0.15% of calibrated span. re:ulre(3 range. Zm (mzn) = 53'3 K ohms. Ambient Temperature Range -LM: Any customer s~ech'~e: span between 250 mV ant 10.0V PC. Specify 32 to 122F (0 to 50C). re:,Jired range. Z.,n = 0.5 megchin per vo'.t. Ambient Temperature Effect -LH: Any oustomer specffze: s;an between 10.0V and 1000V DC. Specih/ Less than +/-0.1% of output span per F (.,-..'-0.018% per C) over amDient tsm- reculred range. Z~: = 1.0K ohm per voW. perature range for reference test conditions. -C~C: DC current input: any customer s;e:ified input span from 0.1 mA to Output Limiting 10,3 mA DC. 1V DC m~x:mum mcu: vo',tage crop. M=n:mum aria maximum 150;; of full scale output. typical. inp~ curTent must be soez_'f~eo when ordered. OUtpUt Ripple Output Less than +7-0.1% of maximum output span -U: Universal process current output. field sele.~able. Power Supply Effect A. 4 lo 20 mA into 0 to 1400 ohms. jumper Jl: OUT. Less than +I-0.05% of output span for rated supply va.~a:lons. B. 10 to 50 mA into o to 45,3 ohms· jumoer Jl: IN. ReSponse Time -~U: Universal reverse a.-ang process current output. ~e!d selectable. M~ni- For a step input. the output reaches 98% of output span in less t,'~an 500 ms, mum input gives maximum o,.r'.put. typical. A. 20 to 4 mA into 0 to 1400 ohms, jumper Jl: OUT. Noise Rejection ~- 50 to 10 mA into 0 to 450 ohms. jumper Jr: IN. Common Mode: 120 dB at 60 Hz. 250 ohm unbalance. -W: 1 to 5V DC into 500 ohms or greater. Nodal Mode: 60 dB at 60 Hz, 250 ohm source. -RW: 5 to 1V DC into 500 ~nms or greater. Construction -X: 1 to 5 mA DC into 0 to 4500 ohms. Case: General purpose. NEMA 1 type metal enclosure, Class 1. -RX: 5 to 1 mA DC into 0 to 4500 ohms. Printed Cimuit Board: Military grade FR-4 epoxy glass cimuit ~ard, Connections: Barrier type terminal strip using No. 6 screws and clamp plates. -TE: -10V to +10V into 1000 ohms or greater. Wire range 12 to 26 AWG. -RTE: +10V to -10V into 1000 ohms or greater. Shipping Weight -TV: Voltage output; any customer specified output from +/-1V DC to +/-10V 4 pounds (1.82 kg) packaged. PC, 10 mA DC maximum load current for all inputs. Specify required range. -RTV: Reverse acting voltage output. Same attributes as '-TV" option except minimum input gives maximum output. X-70 Appendix 2.0 j Series 1702 High-Voltage AC-Powered isolators ORDERING INFORMATION (Select one option from each column. Example: 1702-W-RU-1-C1) 1702 ........... $295 -W ........ : .... N/C -U ............. N/C i-1 ............. N/C Standard model 1 to 5V DC 4 to 20mA or 10 to 50mA 115V AC, -X .............. $10 -RU2 ............ $10 +_10%, 50/60Hz, 10W max. 1 to 5mA DC Reverse acting 50 to 10mA -2 .............. $15 -Y .............. S10 or20 to 4mA 230V AC, . 4 to 20mA DC -W .............. $35 _+10%, 50ie0Hz, 10W max. -Z .............. $10 1 to 5V DC 10 to 50mA DC into 500 ohms or greater -FM ............. $50 -RW2 ............ $45 _+50mV DC Reverse acting voltage, 5 to 1V DC -LF ............. ~0 ~o l OV DC -X .............. S35 1 to 5mA -LL ............. -RX2 ............ Cuslomer-specified span between 50 and 250mV DC Reverse acting current, 5 to 1 mA -LM ............. -TE ............. Customer-specified span between 250mV and IO.OV -10 Io +IOV DC DC into 1000 ohms or greater -LH ............. S40 -RTE2 ........... S10 Customer-specified span Reverse ac,'ing volta.co. between 10.0 and 1000V +10 to -10V DC DC -T'V ............. S45 · -CDC2 ........... S20 Customer-s;ecified Customer-specified span vcita.ce. ±1 to :iOV between 0.1 and 100mA -RTV2 ........... S40 Reverse ac:ing customer- specified voltage -Ti .............. S4.0 -10 to +10mA DC -RTi2 ............ 835 Reverse acting. +10 to-lOmA -TC2 ............ 830 Customer-specified current, _+1 to ±10mA, 10V maximum compliance ~-RTC2 ........... $40 Reverse acting customer- specified current NOTE 1: To order Iactory calibration (S20 extra charge), add "-C" to end of model number. Specify ranges on order. NOTE 2: Option requires factory ca[ibration. See Note 1 above. ACCESSORIES (order separately) 1700-N4 ............................... NetS150 1700-EXP .............................. NetS390 NEMA 4 enclosure, water-tight Explosion-proof enclosure, NEMA 7 and 9 1700-N12 .............................. NetS115 NEMA 12 enclosure, oil-tight Isotators C-15 i ~ I ~I i I TI'" I ~ [ 'T 4 ~t .... .'::.-. LARGE, RODDABLE "': ' 1/4" process ports. ::-::"" PVC COATED ARROW 3/16" inst., test and bleed ports. HANDLE with spring-loaded ,,.. ~:" 4:. locking device to ELIMINATE accidental -'-:. · :~:: switching from normal position. This :~:2 comfortable handle allows switching .--:-" ' ., ,, !?i to block or calibrate positions with a ._. .. "-:, ":~"':'~ ' :t::~:: simple 90 degree turn. :"' '! ": .... - - :- Replaceable in-fine. :-.,-..~;2~%~:>2-:.,--j- ': ""':~:" · .. ,.,,.:,. ·. :-'.:-~' 'j OPTIONAL MOUNTING BRACK~ ' "" ":'" """' "':'::~"/:~:~'~'2~ :' · -' : -': ,:: .:!~t.~:::~ ':-. RACK MOUNTING. :.,:= ... _- . --. . ~ .' -. ',,.::-,';.:> ,-_.'-:: . ": - _ :,.:::~:,:5~:' :::-:.-'>:-. ::,L :...~: ..- --- , :- ":-' -. .. .,, ..... '.. % ': -~.' ': ~';,'-~F~' :~ f? ~-:'~: .' ~ ':~:~-, ', - ' "- -" ' '.,::~:i.-t:~,: ::-".~-./~...:-.,:., ':': "' ':-' ':""~ ':' :'""' ""' INTEGRAL BLEED VALVE ,..-. ,::-....-.:,..::...:.' .' ::~:::.~ ' ' .. - ..... . .~ .::. - .. ~ .... .-:. :,~ : :: :~ . . ::' ..:..:: :- .:. · :.:.;..:. % ~ ~ ~, .... ................ MA I ' 2 3/~" -~ WE~ED PLUG: 316S.S, ~ ~ + ~ ~ PLUG LINER: Teflon or Filled TFE ':':' :::'~L~ NON-W~ED TRIM: 303S.S. ~:~,;;/~:, HANDLE: PVC coated with spring loaded locking device, Consult your D/A representative for exotic materials of const~ction or special requirements : ~:ouHTz~G ~o~s " + ~.T O:T MAX. PRESSUR~EMPERATURE RATINGS TEFLON: 1500 PSI ~ 220° F ~ ~ LST T FILLED TFE: 1500 PSI e 325~F (recommended only when :~ manifold operating temp. exceeds 100° F) sewice. Body ratin9 is 6000 SPI . :.::...~}:v.- CONNECTIONS : ,~ 1/2" fnpt process, inst. and test "~'~:~ '~:':(~ ~..:. AFI Adaptor Flange connector conveys 1/2" fnpt inst. /2" connection to flanged connection. 1/2" fnpt Additional Outlet for pressure gauge. : '...-~ Mounting Bracket for field mounting to 2" pipe. /~" ~ ~ H Lss , '~' ........ :~{~ '- OPERATION ~""':'/' TEST PTM6: T - - A Shipping weight: 3 Ibs. , __ MODEL PTM 6 PLUG LINER T,,o, ............................. T :: Ryton reinlofted Teflon ........... . ================================== . :{'{C~r':'~E~ED PLUG ;.:~'?~:-'¥" ?~::;:~ 316 S.S ............................ S :~:{" ....... . Side P~rge Connection ................... SP : ' : ·: ' ;' :..' :;,:. :.: ~,2~:: :?' %':::" ' ': ~ '. ...... ,:': · ,- - :.::~:::"{',~::.~: :' ....· ;'~-;~':'-: :":{::'::/:; ',:-;::.~ ..::',:'~-~:2..~:: ..::" ASSURANCE OF SATISFAC~ON' Whe~ properly installed D 'A guarantees the P TM 6 to f~cti~ ~roperlY ~o fulfill our claims as pr/nt~d in th~saar~ sheet:' and to be free from defective workmanship and material un~er'?ormal use and seaice for a period of one year Irom date of shipment, Refer to our warranty '. - I E 'l' I1 s I i'" I ~ [ ' '[ REVOLUTIONARY DIRECT MOUNTED ~..~ ,1~ TO METER RUN FLANGES - The D/A "UNIMOUNT''® is a universal mounting "3-valve" manifold providing the 3 required functions by simply dialing "NORMAL", "ZERO", or "BLOCKED". This same unique manifold excels in its ability to per- form as both a manifold and a sturdy transmitter mount for either remote mounted or meter run flange mounted systems. It serves well in liquid or vapor service, and in both systems offers clear, easy 360' access to the four transmitter mounting bolts. Standard features include: :~ Straight-through roddable porting - no stagnant cavities :~ In-line replaceable soft seats and seals ~ Operating temperature range from -- 150° F to 520° F :~ A pair of purge or bleed valve connections at both top and bottom for versatility and convenience. ~ Materials of construction in 316 stainless steel or nickel plated carbon steel. Optional features include: ~: INTEGRAL STEAM HEATING SYSTEM built Into the manifold. This system eliminates the need for separate blocks, heat conducting cement, etc. :~ Exotic materials of construction which are readily available because of barstock design requiring no special castings, etc. REMOTE MOUNTED TO 2" VERTICAL PIPE 1//' \] For years we Americans have standardized on mounting the DIP transmitter on a 2" iI pipe rack and then mounting the manifold on the transmitter. This system has one I \ ,l major fault - when it comes time to take the transmitter to the shop, one is forced \\\ /./// to disconnect the 2" pipe mounting and leave the manifold and tubing \\ /7 "dangling". In Europe a common practice !s to mount the manifold. ~'~'-"',-:-~-~Z' This system leaves the manifold and tubing well supported ~_ .~ _ -.~ j ~ when the transmitter is removed for servicing. Now -,---~ ~-- ~-? ~ DIA has incorporated into the "UNIMOUNT" this !~_~. :~_ ~ sensible European approach. ~ ~ Allows removal of the transmitter without dis- ] ~L~-~' <;=- ' I turbing the process tap lines or mounting.  ~_ ~: Allows completion of all piping and plant fabri- cation prior to installing the transmitter. ; ' '~'~ :k Places the transmitter center of gravity directly ~ above the pipe support, eliminating undue - I ~.__ ~ .~ L strain on all components and connections. I ,j_; Useoval flanges ~ Supplied as a complete one-piece system, not a i andmounting group of parts, spacers, bolts, etc. Installa- ( ~ bolts furnished ~. ~ i tion simply requires tightening of the two U- I with transmitter. bolts supplied. Model MM4U STANDARD UNIT SPECIFICATIONS 2-1/8" to 2-3/1 6'' center to center all flanged connections. Line side provides threaded connections for mounting standard oval flanges furnished with transmitter or D/A's unique line of investment cast adaptor flanges. 6000 1/4" npt connections top and bottom with 316 stainless steel bleed ' '''XX X valves and plugs. 5500 X Standard arrowhead handles allow a visual check of the process 5000 function. Lever handles are optional. X Optional 1/4" npt orifice flange rod-out connections with 316 stain- 4500 less steel plugs for rodding out into the meter run interior. 3..'16" roddable ports and 5'32" orifice allow complete in-line-rod-out 4000 ,oo,. / 3500 / Valve design rated at 6000 psi maximum pressure at ambient tem- peratures. Hydraulically proof-tested at 10,000 psi. 3ooo Bonnetless construction with unique tapsred plug inner valve. 2500 Standard sealing materials are Teflon (-150= to + 220: F) and Ryton (+100: F to + 520: F). 2000 Standard materials of construction are 316 stainless steel body with 316 stainless steel wetted parts or electroless nickel plated carbon ~5oo steel with 316 stainless steel wetted parts. All valves, including exotics, are constructed from prime barstock materials. D'A's 316 ~ooo stainless steel valves meet the following standards. AMS 5648, 5690; ASTM A182, A193, A276, A314, A580; Federal QQ-S-763, QQ-W-432; MIL-S-7720, MIL-S-862 and NACE MR-01-075 for sour gas and other soo corrosive requirements. Optionalintegralsteamheatingsystemconsistsofa31,'2"long, 3,'16" -~5o-~'oo' 'o' ~o' 2~o' oo' 4'00' 5~o' 6'oo' port, centered in the body with two 1/8" fnpt connections. temperature in degrees Fahrenheit INDICATES RECOMMENDED LIMITS FOR TEFLON USAGE INDICATES RECOMMENDED LIMITS FOR RYTON USAGE ORDERING GUIDE Model Numbers: MM4U ~ Standard "UNIMOUNT" with arrowhead hnndles and two U-Bolts for mounting to 2" vertical pipe. Sealing Materials: T - Teflon (-150° F to ~ 220° F) R - Rylon (+ 100° F to + 520° F) Materials of Construction: SS - 316 stainless steel body and plug Example: Model number ............. MM4U CS - Nickel plated carbon steel body Add sealing material ....... MM4U-T 'with 316 S.S. plug Add material construction .. MM4U-T-SS Special Options: RO - Orifice flange rod-out connections and plug Add special option(s) ...... MM4U-T-SS-MRML-LH LH - Lever handles SH - Intergal steam heat system G411D - "Smart-Fold" remote actuated unit MRML - For liquid service Direct mounting to meter run flanges. Includes: 2 AAF1 adapter flanges, I Universal support bracket and mounting hardware. MRMV - For vapor service Direct mounting to meter run flanges. Includes: 2 AAF1 adapter flanges, I Universal support bracket and mounting hardware. ASSURANCE OF SATISFACTION: When ProDerly installed. D/A guafamees the MM4U to be free ~rom de~ective workmanship and material under normal use and service for a period of one year Irom dale of shipmenL Reler to our warranty clause in our standard terms and conditions for complete wartamy conditions as set forth in our product catalog. Durant ,--,o,,,,,,, ,, ,, ~nl C~l/Sys~ms DMsion Wat~own. Widensin ~ ~ 910/~3713 Installation instru ions for Unipulser ~ Binary Code Series _ II ~ ~L ' " mi ...... DIMENSIONS SERIES 41275 .USH BU~ON PRESET. ~ SERIES 41237 STANDARD MODEL · , I t i ' RECOMMENDED PANEL ' " ' CUT OUT ' fig B '~"?' .~ Panel cutout dimeMiens are m~n in Figure E. This ~mut will pe~k ;artion and ~m ~ ~ t, repla~mcnt of the Unlpu~r from The front ~nel. ~e un;~ I~ ~red to the panel I . JP '; by N0, 4 fie1 head I I I ..... II I I IIII I II " READOUT CIRCUITRY SPECIFICATIONS R~i.t~ve L~d [non-;nduct;vel AC or DC VoiCe aPE RATIONAL Non-I nterrupti n9 - 2 8raps rex, intermh~nt duty Count FreQuency - 40 ;ul~sl~c, 1 amp max, continues Pu[~ Vol~ge - 24 V ~ Stsndard 200 vol~ DC - ~ 10% line and I~d r~ulat~on InterNprint - 20 wat~ rag. load - Power Contraption -- 6~ MA max. 6,5 watts under nominal operation 200 vol~ DC - 115 vol~ ACe Count Pub Width -- IncluSive Load with Arc SuD;~bn {AC or DC Volt;} 12 milli~conds mln;mum to ~ntinuou$ Interrupting - 10 wat~ max. load wire dl~e arc. Duty - ~4 hOu~ per ~v ~ppre~On PuI~ Spging -- 400 MA max, 12 MS Minimum "Off" Time be~een ;ul~ 200 vol~ DC - ~unt Life - 1~ million Con~ct R~iance Nominal .5 ohms under toed, Maximum 2,5 oh~ RHel Voltage - st no load and 50 x 106 life, Arc '~ wave ~ cycle AC 36 VR~ ;nip Di~e or required for indulge by DC pulsing 'Voltages for conami~ted aTm~her~ mus~ be dete~in~ bas~ on epnl~afion, COUNT OR '1~ RESET 18 VAC HALF WAVE PULSE 24 VOLTAGE 36 VAC VOLTAGE 48" RMS 72 VAC CONNECTOR #24019' fig C Solder ~e CONNECTOR con:~ ~e Unlpul~r fnay be connec(~ directly to its l~ciM~ circuStry by ~ldering the connoting lea~ dire~ty to The prlnt~ circuit b~rd, The 10~$ ~ouid enter ~ - The .040" diameter holes from The ~de opposhe the conducive pat~ an The ~ard and they ~ould Then be bent parallel wlth The path ~fote ~ldering to ~ ' the path. For max;mum flex~il;tV and ea~ of malntensnce, a conn~csor, Pan No. 24018-200 (solder dip contacts) or 2~19-200 (solder eye cont~T~ is a~;I- 'Also available In able for use with Unipul~r 11. ane crimp tab. Electri !/Electronic 1237 900 i~i~ :,~ .0~ .. ~I~ ' Through switch S1 the Unipulmr can be cofw~niently ram! ~o z~ro. Cont~t 7 of ~ltch S1 is u~ ~ trander ~e ten~ ~unt p,l~ To . . the next d~e. The ~n~ Qf ~i~h S2 provide a means ~ obtain- I~ el~l=81 re,out/~om The Unipul~r. ~ . . . fig E I I I I _ II I II III BASIC COUNTING CIRCUIT HIGHEST TENS UNITS ORDER d t;..,-i,,-, ,- F + dc reset fig F reset II _ I _ I I I I I POWER SUPPLY COUNT CONTACT I UnjDulser II 24 V DC counter circu~/~ should be power~:l So That decade r~caN~d 24 volts allowing for all dl~e volta~ drool I f fl~ d~a~ is ~hen ~er~er~. vot~ge dr~lng r~i~or may ~ ~ X in Fig. F ~ve. ~ volts RM$ ~ld be ~ailable for rmt. - DC Typi~l p~er ~pply i~ ~o~ in circuit mt right. Typ[~l ~lu~: I Tran~ormer - 115 V ACt ~VCT Ca~cltor -- 2~0 MFD ~WV~ Diod~ I AMP 2~PIV RESET ~ ~ Zener Di~e - 40 volu I ~O~: EXCE~ ARC SUPPRE~ION WiLL SERIOUSLY RE DU~ UNIfiER II PERFORMANCS BY RETARDING ARMATURE RELEASE. WE RECO~END DtODE-ZENER DIODE SUPPR~ION OR A DIODE ANO NOT LE~ ~ OHMS SERIES RESISTANCE. OPERATING AND RESET VOLTAGES ARE DEPENDENT ON MODEL. ~IS INFORMATION. ~ WELL ~ IN~RNAL SCHEMATIC DATA, WILL BE FOUND ON THE UNIPU~ER LABEL. Pulsar ESV 3/5/8/11 250 VA, 450 VA, 750 VA, 1050 VA Advanced communication UPS for PCs, servers and network devices MGE UPS Systems' Pulsar ESV is the The Pulsar ESV's energy saving sleep UPS of choice to maximize the availability mode conserves battery back-up time by of PCs, servers and network devices. initiating a sleep mode when no load is detected for five minutes. When power is The distinctive compact and restored, the UPS restads. lightweight design of the Pulsar ESV3/ESV5 is made possible by the use Network Software CD-ROM includes of advanced high frequency technology. complete wide and local area monitoring, At nine pounds, the Pulsar ESV3/ESV5 is control and shutdown suite of software. half the size and weight of competitive Supports Windows 95, Windows NT, systems. The ESV3/ESV5's dark grey, NetWare, SCO UNIX, HP/UX, IBM AIX. slimline design is ergonomically pleasing DEC UNIX, SUN Solaris and OS/2. and offers four convenient installation modes: tower, under a monitor, POWERSHARE wall-mounted and rack-mounted with Control power to each output optional accessory kit. receptacle via the network. This lets you reset remote network devices, shed The voltage boost and fader unnecessary loads during power outages feature provides voltage correction to maximize the critical load battery back- during high and low line conditions up time and sequence system power (ESVa/ESV11 ). :_::!~!~!~i UPS to ensure peripherals are on-line - - _ .~:~:.. '. prior to operating system inquiry. Smart battery management features: :,! ::i:~ The Pulsar ESV is the right choice for · Longer battery back-up :;::'::~!:~ PCs and networks where · Fast battery recharge '~ ' :,i~:- intelligent communications · Increased battery life ::: :' and reliability are critical! · Automatic battery testing · Deep discharge protection M UPS SYSTEMS i Characteristics ESV3 ESV5 ESV8 ESVll Output power 250 VN175 450 VA/280W 750 VA/490W 1050 VN630W Technology High frequency stand-by ~ Line-interactive --Input voltage range 94 to 138V adiustable usinq ESV driver ...._..~, ~ %ut frequency range 47/53 Hz or 57/63 Hz dtput voltage on battery 120V (25%) ~ 120V (-10%) ",. Adjustable using ESV driver Output volta.qe on utility 98 to 138V ~ 112 to 121V Adjustable using ESV driver Battery back-up time in min. (full/half load) 9/27 rain. 5/15 min. 6/15 rain. 5/17 rain. Input power cord 5-15P (6 ft.) Qty. of output receptacles (2) 5-15R ~ (4) 15-R Output receptacle control PowershareTM function (1) switchable receptacle (2) switchable receptacle Communication interface I RS232 port I RS232 port, 1 alarm status port Battery management Periodic adjustable automatic self-test, protection against deep discharge, high performance charger (recharge time from 0 to 80% < 4 hours) Environmental User-selectable, energy saving function, recyclable components, packing and documentation, recycled materials, used battery recovery. Noise level < 40 dBA Operating temperature 32 to 95° F Standards Safety: UL, cUL, FCC A, surge: ANSi/IEEE C62:41 Cat. A design, production, Iogistics and service: ISO 9000 Warranty 2 years including battery Software ESV Driver + Solution PacTM and interface cable note: bold text items apply to multi~te products Dimensions and weiqht f/'Nodel # Part # Format Dimensions Net/Shipping !: Ll ~ ESV8/ESV11 ~ . W x H x D (inches) weight (lbs) ~ ,' ESV3 82003 Slim-line 1.8xl 1.2xl 1.4 9/10 ~'- ~!" . ESV5 82005 Slim-line 1.8x11.2x11.4 9/10 ~ '~._'/~~ ESV3IESV5 ESV8 82008 Compact 4.8x7.7x15.2 29/33 ESVl 1 82010 ..... .C_o__mc_a_ct. _,'-=8x7,Zx_!_6 ..... _3_~/_39~ ..... Pulsar ESV in 19" rack with optional 2U kit (order #8202U) for ESV3/ESV5 and 5U kit for ESVSIESV11 (order #8205U) Pulsar ESV8/11 front panel Pulsar ESV8/11 rear panel Battery level ~ ! ' .* -', ' ' load level O e load , ~r' i' :' UPS fault L~: = en r-aul~ RS232. alarm '~ ' 't / e Output '~, . · I ~-d_5-~ ~O io PowerShareTM ' '~:'\ ~' /' '~' p&werton battery { :' '' .': .' .' '. '\ ~:~' I ' rm Input power cord i% Pulsar ESV3/ESV5 with optional resetbutton connector wall-mount support (order #8202U) ,,, O O ~- button Input power cord for connection to Pulsar ESV (supplied) MGE UPS Systems, Inc. ~ formerly EPE Technologies, Inc. SPU 111B 1660 Scenic Avenue Canada Effective: January 1997 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 I9 Waterman Avenue Supercedes: November 1996 Phone (714) 557-1636 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4B IYZ ©1997 MGE UPS Systems, Inc. (800) 523-0142 Phone (416) 752-8020 info~'mgeups,com http://www. mgeups.com ISO 9000 7 Power Supplies I IF--2, o 7_ © Pc!liar. olin" International Series linears 0e..., Spe:i...e.. AC ,..t: 100~120/220.~40 VAC +10'/o. -t3%. 47~3.z. To,erance for 230 VAC oporat,o. is +15%, -10%. Perate cutput current 10% tor 50 Hz operation, Fautory wired for 120V operation. DC Output: Adjustment /"""'~" ~..,l!~%~I ',' ', 'i,.~'~C ";] ~ ~ range _*5% minimum. Voltage nonadjustable on "3 terminal regulator" outputs ol models HAD12, .AD15. Line Regulation: *.t.05% for a 10% line change. Exceptions -- ~.01% tor F. G Case models and CP197-A; ~1°/o for HAD12 and ? ~ ~" ~ ~ F) HAD15: =0.5% for all other outputs using "3 terminal regulators." Load Regulation: =.05% for 50% load change. ; .c,p,io.s- =.02-. thr ,GCase mndels and C.,97-A; :1% .AOt2 and ,or a, oth,r outpu u,i.g !E~ "3 termina regulatere." 0utpnt Ripple: 5V through 15V models -- 5.0 mV PK-PK maximum (3.0 mV PK-PK maximum AI 3 term na regu ator outputs -- 0.2% PK-PK maximum· Transient Response: Less than 50 psec for a 50% load :, OUtOUts where indicated. Set at 6.2V =0.4V. Other outputs use optional overvoltage protectors OVP12 and OVP14. .... ,;~ ,,::~,, Remote Sensin: Sea Vofiaqe/Current Rating Charts. Provided on output wnem indicated. Stability: =0·3% ior24 hours alter warm-up. ~pemtiug Temperature Ratings: 0'C to 50'C full rated, aerated ~inearly to 40% at 70'C (CP197-A requires .s~-4D,~-~ : i. ii~!~ ~ :~"~- 6o cF~ forced air over ..~,nk a~a for ,u, 50~ ou.~ut,· Slora. T.mp.ra~r...i.gs:-'O'C ,o 65'c, T....ra. ~ ~,~,_~_~-:--~" ~ 24V through 250V outputs -- 60%. Masler/Stave Operation: Provided on F, G and CP197-A models only. For parallel · ,.~'~.,~ , operation of up tO 6 units. Vibration: Random vibration from 10 Hz to 2 KHZ. 6.15 grms (3 axis). Shock: Operating 200 h .'~ :: peak acceleration. EMI/RFI: These linear power supplies have inherently low conducted and radiated noise levels. For most system appiiuation they will meet the requirements of FCC Docket 20780 for Class B equipment and VD6 O871 for Class B. Salary Specifications, All models exceed the following safety standards. Leakage Current: Line th Ground (Max. -- 0·05 mA. Creepage Distance: Live Pans to Dead Metal Min. -- .345' (9.0ram. Dielectric W thstaml VoltuSe HTAA-16W-A {Min .It InPUt to Ground -- ~750 VrmS: input to Outputs -- 3750 Vrms; Outnuts to Ground -- 500 VDC. UL Recognized: UL File NumPer 655974/6131905 CSA Cart fed CSA Fie Number LR38879 TOV Licensed: TOY to VDE 0806 and EN m,- Worldwide AC Input Capabilities: 11)o/120rz2ofzoo/240 · Induslry Standard Packages 60950. Consult Aliied for current TUV license numbers, Corcom VS&F (Voltage Selecting and Fuse Connector) VAC · 77 Modelc: 6 to 280 Watts Compatibility. All International Series models interface directly with Corcom's VS&F power entry module· The VS&F is an · ~0.05% Regulation I,- Up To 4 Regulated Outputs Intematidnally approved AC line connector, a fuseholder. and a means of externally changing AC fine voltages with a · Low 0utput Ripple m,, VDEConstmcUon unique voltage seiector card. With the VS&F, your equipment can be operated anywhere in the world, without I~. UL Recognized: 1950 with 03 · 2 Hour Sum-in modificatmon at time of inctatlation. Developed for the manufacturer who markets his products worldwide, the VS&F l,,- CSA Certified: 1402 P,' 2 Year Warranty eliminates the need for internal transformer wihng changes and for stocking different line cords. The VS&F is also P,- TUV CefliUed: EN 60950 m- Made In U.S.A. available with a built-in RFI fitter for protection of your equipment. Contact Aiiied for further details. Single 0ulput Models Stock Mfr.'s Voltage/ Case Overall Size EACH Stock Mtt.'s I Voltage/ Case Overall Size t EACH No, Type Current Size (inches) 1-9 No. Type CurTent Size (inches) 1 -g 218-1001 HAS-I.5/OVP-A' 5VIX1.5A B 4.87 x 4.00 x 2.10 34.66 218-1023 F15-15-A'" 15V@15Al' F 16.75x4.88x5.00 184.51 218-1002 HB5-3/OVP-A' 5V ~ 3Al' 8 4.87 x 4.00 x 2.10 36.56 218-1024 HA24-O.5-A' ' 24V @ 0.5A B 4.87 x 4.00 x 2.10 34.66 218-1003 HC5-6/QVP-A' 5V @ 6Al' C 5·62 x 4.87 x 295 57.42 218-1025 H824-12-A 24V @ 1.2At B 4.87 x 4.00 x 2.10 36.35 218-1004 HNS-9/0VP-A* 5V @ 9Al' N 7·00 x 4.87 x 3.29 78.32 218-1026 HC24-2.4-A 24V @ 2.4A~ C 5.62 x 4·87 x 2·95 52.20 218-1005 HD5-12/OVP-A' 5V @ 12Al' D 9.00 x 4.87 x 328 88.77 218-1627 HN24-3.6-A 24V @ 3.6Al' N 7.00 x 4.87 x 3.20 73.10 218-1006 HES-IB/OVP-A' 5V@18At E 14.00 x 4.87 x 3.53 131.00 218-1028 HD24--I.8-A 24V@4.OAt D 9.00 x 4.87 x 3.28 83.55 218-1007 FS-25/OVP-A' 5V@25A" F '6"5x4881<5.00 184,51 218-1029 HE24-72-A 24V@7.2AI' E 14.OOx4.87x3.53 114.90 218-1008 G5-35/OVP-A' 5V ~ 35Al' F 16.75 x ;.56 x 5.00 215.49 218-1030 F24-12-A' * 24V l~ 12~? F 16.75 x 4.88 × 5.,30 184.51 218-1809 CP197-A' 5V '~ 50AT F 16.75 x 4.88 x 5.00 250.71 218-1024 HA24~.5-A iAdj)' ' 28V ~ 0.SA B 4.87 x 4.00 x 2.10 34.66 218-1017 HA15-O.9-A(Adj)" 12V@0.gA e 4.57x4.o0x2.10 "="Ji~:-Li 218-1033 HC28-2-A 28V@2At C, ' 5.62 x 4.87 x 2.95 52,20 218-1011 HB12-1,7-A 12V@l.TAt B 487×4.00x2.10 ~ 218-1032 HB2B-I-A 28V@lAl' B 487x4.00x2.10 36,35 218-1012 HC12-3.4-A 12V @ 3.4A~ C ' 5.62 x 4·87 x 2.95 52.20 . 218-1034 HN28-3-A 28V @ 3Al' ~N ' 7.00 x 4.87 x 3.20 73,10 218-1013 HN12-5.1-A 12V'~5.1At N 7C0x4.B7x3.20 73.10 218-1035 HD25--i-A 28V~4Al' D 9.00x4.B7x3.28 83.95 218-1014 HD12-6.8-A 12V @ 6.8A1' D 9 00 x 4.87 x 3·20 83.55 218-1~6 HE2B-6-A 28V ~) 6At E 14.00 x 4·87 x 3.53 114.90 218-1015 HE12-10.2-A 12V~IO.2At E 14.O0x4.B7x3.53 114.90 218*1530 F24-12-AIAdj)" 28V@10AI' F 16.75x4.88xS.O0 184,51 ~n18-1023 F15-15-A (Adj)" 12V @ 16At F 16.75 x 4.88 x 5.00 18,4.51 218-1038 HB48-O.5-A 45V @ 0.SA B 4.87 x 400 × 2.10 41.63 8-1017 HA15-O.9-A" 15VIJ0.gA 8 -'.87x4.OOx2.10 32.13 218-1039 HCAB-1-A 48V~1A C 5.62 x 4.87 x 2.95 57.42 '! 8-1018 HB15-1.5-A 15V '~ 1 .SAt ~ 4 ~7 x 4.00 x 2.10 35.64 218-1040 HD48-3-A 46V @ 3Al' D 9·00 x 4.87 x 3·28 88.77 ,8-1019 HC15-3-A 15V ~ 3At' C 5.52 x 487 x 2.95 52.20 218-11)41 HE46-J-A 48V ~ 4Al' E 14·00 x 4.87 x 3.53 125.35 Z18-1020 HN15-4.5-A 15V -i 4.SAt ~'] 7.G0 × 4 87 x 3.20 73.10 218-11)42 HB12C'~3.2-A 129V @ 0.2A S 4.87 × 4.00 x 2.10 46.97 218-1021 HD15-6-A 15Vi'OAl' D 9.O0x4.87x3.25 83.55 218-1043 HB200-312-A 175-210V@0.12A B 4.87 x 4.00 x 2.10 46.97 218-1022 HE15-9-A 15V i; 9Al' E 14.00 x 487;< 3.53 114.90 218-104~ HS250-3.1-A 250V @ 0.1A B J.87 x 4.00 x 2.10 45.93 Dual Output Models Size ~ ' Size Stock Mlr.'s Output Output Case ' 0veraft Size Stock Mtr.'s Output Output ' Case Overall Size EACH No, Type #1 #2 (Inches) No. Type ~1 #2 (Inches) 1-9 218-3000 HAA5-1.5,,OVP-A · 5V~15A' - 5V~ 1.5A' A,A 6.50x4.O0x2.!0 52.20 218-31)07 I r'0315 3-A ,12V~3.-;Aor -12V@3.4Aor CC 9.38 x 4.87 x 3.25 91.91 218-3001 HBF~5-3.'0VP-A + 5V'~3A' - 5VF;3A* 5a 7.00 x 4.88 x 2.95 76.23 +15Vl'3Al' -15Vi)3At 218-3002 HCC5-6/Ot/P-A + 5V~'5A'T - 5V~CA'- :S 9.38×437×3.28 101.81 218-3008 IHDD15-5-A ~12Vor!SVat5Al' (-)I2Vor15V~SAt E 14.00 x 4.87 x 2.53 135.80 218-3003 HA012-O.4-A +12V~0.4A§ -12V@O.4A§ I 5 4.87xJOOx2.10 38.61 218-3009qHAA24-0.CA +18-20V~0.4Aor ~-)lO-20V@0.4Aor A,A 6.50 x 4.00 x 2.18 44.88 218-3004 HAD15-0.4-A +15V@0AA§ -15V@0.4A§ B 4.87x4.O0x2.10 38.61 +24V~0.CA -24V@O.6A 218-3005 i HAA15-0.8-A +12Vl)1Aor -12V@lAor AA 6.50×4.C0x2.10 44.88 218-3010 HBB24-1.2-A +18-20V@0.9Aor (-)18-20V@0.gAcr ~B 7.O0x4.88x2.95 57.42 +~ 5V ~ 0.OAt' -15V @ 0.OA or +24V @ 1 .ZA -24V @ 1.2A - 5V @ 0.4Al' 218-3012 HCC24-2.4-A +18-20V ~ 1 .OA or (-118-20V @ 1.8A or CC 9.38 x 4.87 x 3.25 91,91 218-3006 HBB15-1.5-A +12Vl~'1.7Aor -12V@l.7Aor 68 7.OOx488x2.95 57.42 +24V@2.4Al' o24V.~J2.4At' +15V@1.SAt -15V@1.5Aor 218-3011 HAA512-A 5V@ZA':~ 12-15VIO. SA AA 6.50 x 4.00 x 2.10 52.20 - 5V @ O.?Ai' 218-3013 HBB512-A 5V @ 3A',*.t 12-15V @ 1,25A1' ~B 7.00 x 4.88 x 2.95 62.65 ....... 218-3014 ! hlCCSl2-A 5V @ 6A'l'I: 12-15V @ 2.5At CC 9.38 x 4.87 x 3.28 99.22 Triple Output Models Overvoltage Protection Options Stock Mfr. 's Output Output Output Output Case 0verall Size I EACH These opbonal nvervoltt)e proreckon modules are offered for use ;',~ Pnwer-One's No. Type #1 #2 #3 #4 Size (Inches) ~ Internaltonal Series Unear power supel~. Each is user adjusiibie ~m 6,4V to 34V. NOIE: OlYiputs with factory built-in OVP are indicated in i~e Vor(age/Curreut P~t~ng ' C~rt for each model. OVP is not ava~lab&e for 48V through 250V models. 218-3015 HTAA-16W-A 5V~2A'I: +12tOlSVl~,0.4A 1-112t015V~0.4ADr I ' AA 6.50xJ.G0x2.10 ~ 57.42 -6v ~ 0.4A I 0VP Selection Guide 218-3016 HBAA-40W-A 5V~3A'1':~ +12V@lAor -12V~1Aor -- BAA 10.25 x 4.00 x 2.95 79.37 Cole 0VPModuleaRequimd + 15V @ 0 .OAl' -15V ~ 0 .OA or Model Size _ -5V iX 0.4At ' Single Output B 1 -- OVP-12 218-3017 HCAA-60W-A 5V@6A*I' +12tolSV@1A ,:-12)to15Vh~IAor -- D 9.00x4.~7x3.28 94.00 Single0utput C 1--0VP-12 V 4 Single Output N 1 -- OVP~I ? -5 g' 0. A 218-3018 J HCBB-75W-A 5V ~ 6A't:!: +12V c~ 1.7A or -12V; 1.7A or j -- CBB 11.00 × 4.37 × 3.28 104.45 Single Output D 1 --OVP-12 +15V@l.5Al' - ,, or j Single Output F 1 --OVP-24 , Dual Output AA 1 -- OVP-12 protects both outputs 218-3019 CPI31-A 5V~OA't~F +12ViX1.7Aor -12V@l.7AOr -- 131 11.00x437x3.20 125.35 DualOutput B 1--OVP-12prntectsDothoutputs +15V @ 1.5Al' -15V '~ 15A or . Dual Output BB 1 -- OVP-12 protects both outputs -SV ~ 0.7At Dual Output CC 1 -- OVP-12 protects bctn outputs - I Dual Output E 1 -- OVP-24 protects both outhuts ""~-3020 ' HDBB-105W-A 5V ~' 12A'ti: +12V i_~ 1.7A or -t2V ~ ! 7/, or I -- DBB 14.25 x 487 x 3.38 141.02 Triple Output . M. BAA. 1 -- OVP-12 protects tic:h 12V through + 15V ~ 1 .SAl' - 5V .~ ,SA or 8AA. O. 16V outputs CBB. 131. , DBB, DCC ~ .15V @ 3Al' -15V i: 2Al' C B. 131, provided with built-in OVP 'Ove~ot.qe prc,es,,nn pro.deal. ~e, a, 5.2'~ -_0.~V. t,~o,ated o.:~t can he rere,e.~ed as.or- ~00:~' "Adjustable Putputs: F15-15-A -- 12-15V: F24-12-A -- 24-28V ,fNonaqlust3Pie3termlnairequlator, HA15-09-;s -- 12-! 5V: HA24-O.5-A -- 2~1-28V, ;-:'Adlustaole 3 terminal regulator, 218-3026. OVP-12 ........................................................................ EACH B.31 iRemote sense provided. .Ccln De mode '.nto an ssoiateu GUZCUX bv removing )urnper ',Vl 21B-3029. OVP-24 ........................................................................... EACH 15.62 Turn To Section 1 For A/fled Office Addresses and Local Phone Numbers ALLIED ~ 481 FEB' 18 ' ge '-.3: Z? RCOF2. Rh~-EASTON F~X4~E$0-ZSe-ZB4Z P. 15:71~'-,2.o~ From Atopion ~,atalag page 21. .. . ".'"""""""' "" ,,,..,....  LINER REGU~ ED AC- C SERIES ~ (GenZral Pur~se) ~ ~ · SHIPPED WITHIN 3' DAYS  ,All Model~ I.I I R~n0niTR . · Five Year arran y SERIES B~ 'GBERAL PURPOSE POWER SUPPLIES (model numbe~ begin with the letter B) " STA~ IDABD FEATURES · ' ': · Sho~. ~cUit proof (ele~ronic current limiting) -. ~sy be mounted on ~y of three su~ces · ;Ompl~ely Serviceable SPE( :IFICATIONS Inp~ rouge: 105-125 VAC, 50~400 Hz, single phase. . .- Remc ~ Voitage.AdJustmenU~nsing: Available ~ an o~ion. See below. ~ Pelari~: O~put'is fio~ting; either positive or negative terminal may be grounded or ~oa~d up to 300 vol~ above . groun L .... Temp eratufa ~lclent: '0.02'/~C ~plc~l). ~bi, mt Opera6ng Temperature~ 0 to +71 'C. . · · Store ~e Tempe~ture: ~5 to +85'C. Moun ~n~ Threaded mounting ho~s permit mounti~ to ~ c~sis, cabinet wall or bracket, or ~ey may be used On a te~.b, inch or ~let~. To mount from f~.s-pow~ supp~,~d~f~e-m~ng ~,.neceiss~y t~h~ ~the=.~ o~ ......... ' the m,~u~tng sudace is ina~e~ble, use a~sory Mounting ~t GB8.~is kit ~n~ of four aluminum bm~e~ and · four ntachine screws for f~ening them to the power supply, effe~ive~ adding moun~ng ~ges to the power supply. Moun ing Kit GB8 ........~.00. . e P~e~0n: An i~ternal proset overvoltage prote~r is a~il~le in all models wffh:9~U~ of .3 VOlts ~.. . Rem~ ~e V0~ge.SenSi~g: Proveion for sensing the oust vol~ge ~ross ~e load, so that d~ops in 'ffie load lines ar~. comp, rosated, i~ av~lable on all models.' ~his option ~so perm~ the use of an ex~rn~ly Ionted poten~iome~r to .... ~dju~ o~tput vo~ge.) To order, add prefix 'R" to the mode~ number. No increase in p~. . ....... 'Te~mi hal S~ip Cover:' Clipe on. To order, idd eufflx 'M" ~ model number ind $5.00 ~ pric~ ' : 230' ~'olt InpUt:. ~1 .models c~ be alternately furnished' ~r operation on inp~s of 2~-~0' VAC, 50-4~O Hz. To or~ ~er, add.suffix '~23~" to model number and $25.00 to price. L · The om=~ete Acopian ca~og is available on ~e ~temet at h~p:~ZaCopian,~m i · ..... '..... :..:.:... ~/~/- P.O. BOx '638,: Easton, PA 18044 .... · :- .. ............_.,.:.:.... I ~ 'I I T I I I T i T FE]B' 2.8 ' -28 :L3:2:3 RCOPZAH-ERSTOH FaX~518-zSB-ZB4Z P. From Aceplan catalog page 2 1. /~/POWER SUPPLIES Gold.. Box 'SINGLE OUTPUT' LINEAR REGULATED AC-DC SERIES B (General Purpose) SERIES' B: GENERAL PURPOSE POWER SUPPLIES (model numbers begin with the letter B) · SHIPPED WITHIN 3 DAYS · All Models U.L. Recognized. · Five'Year Warranty 5.12 1'25= " .. -fi .. e~ . ' ol~ale i. ' Case Apllrex. ' E 2!; "" G$ 3.71 1.62 3 Ib. 2 3.&l . O%~ ACIiNO - - .. ...G5 5.09 3.00 41b. 14oz. · ' G9 9.25. 6.00 7 Ib. 4 oz. -. · __ ,.~ Barrier stril~/ ~ ~ %~ G13 1325 10.00 11 lb. Te't!!Tmi'n.a[screws 56 _ · + + + + L M I .. .... ' m u o e f Side meunlinl. .. 'Batto me ntinl 8;32 threaded holes(4) ,~, v sc.[ne~slor 8.32t reads . rar moum holes (43 --~ _ / Phone (610) 258-5441 · Fax: (610) 258-2842 FEB' IB '~ ~.S: P9 RCOPT~H-ER~TOH FI~×~610-ESB-E~S4E P. 4/5 ~. 1~/~- ~. 0~ From Acopian catalog ~age 23. { 0-200 vol~ '~~ BOX . O. 1- 32 amps REGU~TED 0.6-420 wa~ AC- C ~e ~ble below includes'a sinair. r~ge singl 9 output of models from that table. · 9II~PED WITHIN 3 DAYS · All Models .U~L.. Recognized · Fly a Year ~rmnty SERIES A (High Performance) -'model numbers begin with ~e le~er A. SERIES B (General Purpose) - mo~l numbers begin withthe le~er B. ' Output Current R~ulation Amps. at 40'C 85~C 71"C Model .100 .100 .100 B36GT10 .500 .500 .500 B36GTS0 .800 .750 .700 B36GT80 '1.3 1.3 1,3 B36GT130 1.3 1 '.3 1,3 A36MT130 3p 2.3 2.0 1,8 B36GT230 2.3 2.0 1,8 A36MT230 4.0 3.2 2,5 A36MT400 8.0 6.6 5.3 A36HT800 11.0 9,1 7,2 A36HT1100 .200 .200 .200 B40GT20 .400 .400 ,400 B40GT40 .500 .500 .500 B40GTS0 1.0 1.0 1,0 B40GT100 45 .200 .200 ,200 B45GT20 45 .400 .400 .400 B45GT40 Acopian manufa~uFes a wide range of AC-DC and DC-DC power supplies fFom 0 to 30,000 volts: Linear, DC-DC, and unmgulated power supplies which are shipped within 3 days; High/oltage and miniaturized switching regulated power supplies which are shipped within 6 days; High{ r power ~itching regulated power supplies, m~ mounting power supplies, multip~- outpt~t power sy~ems, and Redundant Power Packages which are shipped within 9 days. The ;omDlete Acopian caMlog is available on ~e Internet at h~pd~.acoplan,com Phone (610) 258-5441 - Fax: (610) 258- FEB' ~.E~ ' 9=3 ~.3: ~_~ ~CC~ZaH--'.:.STOH FaX4~6:~8-ZSB-E84E r~=~P. 5./5~,~(f~e in 20.23~. ~ACCESSORY'MOUNTING KITS. ~ """ For use with' GOld Box,~ Narrow Profile, and modular High Voltage power supplies. · ! ~ These kits provide four 'tabs for..mou~ttlng ":' ' : power supp ies on a Wall or pane ·When' : .~. . . . . the .other sidle of the mounting su~ace. is. - -- inaccessible. · · - " .... Each kit consists-of-four aluminum .brackets ! ' '~'~ and four machine screws for fastening'them '~"""""""""' to the power supp.!y. · ~.s0"----~ · . ~. ~V/· 7 1._ . ~ · SO'frOM: '~Z-"TT"~;"'~ For Gold Box and modularHigh Voltage power supplies MOUNTING "'~ (#8-32 mounting holes): ' ' ~ Model GB8 ................ $8 ~ For Narrow Profile power supplies (#6-32 mounting holes): Model NP6 ................. $8 The oomple. te Acopian catalog is available on the Internet at http://www. acoplan.com //RO.Box 638, Easton, PA 18044 i Phone (610) 258-5441 · Fax: (610) 258-2842~u,~t~,~.c~ I [li *I li I I ]' [ t [ 'F TIt General-Purpose and Automotive Relays SIEMENS Po, er&Rr..mfie, Produc, D,v,s,o, /,S3ries KRPA General Purpose Relays R10 Series1.187.-"~735~t DC Industrial Relays Transparent enclosures. Solder terminals for stud or plug-in mounting. Mechanical Life: 100 million oeeration~ Y series contacts are fine silver. X series contacts are silver- 2.O' cadmium oxide. 0peruling Temperature: -55' to 75~C. Size: 1,187 x .950 (double pole models 5.08 only) x .735' (3.02 x 2.41 x 1.85cm) max. WI.: 11~ oz. (42.59m). Contact Rating: Y Series .3A; X Series 5A. Stock ~ Mfr.'s Coil UCH Web No. Type DC 1-24 I 25~9 H-99 886-1075 R10E1Y2V185' 12V 12.95 12.31 11 886-1076 RIOE1Y2~00' 24V 12.95 12.31 11 1.406' 886-1070 R10E1Y2J2.5K' 48V 17.B 17.~ 16.15 3.57 886-1091 R10El X2115V 115VAC 27.07 25.72 24.36 ~ ~ ~ 886-1092 R10E1X4115V 115VAC 31.76 30.18 28.58 886-1H0 R10E1X2V185' 12V 14.~ 13.36 12.64 886-1~1 R10E1X2~00' 24V 17.51 16.~ 15.76 886-10B R 10E 1X4V185 ~ 12V 17.51 16.~ 15.75 T886-10H R10Elx4v7~? 24V 17.51 16.H 15.76 KRPA5 KRPA11 KRPA14 · 2 Contact. 74 Conta~s. ~ Multi-Contact Arrangement ~ Hold-down spring for KRPA and ;~s.;~?.~ R10S Series ~ Octal Plug Termination KRPA-N will accommodate machine~~ CMOS-~L Compatible Relays ~ Clear Dust Cover screws or rivets; For use with flush mount chassis sockets Will accept drive directly from many CMOS and ~L U.L. Contact Ratings for KRPA ICe-no interace needed. Contacts are .078' in die. made of fine silver. Resistire Load Rating: 28VDC or Material Silver Silver 115VAC form. 0.1 to 3A max. Insulation Resistance: 10.000 meg. at 25· C and 50% R.H. Typical Code Y Y X- 1.O','25.4 (2 eO~ Capacitance: Contact-contact. 2 ;icofarads; coil Models SPDT,DPDT & 3POT SPDT.DPDT 3PDT frame, 30 ~cofarads: Coil-contacts. 2 picofarads. Ratings 5 amos ~120VAC 10amDs~25OVAC 10amOS~120VAC Temperature Range: -55'C to 75'C. Has pierced solder terminate. Weight: 0.8 to 1.4 oz. Rated: 2 ~ V~cHP~120VAC ~i:HP~250VAC ~/~HP~120VAC AmDsTy;, (3AmUsing.). 3 amos ~240VAC '/sHP~I 2OVAC 6am~s~250VAC VeHP ~240VAC '/:HP~250VAC ~ Coils ~CH Stock Mfr.'s No, Type Inp~ 1-24 25~9 50-Up Ruggedly constructed relay offered with silver contacts. Code "Y", rated 5 AmOs: and Silver- Ohms , Power caommm oxide contacts, cede "G" rated 10 AmOs. Cornact arrangements are available uD through 3 886-1160 ) R1OSE1Y1-JI.OK 3.2mA 1000 I 10row 20.00 19.Q0 18.00 form (3POT). ExDected life exceeds 100.000 operations at rated load. Mechanical 1fie is 10 million 886-1162 RIOSE1Y1-J2.SK 2.0mA 1500 10mW 20.00 19.00 18.00 oDerations. minimum. Enclosed in a ciear dust cover. U,L. recognized under file E22575. Low cost 886-11H P10SE1Y1-j5.0K 1.4mA 5000 10row 24.10 22.92 21.71 version of the KRP relay. 886-1166 aIOSE1Y2-JI.0K 4.5mA 1000 20row 21.69 20.51 19.53 KRPA-N Series has an indicator lamp wired in parailel with its coil. making Zh~s model ideal for 886-1168 R1OSE1Y2-J2.SK 2.DmA 2500 20row 21.69 2D.61 19.53 voltage or Current monitoring applications. Silver-caGmium oxide contacts are rated 10 Amps. 886-1170 R1OSE1Y2-J5.0K 2.0mA 5000 20row 25.~ 24.H 23.24 KRPA-N specifications are identicat to those of other models in t~e KRPA sends. VF4 Automotive Relays Stock Mfr. 's ~CH No. Type 1-24 I 25-49 50-99 886-0603 KRPA-5AY-120V 16.31 17.39 16.48 ~ '~ ~ 886-0606 KRPA-5AG-120V 18.52 17.61 16.67 i ~ WIRING DIAGRAM ' __ ~ (BoSom View) 886-0608 ~PA-5DY-12V 17.81 16.92 16.02 ~"~:'~ ~ ~, I 886-0609 ~RPA-5DY24V 17.81 16.92 16.02 886-0615 KRPA-11AY-GV 20.14 19.15 18.12 ~ "" ' ''t; T , ~_,~,~ ~ ~ ,~,~ ~ ...................... H~0616 KRPA-11AY-12V 20.14 19.15 18.12 ~"?'~* : ~"~'~* 886-0617 KRPA-11AY-24V 20.14 19.15 18.12 ~ ;~._.~_. '::'; 886-0618 KRPA-11AY-120V 20.14 19.15 18,12 J ~ 886-0620 KRPA-11AG-GV 20.66 19.65 18.61 ~ ~ 886-O621 KRPA-11AG-12V 20.66 19.65 18.61 ....... ~ ~"~ ;r ........................ 886-0622 KRPA-11AG-24V 20.66 19.65 18.61 L.j,,ZZ _.. ~ :=~ ; 1 FQ~ A 1 Form C 886~623 KRPA-11AG-120V 20.66 19.65 18.61 885~626 KRPA-11DY-12V 19.26 18.32 17.36 ~t ~l ~. 886-0627 KRPA-11DY-24V 19.86 18.88 17.86 ~"~ ~ ~ ~6-0529 KRPA-11 DY-110V 21 .~ 20.76 19.68 ~ 886-0631 KRPA-11DG-12V 20.66 19,65 18.61 ~'~, 886-0632 KRPA-11 DG-24V 20.66 19.65 18.61 886-0634 KRPA-11 DG-110V ' 22.~ 21.32 20.19 886-0637 KRPA-14AY-24V 24.79 23.5 22.3~ 886-0638 KRPA-14AY-120V 23.73 22.55 21.35 Plastic enclosed relay. 40 Amp contact rating with 1 Form A and 1 Form C contact 886-0641 KRPA-14AG-12V 25.38 24.10 22.~ arrangements. Quick connect or P.C. board terminals. Standardized design for many 886-0642 KRPA-14AG-24V 25.38 24,~0 ~'~ automotive aDplications in the United States. Contacts: 1 Form A (SPST-NO} and 1 Form C 886-0643 KRPA-14AG-120V 25.38 24.10 22.~ ~ (SPD~. Contact Material: Silver-Nickel. Operating Voltage: 12 VDC. Weight: aDDrox 1.1 oz. 8B6-0647 KRPA-14DY-24V 24.52 23.41 22.19 , ~ 8~6-0651 KRPA-14DG-12V 25.22 23.96 22.70 Stock Mfr.'s Terminals Contacl ~ ~CH 8~6-0552 KRPA-14DG-24V 25.22 23,96 22.70 NO. Type 1~9 50-~ 100-249 886~654 KRPA-14DG-110V 27.28 25.91 24.55 886-0656 KRPA-I1AN-12V 23.54 22.36 21.18 88~1111 VF4-11Fll Quick Connect SPIT-NO 8.46 7.20 6.24 ~86-~657 KRPA-11AN-24V 23.54 22.36 21.18 886-0312 VF4-15F11 QuickConnem SPOT 9.52 8.84 7.60 886-0558 KRPA-11AN-12OV 23.54 22.36 21.18 886-0313 VF4-11F13 P.CTerminals SPST-NO 9.32 8.37 7.20 8~6-0661 KRPA-11DN-12V 23.39 22.22 21.05 886-0314 VFJ-15F13 PC. Terminals SPOT 9.52 8.84 7.60 886-0662 ~PA-11DN-24V 23.39 22.22 21.05 886-Q315 ~ VFJ-J1F11' QumkConnect SPIT-NO 9,17 8.51 7.B 886-0663 KRPA-11DN-11CV ~ 25.22 23.96 22.70 886-6316 'jF4-45Fll ~u,ckConnect SPOT 8.36 7.52 6.90 J85-0667 ~PA-14AN-120V } 28.58 27.25 25.83 · Dust Cover ,,~:h mounting Drac~et. A~I othem standard ~us[ cover , ~sr F~st~ D ALLIED ~ 565 } e~endable Servicet Make Just One Ca~ -- 1-800-~3-5700 'I i T I l" 1' T I T /,,,,~S Series Solid State Relays RR Series Heavy-Duty Relays · DC/AC and AC/AC Models · photo Isolation · 500 Volt Blocking Voltage · 4000 Volt Isolation · Zero Voltage Torn-On · Built-In Snubber · 100% Tested at Rated Current RRP Series RRB Series · High Surge Capability U.L/CSA listed Pin and Blade type terminals and 10 amp capacity. Specifications. Contact Material: Silver. Contact Resistance: 30MD max. (initial value). Power Consumption: AC-- · UL Recognized (File No. 659804) Approx. 3VA (50 Hz), 2.5VA (60 Hz; DC--Approx. 1.5W. Operating Frequency: 1800 operations/hour. Temperature Rise: toil, 153°F (85°C) max.: Contact, 117°F (65°C) max. · Dual SCR Output (40 A) Operating Temp.: -22°F to + 158°F - 30°C to + 70%/. Horsepower Rating: 1/4 HP at 120VAC; 1/3 HP at 240VAC. Maximum iontinuous Applied Voltage at 68°F: (1 1 0% of rated RSS series relays provide highly reliable means of switching AC loads. Available in both voltage without overhearing. Minimum Operate Voltage al 68°F: 80% of rated voltage. AC and DC input voltage. Dimensions: 2.23" x 1.74" x .90". Contact Rating (U.L.): IOA resistive, 7A inductive at 240VAC: IOA resistive, 7A inductive at 30 VDC. DC/AC Input Series ' 1 Rated Coil I EACH O~ut EACH Stock Mfr,'s Config- Rated Current* Rests. Stock Mtr.'s input No. Type urnriga Voltage C rrent mA ~'1 1-9 10-49 50-99 lO0-Up No. Type Voltage u 1-9 10-49 I 50-99 , ' 812-1104 RSSD-IOA 3-32 DC 21.88 19.92 18.81 812-2010 RR2BA-UAC24V OPDT 24VAC 105.0 80 11.68 11.09 10.51 8.76 812-1105 RSSD-25A 3-32 DC ~ 23.19 21.09 19.92 812-2012 RR2~A-UAC120V OPDT 120VAC 20.5 2100 11.68 11.09 10.51 8.76 812-1110 RSSD-40A 3-32 DC 32.20 29.29 27.69 812-2014 RR2BA-UnC12V OPDT 12VDC 120.0 100 11.13 10.57 10.01 8.35 32:52 812-2020 RR3E,-UAC24V 3PDT 24VAC 105.0 80 13.19 12.52 11.87 9.89 812-1106 RSSA-IOA 90-280AC I :C, 32.19 29.28 27.57 812-2022 RR3B-UAC120V 3POT 120VAC 20.5 2100 13.19 12.52 11.87 9.89 812-1120 RSSA-25A 90-280 AC 28 31.20 28.39 26 83 812-1125 RSSA-40A 90-250AC .;C 37.80 34.41 812-2024 RR3B-UOG12V 3PDT 12VDC 120.0 100 12.22 11.62 11.00 9.17 812-2026 RR3t~-UDG24V 3POT 24VDC 60.0 400 12.22 11.62 11.00 9.17 812-4146 RR2P-UAC24V DPDT 24VAC 105.0 80 16.35 15.53 14.71 12,27 812-4147 RR2P-UACI20V DPDT 120VAC 18.0 2100 16.35 15.53 14.71 12.27 RH Series Midget Power Relays 812-4148 RR2P-uDcI2v DPDT 12VDC 120.0 100 16.08 15.28 i14.46 12.06 '~k"'~'~;~ 812-4149 RR2P-UDC24V OPDT 24VDC 60.0 400 16Z9 15.49 10 amp switching capacity and blade terminals. U.L./CSA 812-4150 ~R3PA-UAC24V 3POT 24VAC 105.0 50 19,92 18.92 17.93 14,95 listed. Specifications, Contact Resistance: 50 M~ max. 812-4151 ~RaPA-UAC~20V 3POT 120VAC 18.0 2100 18.67 17.73 16.81 14.02 it/~sitial value). Operate Time and Release Time: SPOT. 812-4152 RRSPA-dOC12V 3POT 12VDC 120.0 100 18.57 17.65 16.72 13.93 812-4153 RR3PA-UDC24V 3POT 24VDC 60.0 403 19.78 18.80 17.81 14.84 DT--20 msec max.: 3PDT. 40PT--25 msec. max. ulation Resistance: IOOM~ rain. (measured at 500VDC .egger). Power Consumption: SPDT--AC: 1.1VA (50 Hzl, RY Series "Ice Cube" Relays 1VA (60Hz); DC: 0.8W. DPDT--AC: 1.4VA (50 Hz}. 1.2VA (60 General Ourpose relay with 3 amp capacity on DPDT and 5 Hzl; PC: 0.OW. 3PDT--AC: 2VA (50 Hz). 1.7VA (EO Hzl: PC: amp capacity on 4POT, solder terminals and plug-in 1.5W 4PDT--AC: 2.5VA (50 Hz), 2VA t60 Hz): 0C: 1.5W. mounting. Specifications. Coolact Material: Fine silver Operating Temp.: -30°C to + 70~C. Temperature Rise: Coil. fgoid-plated/. Contact Resistance: 50 MD max. (initial valuel. 85°C max.; Contact, 65°C max. Operate Time: 20mS max. Operating Temperature: - 22°F to + 158°F ( - 30° to + 70°CI. Frequency ouage Rated i CoU; EACH Response: 1800 operations per hour: Power Consumption: Stock Mtr.'s Config- Rated Current* !Resis. AC, approx. 1.1VA I50 Hz); 1VA (60 Hz). PC, approx. 0.eW. .o. Typ. ..t,e. v mAi :~ ~ 1-9 I ~0-40 ~ 50-99 100-.p U.'. L,s~ed. CSA Ce~ified. ~12-1040 RH1B-UAC24V SPOT 24VAC ?, r 300.0 9.03 8.58 8.13 6.65 Rated 4 Coil EACH 812-10M, RH1B-UDC12V SPDT 12VDC ~:~) !88.0 8.10 7.70 7.28 6.06 Stock Mfr.'s Config- Rated Currenl' Rests. 812-1046 RH1B-UDC24V SPDT 24VDC 32.5 50.0 8.04 7.64 7.23 5.02 No. Type uration Voltage I 812-1055 RH2B-UAC24V DPDT 2 VAC 5OC: 53.9 9.12 8.68 8.22 6.84 mA D 1-9 10-49 50-99 IO0-Up 4 , 812-1060 RH2B-UAC12DV DPDT 120VAC 1~: 4170.0 9.12 8.68 8.22 6.84 812-4125 RY25-UAC24V DPDT 24VAC 37.0 ) 300 8.31 7.91 7.47 6.24 812,1070 RH2B-UDC12V DPDT 12VDC "' 160.D 9.16 8.70 8.24 5.86 812-4126 RY25-UAC12OV DPDT 120VAC 7.5 7680 8.31 7.91 7.47 6.24 812-1075 RH2B-UDC24V DPOT 24VDC G~:~ 388:0 13:85 2:82 RY25-UDC12V DPDT 12VDC 64.0 188 7.81 7.41 7.03 5.85 5.44 7 73 8.16 8.59 650.0 812-4127 812-1090 RH4B-UAC24V 4POT 24VAC 83.0 84.5 14.24 13.53 I 10.69 812-4128RY25-UDC24VDPDT24VDC32.0 7507.81 7.417.035.85 512-1092 ..48-.Ac120v ,=OVAC 188 2200.0 14.88 812-4 31 . 48- 0120V : OVAO 11.0 4180 9..19.13 8.. 7.21 812-1094 RH4B-UDCI2V 4POT 12VDC 1 n 812-4133 RYJS-UCC12V 4POT 12VQC 25.,- 96 0 14 15 : : 75.0 60 7.89 7.50 7.11 5.92 81Z-109..~6 RH4B-UDC24V 4POT 24VDC 62.0 ]13:16 12.47 ] 10.37 812-4134 RY45-UDC24V 4POT 24VOC 36.9 50 8.76 8.32 7.09 6.57 'Rated current _+ 15% at 20°C. 60 HZ. *Rated Current {mA) + !5% at 20=C. 60 Hz. Snap-Mount DIN Rail Sockets l?-mountsockets are designed to mount on BNDN-1000 mounting rail. The Duilt-in mounting clip ~ ~ SA-406 ad' · ~tes mounting hardware and reduces mounting time by eighty percent. For spacing ~e~,veen DIN Rail Spac a I log sockets, use SA-406 DIN rail sOacer. Spacers are .197' in width. Spacing can be ~diusted eacording to the amount of spacers added. To prevent sideward movement, use BNL-5 en~ ;clip at ch end of socket row. SR2P-06 To Mount: Race socket on mounting rail and press down. To Remove: Pull clip out with screwdriver and lift socket. SR3B'05 Stock MIr.'s Fits DescriDUon EACH No. Type Series 1.9 10-49 j 50-99 812-00: ~ SR2P-06 RR2P, RTE-P 8-~in octal. snap-on rme mount 4.40 4,10 3.84 . e BNDN-1000 8t~,,~'~! 0 SRaP-06 RR3PA 11-pin oc~a(. snail-on rail mount 7,21 6.84 6.49 8 SR3B-05 ~A. RR3a. RTE-B 11-biaoe. snaD-on roil mount 6.87 6.52 6.18 : O SH2B-05 5.69 I 5.39 ~lade. snag-mount (rail mount) 5.99 ~ ~ ~""~45.Ei5 Ry4S I~lade. snao-rnount(su,acemount) 8.13 7.72i7.31 1 BNDN-IO00 -- A~ummum DIPJ mounting red (1 meter) 7.71 5.94 6.16 End Clip 0 oraL-5 -- ' 1.40 1.18 r .98 BNL-5 1 SH1B05 RH1B ' 5-blade. snag-on rail mount 5.04 4.79 ! 4.54 ~ RRyH4SB l,;-blaae. s~a:-un rail mount 8.86 8.40 i 7,96 SR3P-06 SY45-05 2 5-~laoe, sna."-~ rail mount 5,04 4.79 4,54 Depend On Allied For The L~test In ind,.~trial Elenfrnnics CnmnnnP. nf.~ ALLIED ~. 543