FPL Fibernet-RT170428 Incident Report Employee Information Construction Manager: Gilberto Martinez Date of incident: 4-28-17 Time of incident: 1:30pm Coppell Address incident took place: Gateway Blvd. Job Site: Segment 10A Type of Incident Brief Description of Incident  Injury  Theft  Accident  Dispute  Property Damage Oncor Power hit  Other List all Witnesses to Incident Crew Members Involved Pablo Martinez G&D Pablo Martinez G&D Julio Chavez G&D Julio Chavez G&D Describe and Attach any Pertinent Documents: (Police Reports, statements, receipts) I arrived on site around 4:30 pm to check on crew’s progress. When a utility truck pulled up asking if we had hit a power conduit and if every was ok. He said they had a 14,000 v power fuse had went down in area and were trying to figure out were. They took our info down and had a locator come out to figure out exactly were the hit was. It was 8pm when they finally figure it was around our work area. The hit was 6' deep and we were 8'11" so our pipe is 2'11" deeper then there's. our pipe was never exposed cause how much deeper it was but we were also 1' away from there pipe as well. Dan with Oncor had me stay out there till everything was figured out and exposed completely. At 10pm. everything was exposed and they left it at they will further investigate the whole situation and figure out what happen. they could not say we hit it but we were the only ones working in the area. They took Luis info down. They said we no longer needed to be out there and they would have it fix. I went by the next Morning around 10am and everything was back up and covered. When I got to the area at 4:30pm everything was covered back up, but you can tell they pot hole and the first one was 60’ away then on every 40’ to 60’ due to them crossing the power. Everything was covered back up also because they were hole’s that did not need to stay open after they were done boring that segment. Also, Dan said the power went down at 1:30pm so by 4:30pm everything was mainly cleaned up and covered up. Incident Report Corrective Actions to Prevent this Incident in the Future Verify Locate, and Pot Hole I got with the crew boring and made sure we understand we need to pot hole every 40’ in congested area’s or running along anything. And how Oncor Ask every 50’ and 2’ away from them.