WA9301-SP 980318City of Dallas Date: March 18, 1998 Submittal No. 13305-01 Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, Texas 75146-0010 Attention: Ms. Lucy Garcia Subject: Coppell 2 Metering Station Contract No. 94-81 Gentlemen: We are returning the following submittal data: IDENTIFICATION DESCRfPTION Job #2323 Turbine Meter and Venmri Flow Meter (PFS) DISPOSITION 9 3 X Distribution: Design Engineer - 1 Project Manager - 5 (File - 1), (Field - 2), (Coppelt - 1), (Pumping - 1) Water Utilities Department Design Services, 320 E. Jefferson, Rm 213 ® Dallas, Texas 75203 · 214 / 9484576 ® FAX 214 / 9484599 A city utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safety. Gity of Dallas WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DESIGN SERVICES SUBMITTAL REVIEW COMMENTS Date: March 18, 1998 Submittal No.: 13305 - 01 Colnlnents: 1. Turbine Meter should be a 12-inch size meter and not 10-inch as shown. , Specifications calls for Venturi Flow Meter to have an accuracy of plus or minis 0.25%. However, the meter model called for in the specifications can only be guaranteed to plus or minis 0.50%. Therefore this provision of the specification will be wavered and 0.50% will be held. The approval of this flow meter submittal (Ventud Meter only) hinges upon a successful laboratory test and approval of the report. Only then we will approve of the meter as to design characteristics, such as differential, C-coefficient, head loss, accuracy, etc.. , The specifications stipulate that laboratory calibration testing must take place over the entire flow range from 7 to 28 MGD, including 5 points above 28 MGD and 5 points below 7 MGD, even though this may require changing testing setup facilities in the middle of calibration. Testing only in the high flow ranges and water temperatures to achieve the specified accuracy will not be accepted. Water Utilities Department Design Services · 320 E. Jefferson, Rm 213 · Dallas, Texas 75203 · 214 / 948-4576 · FAX 214 / 948-4599 A city utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safety. CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT No. 94-81 COPPELL 2 METERING STATION PRODUCT DATA RESUBMITTAL SPECIFICATION SECTION 13305-01 FLOW METERS BAR CONSTRUCTORS, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ACME ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. FORT WORTH, TEXAS JOB #2323 REVIEWED BAR CONSTRUCTORS, INC. DATE BY c~ TRANS. #. D5o5'-0~ BAR Constructors, Inc. represents that we have determined and verified all field dimensions and measuremet ts, field construction crltefia. materials, catalog numbers, and ~in~i~3r data, an~. that we have checked wK~ the r'~quirenlen~s of the Work and the Contmcl D,seu~ent$. CITY OF DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT No. 94-81 COPPELL 2 METERING STATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TURBINE METER-SPEC SECTION 13305-2.01 2. VENTURI METER- SPEC SECTION 13305-2.02 NO EXCEPTION TAKEN MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT REJECTED FOR RECORD ONLY REVIEW BY THE ENGINEER DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONFORMANCE WITH CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. PROJECT CONTRACT # By Date DALLAS WATER UTILITIES DEPT. f'~2323xsubmitaKsub3toc.doc SONSUS S:_R[F..S "W" MODEL W-5500 DR Bronze Magnetic Drive Ftanaed =rids 8iz-=d '(DN 250am) MODEL: W-5533 DR T'.'r._.~,',',e;er is :,~se': cn the t;rbine orln~;ie c; measurement; its c-'.r--':ttng ra.',ge Is fr=m SS :: SSaa g--_j!=ns ;so min-,.'~e (12.5 t: 1252 ma.'n) Y.",= ,'sg;,stratjon as:ura:y GDNFORI~IANC--' TO STkNDAR~.S: Sens"s TurZs-Me~rs comity ,..olin ;J','Sr/AVt¢.'A S~'~ds-: OTO1 {m~_st rs~nt revision). zezm me:or lc :effz.,'Tn, ave :sos: :c ;n~'Jre PER.-'ORMAN~=_: The me:~,-'s uni.-'ue =rln:isi~ :f me~rjreme.m aL-z,"es e~er,:s'~ accuT~c,:.' life. T,".e W-~-'22 :,R resT,/, ic~.ions as ~s susm~me= flaw rates v;:'t.n~n Its czer~ng Toe ~esL:n :e. ,. ,'m.'.ts :sntj.'t'-::us Geefetish u~, tc :'.s- rates m~imum "aw caDsol."', w!Lna~: gffec~n; !so- term a:cum:v ..~-~[ng ,:r.=ue wear. OONSTRU~-TION: Tns meter serials2 of ~,s 5~i: a~embiies--- the majnca..~ ar~ the measurir, g or. am:an, S:r~Tghtening m t~e maincase minimize me swirl ',J'D~.rea,.m cf the meter ~ ~-s :: dire:t ~e flow ever~iy t: the rotor. The roedour:nO chamber assembly In.'fiude_= toe refer, 8diusdng vane (far ~jiaration) se':je, d Dire= Reading (DR) re,is:st. MAGN='T1G DRIVE: The ~nted RIght Mgie ,Meaneric Drive ellrain.tee conventional warm or mher gears normally requlred ~Qr hDr',~am~Jly moume~ mtDm Gr turbine measurin,-3 element. Registration It accomplished by combining the magnetic a~ons of a driver magnet (embedded in the r.~..' rotor), 8 '.hree-le~igsd ,fiL'X c~rier god a cyIindri~ ~ollower magnet attached to the ge~ tm_jn shaft inside '.he register's magnet well. Water riowin_: through the meter causes the rotor (w~m magnet) to turn. As one of me magnet poi~ passes one of the ftu~ e~rler iegs, ~he magnetic rome is through the flux c~rier ieg to the follower magnet, causing the register sh~f~ to mt~-ts. The only moving p~n in w~-ter is the rotor assembly. ROTOR: TOne tnermopt.e~ic rot~ w~th ceramic be.flog rotates on a ce,'~mic co~d r, alnte~ meal =ha~. The ~ter assembly weightless in w~ter. th~.s ~-.ddlng to be~-rlng fife, MAINTF_N~d~IC--: The measuring chamber ~nd straightening vanes can be removed, repaired and/or rap)deed without d~st'.Jrbing the rn~jncr. se in the line. A spare chamber can be utilized in the event maintenan~ ;.s required. O,.m/~ plates are ~-iso available to keep ins Roe in service while the me~-surin~ chamber is repaired and rec~lib.'ated. Factory testing. rep~r and measuring chamber exchange programs a,e av~[lable. Sea Sensue de~ sheet TM-B?~' ton detajis. STP, AINER: The me~er comes e:.ulp:ed with ar A~,n,,VA type ~,,raZner and rnu~ be ms:el.ed immedl~-,'ejy up~..regm meter. Sen. sue recsm,-,..e":s the use of an an:raved strainer v,':t," L':ZS me".er. OFER, ATING RANGE LOW F'_OW PRESSURE LOSS FLANGE R-'GIST-'R IV[ETER REGISTRATION MATERIALS STRAINER I Mea;uremsnt of p::~ie v,~ter with flow in one ~:rs.':!on only Continuous Fisv.,s: ~S to SBOO g:~."n, (I Z~ t~ ~SO ms/h) intermi~e~ ~ows: 7000 g~ m~ Meter an~ Strainer- 6.2 5503 GPm (.4 b;' ~: 12~ m=rn) 153 psi (1o.0 1o" U.S. ANSI E 15.1 Ci~s 12.5. O~Jonal ~d~llngs, ff specW. ed 5nitlab Stan~at~ Metric 5"~ndard 150 R2o54 HermetlcaJly Sealed Direct Rea.~tng Register w~In Low ~ow indicator 1.000.00O,ODO L:=-Ji:ns 1.0oo .=aliens/sweep hand revolution l O0,OO0,OOO cubic feet ~ O0 cubi¢ f~et/s'wsep revolution 10,000,000 ms , ~0 m~lswesp hand r~'~,oluilon Maincase -- Bronze ' ' Msaaurlng Oham~er -- '~ro~ze S~ralghtentng Vanes -- Stainless SIeel Rotor -- Thermoplestlcr- Radial ~earlng -- Oeramr=.. Trim -- Sminlsss SteelT; Thrust Bearings -- :. Tungsten C~bide , Magnet-'- -- Body and Cover -- C~s: ir;n Screen- Bronze Head 9 8I Loss Curve (With AWWA Strainer) I I ~ 1 I I '- "~ t t I : · - - ::..' 2 i I I I I I 10;)0 ;~O 203;3 2.50;) .,~003 ~3 40;'1]4600 RAT~ OF FL~ {GPM) Accuracy Curve (With AWWA Str'ainer) ,,T, 101, i RATE OF ;LOW (GPM) , C D-- ) F--Bolt CI,'-'Je H--SIze af Bolta Dln~ctlon Flow Meter r Normal ODeratln~ Dimensions en"j Pipe Ran~e'GPU. SIze MInimum Maximum Conne~lons '.ON 25Camt 12 ~:rn 1253m~lh Firemeg: : . ' "~ ' :1~mm~4~Smm { ~Tmm 140Sam ~2~5mm NO~ ~For c:r. Unuous flows; ~33 GPM F EOOm:!h~ m~mum t:r I~rm'.~ent ~3~, ~NST~TION: To insure v~id regEs%-s~Dn ,afrotruants, the folio~n: fsctDrs sn=uld be considered ~en ~s1~Hng Sensue Turb~F6~ers. 1, When In;~Hlng Turb:-Mete~ ~th a Yzainer. ~ minimum of five (5) pipe diameters of stral~ht mn of FiDe ~ required ups~eam of ~e meter. 2. Do not i~Jl check v~v9s ~d pressure r~uclng devils up~eam of the meter. 3. E~ernal/y weF9,~ed c,~esk ~l~s Gnd ;ressurs re~ucin9 o'erices shoul~ nGr be Icca~d closer ~an fi~ (5} pips d/amete~ do~rsam Gf the meter. Unwei hted check ~tives should not 4. ares ~) pipe dimemrs Qow~em be . clo~r than of ms meter. Smal~ , Re;Star Measuring Chamber Assembly' B i Fa:e Ple, te IAssembly :-. t Ne%th I Shim:in) F ) G I H tw~ ~4,/,," I:2 I '/,' {sad r.,s.~ sad :~s, 35'2mm { 12 i ~mm {25S q I ~,4 kg 5. VeJves Immediately upstream of ~e meter should on~. be ~ fui>~Den cats valves. B,.'.'t. Grf, ly valves are a:cept~le ;f they are ~ve (5) pipe dlamete~ or more upstream from the! rne:er. Dov,,'nstrsam ful!y aden a~te or bu~e,"fly veJves can be '.j'~e.~. ' ', The TauchRead· Automated Meter Reading and Billin9 System--is a multi-purpose encoded remote system suitable for indoor and/or outdoor use. The Electronic Communications Register (='CR} uses a wired connation between the meter and an outside remote TauchPRd data transfer module, With a TouchRoad PitLid CTFL/PL) modu}e, pIhset motors can be read automatically without II~ing the meter box lid. The meter register. factory sealed to ~e PitLid module. is interrogated by touching a PitProbe to ~ lid mounted module :o read and store meter data, even in flooded pits. A non-remote version of the TouchRead® System is also avail- able for pit-set meters. It uses a data transfer module factory Remote Systems--Far usa with all sizes of Series "W" Turbo-Meters sealed to the top of the register. The TouchRead Convsrt~i;le ' SQNSUS TECHNOLOGIES. INC. Sensus Technologies, Inc. 450 N. Gallstin Avenue Uniontown, PA 15401 TO~L FREE HOTLINE 1-B00-METER-ff 1-B0O-B3B-3748 (TRC) register can later be field convened to be compatible with centralized automatfc meter reading. All verolons can be read with a visual reading device, and/or a TouchRead System In~errogBtotlRecorder. For detailed Information on TouchRoad Sy~em equipment refer to date sheet~ RS-983, TR-eB~., B,S-990 and TR-995. Electrorile Reglsters Impulse Contact Reglsters end ,High Speed Pickup Registers are available for use with Act-P.-k Instruments for remote monitoring end control, bued 6n rate gild/or totalizEtion. Sea dm'a sheets =-1112 and E-11 'i Autharized D;~='butor r "r 02/25/98 11:41 8401 463 3129 PRIMARY FLOW ~ 002/004 SUBMITTAL ACME ELECTRIC COMPANY 4703 MARTIN STREET FORT WORTH, TX 76119 PERTAINING TO: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: PROJECT: COPPELL HTR STATION (1) 24" B HVT-CI SERIAL: 4618 (1) FLOW CALIBRATION 4618 REVISION A: THIS REVISION REFLECTS A NEW SHOP DRAWING. CERTIFIED BY: GARY GILBERT - DATE: 2/9/98 REV. A: 2/25/98 ENGINEERING PFS QUOTE NO.: 454-97 [:~ _j,D,. Submittals [] Operation &Maintenance Manua}s PJFS81 BleacheQ,,Coun Warwic,, ,qhocle tslanrl 02886-~203 Tel 40! 46~ 9199 ,---- Fgx 401 46,t Primary Flow SIgnal, inc. SHOP ORDER AND FLOW METERING PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Project: C0PPEkk MTR STATION Customer P.O. No,: Customer Nine: ACME Customer Address: 4703 FORT ELECTRIC COMPANY MARTIN STREET WORTH, TX 76119 Date Order Received: 2/9/98 Order Ship Date: 3/4/98 Qu~ndry: 1 Model: 24" 8 HVT-CI Serlal No.: 4618 Inlet Diameter: 24,00" Throat Diameter: Drawing No.: C I -24-8-4618 See Ora~tnl for D~tign, Material, and DlmenXional lnformar~on Tag No,: 14.00" BemRa~o: 0.5833 (1) FLOW CALIBRATION FOR DISCHARGE COEFFICIENT AND HEADLOSS. Pipe Inside Diameter: Upstream 24.0D" Downstream 24.0D" NOTE:Pipe inside diameter must be refilled. Incorrect pipe inside dEnmeter can result inflow measurement error and may prevent Installation of insert-type meteft Into plpalint. Line Fluid: WATER Max. Flow Rate: ?A MGD Line Pr:ssure: 60 Pq ~ ~, How Rate Differential (h~) Headloss 78 MGh 776.45"wc I7.9"WC 21 155.50 14 69.1! 7 17.28 Accuracy Expressed in Percent of C with Normal Flow Pattern (3ee ~ttached PF3 Technic,,! U,,rar,,n Pages BIO. Eg. and EIOJ Line Temperature: RD x 10.3 2287 Bench Calibrated: + Find the differential (h,~) for any flow rate (Q~): I~A = Max hw x (~ C: Fa: 0,50 % Flow Calibrated: d: N/A % Reliability: FULL $impli~ed Flow (Q) and Differential Pressure {hw) Calculation (For deroil~d calculatlo~ see ] gq.l End the flow rate (QA) for any aiffcr=ntial (h,.A): /hwA QA" M'~x Q x Max h.w 0,9900 pie 62,3464 ]b/ft3 I~: 1.12 cP 1.00 Ps: "' lb/fts Y: 1, O0 (For E. vplanatlon o/Symbols..vet attached ~F5 Tcch.lcal Literature Page BI J Certified by: A'], JT, Z//~ Date: 2/9/98 Gary Gilbert - Engineering REV. A: 2/25/98 PFS Quote No.: 454-97 n r I m mm, ;V F m o w PF$ Form - 4~95 ~ F~ SIShal, Inc, 81 Bleachery Court Warwick RI 02886-1201 Tel 401-463-9199 Fax 401-z~63-3129 Primary Flow M;""::2H" B HVT'C~ Signal Inc. I Sizm2H etC ]H" INSPECT[ON HOLE Rhode~-~:l USA (IF REQUZ~D} ~~BT TAPS /[NL~ TAPS ~P~E 0N ' ' II0~s 51~BD~ lOP (2)I!IGH P~SSUE TAP5 , 3/~ NPT (2 } L0M PESSU~ TAPS · , ~ ~.'~. 3/4 NPT FLOM VENT DRAIN HOLES, 3/4 NPT I I ..ra'H · r -7. t ! DINENSIONS: INCHES FLANGE DRILL[NG FOR PSi NO OF HOLES HOLES EQUALLY SPACED STilADDLr TOP INLET 0UTLFT 150 s~,~e 5~0 As leDEL N0. 2N' B HVT: I ~ I S~]IAL MATERtAtS 1. BODY: l}Lq CAST IRON. ~'IM A126. F, RADE n 2. THROAT LINEIt: 3, gUSHING$: r"l ] 16 $TAINLE!; St[EL '~ gRONZE PAINT (IRON ONLY1 EXTERIOR: ["] FAL"TORy PRd4ER Fo~ O|IcHIJ-I~.~E' CONQII1ON~ M iS0 PSIG ~ TSO"F [] 250"F- SERIAL NUMBER TAG NUMBER i ENGINEER; CF. RTIFIED: C Accuracy and Reliability Summary of Calibration Data Nominal Inlet Beta Diameter Ratio 2.00 0.4822 2.00 0.5018 6.00 0.3142 6.00 0.4730 6.00 0.5999 6.00 0.5999 6.00 0.5999 6.00 0,5999 10.00 0.3601 10.00 0.4738 10.00 0.7059 10.00 0.7060 10.00 0.7060 10.00 0.7507 10.00 0.7507 10.00 0.7555 12.00 0.5875 12,00 0.5875 18,00 0.4996 18.00 0.4996 20.00 0.6307 24.00 0.5240 24.00 0.5240 24.00 0.5262 24.00 0.5262 24.00 0.5263 24.00 0.5378 29.00 0.5184 29.00 0,5184 29.00 0.5205 29.00 0.5205 29.00 0,5206 29.00 0.5206 36.00 0.5828 36.00 0.5828 48.00 0.5271 48.00 0,5271 48.00 0.5294 48.00 0.5294 Flow Calibration Facility ARL, Bldg. 2 - 10 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - 10 000 tb Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL Bldg, 2 - 10 000 Ib Tank ARL Bldg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL Bldg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL Bldg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL Bldg. 2 - 50 000 lb Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 0O0 Ib Tank ARL, Btdg. 2 - 50 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 lb Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - 50 000 lb Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - 50 000 tb Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Btdg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 lb Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 1 - 100 000 Ib Tank ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master ARL, Bldg. 2 - Master Standard Flow HVT . Inlet Actual Calibrated Discharge Discharge Ta,o Discharge Discharge Coefficient Coefficient Factor Coefficient Coefficient De~ion n 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9888 -0.12% 1 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9919 +0.19% 2 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9935 +0.35% 3 0.9900 0.9884 0.9785 0.9748 -0.38% 4 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9906 +0.06% 5 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9899 -0.01% 6 0.9900 0.9814 0.9716 0.9728 +0.12% 7 0.9900 0.9814 0.9716 0.9720 +0.04% 8 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9868 -0.32% 9 0.9900 0.9907 0.9808 0.9827 +0.19% 10 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9912 +0.12% 11 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9907 +0.07% 12 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9917 +0.17% 13 0.9900 0.9452 0.9357 0.9365 +0.08% 14 0.9900 0.9452 0.9357 0.9362 +0.05% 15 0.9900 0.9432 0.9338 0.9364 +0.28% 16 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9934 +0,34% 17 0.9900 0.9779 0.9681 0.9716 +0.36% 18 0,9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9865 -0.35% 19 0.9900 0.9916 0.9817 0.9805 -0.12% 20 0,9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9922 +0.22% 21 0.9900 1,0000 0.9900 0.9899 -0.01% 22 0.9900 0.9897 0.9798 0.9790 -0,08% 23 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9923 +0.23% 24 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9874 -0.26% 25 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9909 +0.09% 26 0.9900 0.9832 0.9734 0.9755 +0.22% 27 0.9900 1.0000 0,9900 0.9898 -0.02% 28 0.9900 0.9902 0.9803 0.9812 +0.09% 29 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9891 -0.09% 30 0.9900 0.9900 0.9801 0.9812 +0.11% 31 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9897 -0.03% 32 0.9900 0.9900 0.9801 0.9798 -0.03% 33 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0,9867 -0.33% 34 0.9900 0.9836 0.9738 0.9721 -0.17% 35 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9895 -0.05% 36 0.9900 0.9894 0.9795 0.9778 -0.17% 37 0.9900 1.0000 0.9900 0.9894 -0.06% 38 0.9900 0.9893 0.9794 0.9829 +0.36% 39 Reynolds Number Range: 60 000 to 4 300 000 · G = Standard Deviation = +_ n ~- - __. 0.202% of C · R = Reproducibility of C for a New Meter = 20 = +_ 0.404% of C txG · P = C Precision = +-- = + 0.065% of C - ' n t = 2,02 = Student's t for 95% confidence level for 38 (n - 1 ) degrees of freedom · AB = Bench Calibrated C Accuracy = +-- 'qp2 + R2 = + 0.41% of C Certified by: · D. Halmi, Engineering C Accuracy and Reliability HVT Discharge Coefficient Pipe Reynolds Number Behavior 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.97 · ~ +_ 0.50% Accuracy Band .... ..... .....,_ IIII Illl III III I111 0 500 1000 3500 4000 I IIII I111 IIII I 1500 2000 2500 3000 Pipe Reynolds Number x 10-3 III ® 2" HVT-FV B= 0.5018 10 000 Ib Facility, 47° A 6" HVT-FV i3= 0.5999 50 000 Ib Facility, 79° ~ 10" HVT-CI 13= 0.7060 100 000 Ib Facility, 98° '~' 12" HVT-PS 13= 0.5875 100 000 Ib Facility, 93° [] 24" HVT-CI <S> 3O" HVT-CI G 48" HVT-CI 0.5263 Master Facility, 72° 0.5184 100 000 Ib Facility, 80° 0.5271 Master Facility, 70° Note: Flow calibrations were performed at Alden Research Laboratory, Inc., Holden, Massachusetts in the flow calibration facilities shown. © 3/92 El0 Primary Flow Signal, Inc. Design Tools /~,,HVTs do "metering work" by acceleratinE the line Zluid from inlet to throat velocity to generie the flow signal, i.e., the differential pressure. The higher throat velocity must then be decelerated to full pipe velocity which cannot be achieved without energy loss. This energy loss, called headloss, is the price of the unique reliability that HVT meters provide. Since the flow Inlet Tap Corner Halmi Venturi Tube Inlet Tap Static -!I! HVT- Headloss signal is the result of the "work" the HVT metering shape performs on the line fluid, it is largely inde- pendent of the effects of different upstream piping configurations. HVT headloss can be calculated from the graph below, according to the metering shape used, beta ratio, and pipe Reynolds number (RD) of the application. Typical Metering Shape Recovery Section Entrance Inlet ~ Transition Throat Section Section Section Section HVT without Recovery Cone HV'I' with Standard RecovenJ Cone Tmncation HVTwith Full Recovery Cone Note Standard Cast Iron HVTs (HVT-CI) and standard Plastic Insert HVTs (HVT-PI) have standard recovery cone truncation as shown. Full Recovery Cones are available at an additional cost. I RDb (10- 3) 0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Beta Ratio HLb % of Differential 7 With Standard Truncation HLb (_.~b)- 0.12 Primary Flow Signal, Inc. I:1 "!' = Headloss % of hw at any RD 6 5 0.4 0.5 0.6 Beta Ratio I With Full. Recovery 3/92 Effects of Installation Design Tools The differential pressure produced by an HVT is, to a governing extent, an indirect indication of the difference in kinetic energy content of the flowing fluid at the inlet and throat tap cross sections of the meter. Since the same flow rate can possess different kinetic energy contents (depending on the approaching flow pattern), that same flow rate can produce different differ- ential pressures, thus causing errors in the indi- cated rate of flow. Irregular flow patterns, which alter the "normal" C value and/or behavior, can be caused by the individual or combined effects of: · Pipe Reynolds Number (RD), · Pipe surface roughness, shape, and diameter irregularities, · Upstream fittings (elbow, increaser, etc.), and · Downstream fittings. For HVTs with full or truncated recovery cones, this effect is zero. The C effect of RD is treated in Section E. The C effects of some common fittings are shown in the "Typical Installation Effects" chart on page B 10. From it we may conclude: 1. Comer inlet tapping increases the flow pattern sensitivity. 2. The C effect of nonrotational irregular flow patterns caused by a decreaser, increaser, single elbow, or tee are self-attenuating: the longer the upstream straight pipe, the lesser the effect. 3. The single elbow C effect is sensitive to orientation but preserves the direction of the effect, i.e., in the same orientation at different cross sections, the sign of the C deviation stays the same. Consequently, HVTs should be tapped as shown to permit the use of the presented data. 4. Diminishing the beta ratio diminishes the C effect. 5. Rotational flow patterns (two elbows, for example, direct-coupled in orthogonal planes) cause self-preserving C effects (40 pipe diameters of straight pipe between the disturbance and the meter is not enough to eliminate errors). Also, the errors vary in magnitude and sign with distance after the location of the disturbance, keeping orien- tation constant. The following tools are offered for reducing the effects of irregular flow patterns: · Use a smaller beta ratio. · Use static inlet tapping instead of comer inlet tapping. · Use a longer straight pipe upstream. · Use flow straighteners for normalizing rotational flow patterns, but consult PFS before using them. Improper use of flow straighteners can introduce greater errors than the ones they are expected to eliminate! Normal Flow Pattern Effects A review of the thoughts presented below should help achieve the required field installed accuracy for HVTs with reliability. Both experience and theory indicate that differ- ent flow calibrations performed on a flow meter in different water calibrating facilities can yield different C values. This deviation, however, may be significantly greater than can be ac- counted for in the precision of the C data and justifiable bias errors in the flow calibrations. Given properly designed hydraulic laboratories with properly executed flow calibrations, the precision of C is calculated from the calibration data, while the bias errors are estimates based on "historical" data. Since the precision and bias are "known," the only recognized "unknown" is the effect which laboratory flow patterns (judged "normal") have on the discharge coeffi- cient of the flow meter. ~ 3Lc2 Primary Flow Signal, Inc. Design Tools Normal Flow Pattern Effects, Continued ,~' n the past, much frustration and confusion have been caused due to the lack of satisfactory treatment of "normal" flow pattern effects. PFS has solved this "puzzle" by introducing the term "normal" flow pattern effects, where: A flow pattern is considered normal for a given meter or meter type if the C effect of the flow pat- tern is less than the accuracy of the flow calibration. The far reaching importance of this definition is recognition of the fact that different flow patterns can act as normal or irregular, depending on the flow pat- tern sensitivity of different types of devices (HVTs versus orifice plates), or of different characteristics of the same type of device (beta ratios of HVTs, number of paths in ultrasonic flow meters, length and design of electromagnetic flow meters). Since flow patterns can be only judged as "normal" and since those judgements cannot be made without error, we ac- count for such errors by introducing the "normal flow pattern effect" in the HVT accuracy calculation, as shown below: Normal Flow Pattern Effects for HVTs ~/PL2 + RL2 (2 sigma equivalent) +% of C 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Beta Ratio +% of C 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Beta Ratio This graph provides guidance as to how the most benefit can be obtained after the decision has been made to invest in the flow calibration of an HVT. Use either: · A small beta HVT (preferably 0.5000 or less) with no or just a short length of pipe (two pipe diameters long) permanently attached to the up- stream end of the meter, or · A larger beta HVT with a longer length of up- stream pipe permanently attached to the device. Permanently attaching a length of pipe to the upstream end of the meter reduces the C error that could be caused by differences in the C-con- trolling physical characteristics of the pipe which precede the meter or metering section at the flow calibrations, as opposed to that which will pre- cede it in the field. When a length of upstream pipe permanently at- tached to the HVT is included in the flow calibra- tion, the flow calibrated C accuracies given in "Discharge Coefficient Summary"(page B2) can be improved since part of the "normal flow pattern effect" is removed. (The magnitude of improvement depends on several parameters. Consult PFS for estimates.) The bench calibrated C accuracy, as given on page B2 includes the normal flow pattern effect and can be obtained when the installation pos- sesses normal flow patterns. In the case of critical installations, consult PFS. Primary Flow Signal, Inc. ,,,, r~ ~ I:1 '| '[' Typical Installation Effects Design Tools The table below was derived from flow test data. The accuracy of the tests, in view of the purpose for which they are used, is + [0.25 ¢/0.7)4 ] %. Meteringly similar flow disturbers should give similar effects. Since HVTs have sufficiently long recovery cones, a flow disturber coupled directly to its outlet will have no effect on the throat pressure sensation. Thus, it does not impair the accuracy of the flow measurement. The table below should be used as follows: · To secure the "normal" accuracy for the flow measurement, the HVT should be located at a distance following the disturber as indicated on the graph for the type of disturber, inlet tapping, and beta ratio of the HVT. · If there is insufficient piping available to secure normal accuracy, read the disturbance effect from the graph for the beta used and for the length of upstream pipe available. Calculate the accuracy for the metering section as follows: Installed Accuracy = (AB + AC ) where AB from page E5 is: For static inlet tapped HVTs, 8 AB 0.5000 + 0.50 % 0.6000 + 0.50 % 0.7000 + 0.50% For corner inlet tapped HVTs, f3 AB 0.5000 + 0.50% 0.6000 + 0.50 % 0.7000 + 0.53 · Use flow straighteners only to stop swirls as in the case of two elbows Which are direct- coupled in 90° planes. Contact PFS for design. Improperly used straight- eners may cause greater errors than the ones they are supposed to eliminate. · For the effects of other types of disturbers or of disturbers in series, contact PFS. 3/92 "' "' ~ ~ ~ ' ~ IBmIN Ii~l 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Pipe Diameters (Z) Pipe Diameters (Z) B10 Primary Flow Signal, Inc. Storao, e Re{iuirements Cast Iron. Ductile Iron, and Fabricated Pressure Vessel Venturi Flow Meters Indoor Storage: · The venturi flow meters can be stored indefinitely indoors. · Meters should be stored away from high tra~c areas in order to minimize damage risk. · Meters must not be stacked. · Flanged meters may' have bare iron or steel flange faces, or lightly primed flange faces as required by the specification. If meters will be stored in humid or corrosive areas, the flange faces my need to be coated with a suitable rust preventative. Note that any coating or sealant may need to be removed prior to installation; refer to the specification and applicable standards or codes. · Prolonged exposure to s~mlight or other ultraviolet sources (fluorescent lights, etc.) may discolor, alegloss, or chalk the exterior finish. · If storage is to be long-term, it is recommended that meters be covered with a tarp or heavy plastic sheeting. Outdoor Storage - Short-Term fless than 3 months): · Meters should be stored away from high traffic areas in order to minimize damage risk. · Meters must not be stacked. · If meters will be stored in humid or corrosive areas, the flange faces may need to be coated with a suitable rust preventative appropriate for outdoor exposure. Note that any coating or sealant may need to be removed prior to installation; refer to the specification and applicable standards or codes. · The ends are capped to eliminate foreiN matter from damagin_'g the internal portions of the meter. These caps must not be removed until installation. · The pressure sensing tap connections have pipe plugs to eliminate the possibility of clogging. These caps must not be removed until installation. · If the exterior finish gets damaged, it must be touched-up with the same or a compatible coating system. Note that prolonged ex'posure to sunlight may discolor, degloss, or chalk exterior finish. · It is recommended that the meters be covered with a tarp or hea~' plastic sheeting. Outdoor Storage - Lon~-Term (3 months or more): · Long-term storage is the same as short-term storage with the following amplification: The meters must be covered with a tarp or heavy plastic sheeting. Meter Transport: · Depending on unit and order size, the venturi meters are mapped or lagged onto pallets or custom skids. · Using the skids, the meters can be moved by a forklif~ of adequate capacity. DO NOT DRIVE THE FORK THROUGH THE FLANGE CAPS OR INTO THE METER INTERIOR. · The meters can be l~ed by a crane or forkliR in conjunction with an appropriate sling. · Avoid scraping or scratching the coated surfaces. Touch-up coatings as needed. HDI STR.G Primary Flow Signal, Inc. Safety Prior to Start-Up: Determine that the meter is properly installed. The venturi meter is a piping component and should be handled accordingly with the same precautions. DO NOT HANDLE METER FROM ITS INSIDE. Determine that the pressure connections are properly made and are appropriate for the intended service. Determine that the meter has been installed in strict conformance with the "Installation Directions" included in this manual. If the meter appears damaged in any way, contact the local PFS Sales Representative or service organization, or contact Primary Flow Signal, Inc. directly. At Start-Up: Do not over-pressurize meter. Refer to approval drawing for design pressure. Do not subject meter to shock pressures or water hammer. When filling pipe line, bleed-off air in the proper fashion. Af[er Start-Up: Do not over-pressurize meter. Refer to approval drawing for design pressure. Do not subject meter to shock pressures or water hammer. Conform to "Preventive Maintenance" procedures included in this manual. H:D1 :Safe'O,' F S 6 Blackstone Vafie; Place. Suite 402 ~ Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865-1 f45 ~ w)f Tel 401 334 7710' -,--- Fa~ 401 334 7713 Primary Flow Signal, Inc. Start-Un Procedures Determine that the meter is properly installed. The venturi meter is a piping component and should be handled accordingly with the same precautions. DO NOT HANDLE METER FROM ITS INSIDE. Determine that the pressure connections are properly made and are appropriate for the intended senrice. Determine that the meter has been installed in strict conformmace with the "Installation Directions" included in this manual. Do not over-pressurize meter. Refer to approval drawing for desi~ma pressure. Do not subject meter to shock pressures or water hammer. When filling pipe line, bleed-off air in the proper fashion. Determine that pressure piping to secondary instrumentation is installed correctly. If the meter appears damaged in any way, contact the local PFS Sales Representative or service organization, or contact Primary Flow SiSal, Inc. directly. Shut-Down Procedures If it is necessary to isolate the differential pressure signal from the secondary instrumentation, close the isolation valves (if provided) and disconnect impulse piping. If secondary instrumentation is to be disconnected for an extended period, use pipe plugs appropriate for the line pressure. If the meter is to be removed from the line for any reason, depressurize mad drain the pipe line. Move meter with slings or strapping appropriate for the weight mad geometry of the meter. HD1 :Starrap jj ~l!_ ~p~: 6 Blackstone Valley .Place. Suite 402 Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865-1145 ~, F)f r ~ Tel ~401 334 7710 · Fa~ 401 334 7713 Primary Flow Signal, Inc. INSTALLATION DIRECTIONS PRESSURE VESSEL TYPE NAMEPLATE VENT / I ! E) O TAP LOW PRESSURE TAP / F~LO I W DIRECTIONAL ARROW ON METER ELEVATION VIEW -Meter should be installed in the pipeline in a manner consistent with industry-accepted practice. -Install meter in pipeline so that the "Flow Directional Arrow" agrees with the direction of flow. -In horizontal installations, pressure taps should be oriented on horizontal plane. --Align meter carefully with the pipe. --Pipe flanges must be parallel and properly aligned to prevent damaging the Meter flanges. --Use gaskets appropriate for use with flange materials! ME7'AL GASKE775 SHOULD NOT BE USED WITH GREY IRON OR DUCTILE IRON FLANGES. --Gaskets must not protrude into the flow. --Impulse piping to secondary instrumentation should be corrosion resistant, sized and installed in accordance with the instrumen- tation manufacturerTs instructions. C IIYFIO I -This is a high quality flow meter! -Handle it from its exterior o.nly-USE SLINGS! -Do not damage its interior. -Do not over-torque bolts. -Do not use meter as pipe support -If improperly installed, meter must be reinstailed correctly. -If damaged, meter must be replaced. -Unless expressly stated in submittal or O & M manual, mechanical interference may occur when direct-coupling a.butterfly valve to downstream flange of meter. FAILURE TO FOLLOW ABOVE DIRECTIONS MAY VOID WARRANTY! WHEN IN DOUBT, CONTACT: Primary Flow Signal, Inc. 6 Blaclc~tone Valley Place, Suite 402 Lincoln, Rhode island .02865-1145 401 3347710 Fax:401 3347713 Preventive Maintenance 1. Check Flange and Pressure Tap Connections for Leaks Annually By Instrumentation Operator or Mechanical Personnel 2. Inspect Exterior Finish For Scrapes, Dings, or Blistering Annually By Instrumentation Operator or Mechanical Personnel · No special tools or skills are necessary for preventive maintenance tasking. · No preventive maintenance parts list is applicable. Corrective Maintenance In case of loss-of-sig-nal or erratic output, check taps and impulse piping to secondary instrumentation for blockage or debris. Check impulse piping for leaks, trapped condensation (in the case of compressible gas flow), or trapped air (in the case of liquid flow). In case of blockage, purge lines with air or water (as is appropriate) pressurized to approximately 30 PSI above line pressure. WAILNING: IN NO CASE SHOULD FLUSHING PRESSURE EXCEED THE DESIGN PRESSURE OF THE PROCESS OR IMPULSE PIPING In case of trapped condensate or trapped air, remove by use of bleed valves or plugs, or through the manifold at the flow transmitter. Stop leaks by tightening, resealing, or regasketing as necessary. Touch-up exterior finish with the same or a compatible coating system as necessary. There are no test points, adjustments, or user-serviceable parts in the HVT venturi meter, nor is there any assembly or disassembly. If problems persist, contact the local PFS Sales Representative or service organization, or contact Primary Flow Signal, Inc. directly. · Corrective maintenance can be performed by mechanical or plant personnel. · No special tools are required for corrective maintenance. Spare Parts The venturi meters provided on this project were designed and manufactured specifically for this project. The HVT product line has no moving or removable parts. There is no pans list and there is no recommended stocking level. HD1 :PryMain · ,..--- ;;x 401 334 7713 Primary Flow Signal, Inc. Design Tools The basic flow equation is derived in Section D. From this equation we compose the following working flow equations, each of which has a constant. The constants modify the ideal flow equation (Section D) for the flow and time units to be used; for the preference of using inches for Differential Producers - Working Flow Equations length rather than feet; and for the fact that the ideal flow equation uses the differential pressure ex- pressed in feet of line fluid at line temperature and pressure while the working equations use inches of water at 68°F, 14.7 PSIA. Equation 1: Q = g Constant d2 C Y Fa ~ hw go Equation 2: Q = g constant d2 C Y Fa ~J pl hw go ~1- B4 Constants: Second Minute Hour Day Equation 3: Cubic Feet Eq. 1 0.09970 5.982 358.92 8614.1 5.982 d2 C Y Fa ~ Pl hw g SCFM = go Gallons Liters Pounds Eq. 1 Eq. 1 Eq. 2 0.7458 2.823 0.09970 44.748 169.39 5.982 2684.9 10163.2 358.92 64438.0 243197.0 8614.1 Symbol ... Explanation ... Unit AB = Accuracy of Bench Calibrated C ....+% of C AF = Accuracy of Flow Calibrated C ....+% of C C = Coefficient of Discharge ....Ratio CB = Bench Calibrated C ....Ratio CF = Flow Calibrated C ....Ratio D = Inlet Diameter ....Inches d -- Throat Diameter ....Inches Fa = Thermal Expansion Factor .....Ratio g = Local Gravitational Acceleration .....ft/sec2 go = Standard Gravitational Acceleration ... ffsec= (go = 32.174 ft/sec2) G = Specific Gravity .....Ratio HL -- Headloss in % of differential....% HLb = Headloss at RDb....% h~, = Differential Pressure ... Inches of Water 68°F, 14.7 PSIA 144 (P1 - 0.0361 hw - Pw) Ic -- Cavitation Index = VH2 P~ P~, = Liquid Vapor Saturation Pressure at Line Pressure ..... PSIA Primary Flow Signal, Inc. P~ = Inlet Static Pressure ....PSIA P2" Throat Static Pressure ....PSIA RD = Pipe Reynolds Number... Ratio RD= (6.32 x Ib/hr)/l~D RDb= RD Value at Which HLb Was Determined .... Ratio RH = Relative Humidity ....% T~ = Inlet Temperature .....°R VH~ = Velocity Head in Inlet ... Ratio V~= VH~ = 64.348 VH2 = Velocity Head in Throat ... Ratio V~ = Average inlet Velocity ....ft/sec V2 = Average Throat Velocity ....ft/sec Y = Expansion Factor ... Ratio Z~ = Compressibility Factor at Inlet Conditions ... Ratio 8 = d/D = Beta Ratio .... Ratio g = Absolute Viscosity ,.. c~ntipoise Ps = Fluid Density at Standard Condition~ ....Ib/ft3 p~ = Fluid Density at Inlet Conditions ... Ib/ft3 P2 = Fluid Density at Throat Conditions ;.. Ib/ft3 ( 81 ©3/92 il : ( i UP TO 36" DIAMETER PUMP & FILTER ROOM SWITCH' OFFICE 100.000 10,000 LB' !~SpLUd :. ~2 250,000 GALLON RECIRCULATING SUMP ~ ' ~. ' NORMAL WATER TEMPERATURE = B0 to 90°F , E I FLOW MEASUREMENT ..~ FACILITY IN BUILDING 1; - -:-: FIGURE 2 WEIGH TANK AND SWITCHWAY FLUID METER CALIBRATION AND EQUIPMENT TESTING 'INTRODUCTION The accurate knowledge of flow quantity and hydraulic equipment performance has great value in manufacturing processes, power production, the petroleum industry, and public works, including water supply and treatment. Since small errors in flow measurement can be economically significant, fluid meters often require calibration prior to installation. Calibration may also be required where meters have been in place for extended periods, as corrosion or deposits may alter characteristics. Unique approach piping may negate the use of coefficients established under ideal conditions. The Alden Research Laboratory, Inc. (ARL) is an acknowledged world leader in flow meter cali- bration. As an independent labo- ratory, A~L has the facilities and staff to test and calibrate fluid meters, valves, hydraulic machin- ery, and other equipment. Flow meters are calibrated at ARL using the gravimetric method, which consists of weighing the flow volume diverted over a measured time. This method produces a consistent accuracy of _+0.25 percent. Large meters can be calibrated to an accuracy of !0.5 percent using a calibrated meter as a secondary standard. With seven test loops available, a large range of meter sizes from s fraction of an inch up to 36 inches and larger can be accommodated. Specialized facilities for unusual testing requirements or for research can be constructed on request. Clients are welcome observers during their test program. FIGURE 3 INTERIOR OF 100,000 LB WEIGH TANK CALIBRATION FACILITIES BUILDING 1 The ARL calibration facilities are housed in two buildings. The Building 1 flow facility, Figure 1, includes 10,000 and 100,000 pound weighing tanks and scales, Figures 2 and 3. Test lines 1 and 2 can accommodate meters with diameters up_ to 36 inches. Figure 4 shows the 72 foot long test section, al- lowing reproduction of approach piping to achieve the highest pos- sible accuracy. A third test line is sized to test 6 inch and smaller meters. Flow is supplied to test lines 1 and 2 by two 300 IqP centrifugal pumps. The flow capacity of each line is approximately 40 cfs (18,000 ~pm). The two pumps can be operated individually or in parallel and are each capable of approximately 22 cfs (9,900 gpm) at an 80 foot head. Two other pumps that supply the smaller test lines are rated at 7.5 cfs (3,370 gpm) at a 260 foot head and at 1 cfs (449 gpm) at 500 feet. The pumps withdraw water from a 250,000 gallon recirculating sump located below the test floor, and discharge through a header manifold into two 36 inch pipes at the begin- ning of the loop. Control valves are located down- stream of the test section. A quick-acting switchway diverts the flow from its normal recirculating mode through the sump to the weighing tank, Figure 3. After weighing and determination of elapsed time, the volume of water in the tank is returned to the sump prior to establishing the next test condition. The water quality-in the sump is monitored, and the temperature is rarely below 80°F. For pipe sizes in the range of 16 to 20 inches, it is often possible to achieve throat Reynolds numbers in the order of 6 million using the weigh tank meth- od. This places ARL's facility as one of the largest independent precision flow loops in the world. FIGURE 4 PIPING USED WITH 24 AND 18 iNCH PTC-6 NOZZLES DURING THEIR CALIBRATION SURGE TANKS 10,000 LB WEIGH TANK 36" X 21" VENTURI FROM POND ; 50,000 LB 60' WEIGH TANK / FIGURE 5 FLOW MEASUREMENT FACILITIES IN BUILDING 2 BUILDING 2 Flow measurement facilities in Building 2, Figure 5, include test lines 1 and 2 with a 50,000 pound weigh tank; test line 3 for large meters and high flows up to ap- proximately 85 cfs ( 38,000 gpm), using a 36 inch x 21 inch Venturi meter as a calibration standard; test line 4 with a 10,000 pound weigh tank for smaller meters and low flows; and a facility for very low flows. The flow facilities in Building 2 are supplied by ARL's pond at a head of about 25 feet. _ . LB WEIGH TANK This head can be boosted to 120 ~eet b7 centrifugal pumps to ~n- c~esse the ~an~e o~ ~ows. Test lines 1 and 2 can accommodate meters having diameters up to 16 inches with a maximum flow capacity of approximately 22 cfs ( 9,900 gpm). Straight test sections can be up to 38 feet long. Test line 3, where the maximum meter size is 48 inches, can accommodate test sec- tions up to 60 feet in length. Test line 4 has a 30 foot test section and is utilized to test devic~ having diameters up to 6 inches. DATA ACQUISITION Flow meter catibrations are per- formed using=' a micro computer system for data acquisition and analysis, as well as report prepara- tion. Input-output devices include load cells, differential pressure cell s, multi-port scanning valves, A/D boards, hig'h speed and laser printers, draftin cr plotters, and video terminals. The versatility of the micro com- puter system, shown in Figure 6, permits the reduction, tabulation, and plotting of data, and also allows numerous functions to be automated ~dth software generally kno~,n to test personnel. FLOW FLOW METER ...... ...... POWER SUPP ["~1-.~ DP CELL HIGH RESOLUTION , DIGITAL !'jr"~ _. .;']i ',OLT METER FIGURE 6 ARL COMPUTERIZED DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM ACCURACY AND TRACEABILITY TO NIST ,--- All sensing and measuring elements used in flow meter calibrations are regularly calibrated with equipment traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Weighing tanks rest on mechanical scales, calibrated periodically or by request using weights totaling 10,000 pounds. These weights are traceable to NIST. Timers, differential pressure trans- ducers, manometers, mitlivo]t me- ters, dead weight gauge testers, and all other instruments are cali- brated and inspected at specified intervals. For some tests, dupli- cate instrumentation is used. Water quality and fluid property records are maintained, and all instrument calibration records are available for inspection. Detailed information on instruments or specific calibration procedures can be provided. The gravimetric test loops in Build- ings 1 and 2 provide meter calibra- tions certified to have an accuracy of +0.25 percent. For the high flow, once=through 36 inch line in Building 2, meter calibrations have an accuracy of +0.5 percent. The flow measurement facilities can also be utilized for developmental testing. The staff can accommodate a wide range of requirements, and all support services are available, including specialized instrumentation and skilled crafts. FIGURE 7 MEASURING A NOZZLE DIAMETER a 1.ooo uj ! 0.995-. rr z 0.990- 0_ 0.985- LU 0.980 0 0.5 METER I c, c, c / o r, METER 2 0 0 ~ 0 0.5% ! 1.0 1.5 ! I I ! 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 REYNOLDS NUMBER × 106 o o 4.0 FIGURE 8 CALIBRATION OF TWO IDENTICAL NOZZLES MANUFACTURED BY NUMERICAL CONTROL MACHINES e FLOW METER CALIBRATIONS Numerous types of flow meters are tested at ARL: - Differential pressure devices such as Venturi meters, noz- zles, orifice plates, and impact probes; - Electronic meters such as magnetic and ultrasonic; and -Others such as turbine, vortex shedding, and drag meters. BTU meters, which measure flow simultaneously with temperature, are becoming more common and can also be calibrated. Manufacturers and purchasers often require meter calibrations to insure conformance with codes or to deter- .mine the variation in accuracy due to manufacturing tolerances. The calibration curves for two identical nozzles manufactured by numerical control techniques indicate the possible variation in accuracy, Figure 8. In another case where a meter was required to meet rigorous specifications, Figure 9, the initial calibration of the nozzle indicated a discharge coefficient, C , greater than 1.0. A close inspeCDdon of the throat taps indicated that they were improperly finished. Calibration 2 in Figure 9 shows the shift in CD after refinishing the taps. o 1.02 ~ I- 1.01- I::C: Z o c o -.,-- 1.00- 00 o o o ~ u, 0.99- -- I.i, O 0.98 , 0 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 FIGURE9 c 2.6 2.8 CALIBRATION 1 0 0 C C C 0 O 0 0 O 0 CALIBRATION 2 I t ! I I 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 REYNOLDS NUMBER X 106 EFFECT OF THROAT TAP GEOMETRY ON 12 INCH NOZZLE CALIBRATION e VALVE AND EQUIPMENT TESTS The flow and head loss character- istics of fittings, valves, and other equipment under steady or unsteady flows can be determined by ARL. Figure 10 shows a 26 inch wye isolation valve whose characteristics were determined during normal closure and with reversible flow. The leakage when fully closed was also measured. Valve leakage under fire conditions, or the yield and rupture stress of pipes and valves when tested to their rating, can be measured. ARL also has a 20,000 psi static pressure testing rig for small equipment. FIGURE 10 TESTS OF 26 INCH WYE ISOLATION VALVE Complex piping, Figure 11, pro- duces velocity distributions that change meter characteristics. To obtain the highest accuracy, it is necessary to calibrate the meters with their unique piping. Valve capacity coefficients, C , are useful {~ as for valve compariso , shown in Figure 12, and as input to system analysis. Torque, cavita- tion, noise, and cyclic testing is also performed. Recently, a check valve was tested over 20,000 FIGURE 11 CALIBRATION WITH COMPLEX PIPING cycles. Strainers, fire hydrants, and commercial household meters have been tested. Components of fire protection systems are evalu: ated for insurance ratings, and endurance testing can be per- formed. ,~ 103 - O FROM CLO ~E~ 104 _ POSITION · FROM OPEN POSITION ~: Cv=Q~ Q IN GPM,~ P IN PSI G = P FLOW/P 60oF 102 i I I I I I I 0 20 40 60 80 VALVE POSITION (DEGREES) FIGURE 12 VALVE CAPACITY COEFFICIENTS, C ,, :. PUMP CHARACTERISTICS Manufacturers and buyers of pumps require detailed information on pump performance. Designers need to know the effects of impeller ' modifications or other variables on pump characteristics, including effi- ciency and NPSHR. ARL has several facilities that can be used to evaluate pump or turbine charac- teristics up to 100 HP. Figure 13 shows a small pump_ being tested in a rig that is suitable for centrifugal pumps up to 40 HP. The tests generally involve measurement of How, inlet and outlet pressures, torque, shaft speed, and electrical power. The torque is measured using a eradied dynamometer. The data obtained for one pump are shown in Fign~re 14. As discussed in the following section, ARL also conducts field evaluation of hydrau- lic machinery. 14 - 140 70 ' r,- TOTAL HEAD = .. 12- ~ 120E C;D30;~; - 60 ,, 100- ~ -50 ~ O r'~'~'O NI~ 8 - ~ 80 - - 40 Z 4- · 40 - 20 ~ 2-0 20- -10 I 0- 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 CAPACITY, GPM FIGURE 14 CENTRIFUGAL PUMP PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS - FIGURE 13 DYNAMOMETER ANE~ TEST RIG FOR CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS FIELD TESTING Field testing is conducted by ARL for a wide spectrum of hydraulic · equipment. One area. of 'consider- able activity has been the accurate measurement of flow for large pumps and turbines, Figure 15. Pump performance characteristics, Figure 16, and the efficiency of. turbines before and after modifi- cations can be determined. Various techniques for measuring flow in the field are used: - Velocity-area integration - Gibson pressure time method updated with electronic, PC data acquisition - Allen salt velocity - Tracer dilution- 50  - """, A THROUGH FLOW _- O GRAB SAMPLE ::z:: 45- (,) Z '-,o"-, : '-, . ~ ~ 40 - "b,"~,, a""' 35 Z o::-, ',, ~" ' I 30 """"""' 200 225 250 275 FLOW RATE (1000 gpm) FIGURE 16 PUMP PERFORMANCE CURVE FIGURE 15 DETERMINING FLOW FOR A HORIZONTAL SHAFT TURBINE Each has its advantages and ]imita- tions. For closed conduit flow, the tracer ( dye ) dilution method is convenient because small amounts of dye are injected and 'sampled using existing fittings. The testing is rapid, accurate to better than 2 percent, the conduit area does not have to be measured, and there is no interruption of service. In addition t0 flow, other para- meters such as head, speed, pres- sure, acceleration, and vibration can be measured, recorded, and' processed for analysis, Figure 17. Field surveys for bathymetry, currents, and thermal plumes have also been conducted by ARL using computerized data logging equip- ment. 200 uJ 150' PRESSURE ->1 t~-1 SEC ~ ,-.- ' (PSI) ~ ~ lO0- n'v 5 ~ 2000 ... 1500- PUMP SPEED ,', ,- 1000 (RPM) :~"" 500- a, 0- TIME (SEC) FIGURE 17 DIGITIZED RECORD OF TRANSIENTS DUE TO A PUMP TRIP-OUT OTHER CAPABILITIES ARL conducts product development tests and applied research in many areas of fluid mechanics. Numerous buildings, basins, and other test apparatus can be adapted for special projects. Large flumes and tanks with high flow capabilities are available. One flume, 70 feet long with a 6 foot x 6 foot cross section and flow capac- ity of approximately 75 efs, has been used for a variety of tasks. In another facility having a flow capacity of 100 cfs, full size sections of intake structures have been tested. For pumps and equip- ment requiring a deep pool as well as a large area, a 70 foot x 34 foot x 22 foot deep tank is available, Figure 18. FIGURE 18 FACILITY FOR EVALUATING LARGE EQUIPMENT Mathematical modeling is conducted at ARL in four principal areas: steady and transient flows in piping systems; mixing of thermal dis- charges and other effluents; open channel flow; and flow induced vibrations. One benefit of mathe- matical modeling is that the effects of varying a single variable can be quickly determined. Also, some phenomena cannot be accurately or cost effectively scaled in a physical model. Transient flows that produce the maximum and minimum system pres- sures, Figure 19, can be analyzed using either the method of charac- teristics or rigid water column theory. Complex boundary condi-. tions such as machinery or column separation can be simulated. Networks can also be analyzed, and the effect of altering pipe sizes and components can be determined. Eddy shedding, Figure 20, from tubes, trashracks, vanes, and piles can produce fluctuating lift (cross stream) and drag forces. Depen- ding on the ratio of the shedding frequency and the natural fre- quency of the object, destructive oscillations can occur. FIGURE 20 OSCILLATING WAKE DOWN- STREAM OF CYLINDER Gates used for dams and tunnels can also experience flow induced vibrations and large downpull or uplift forces depending on the design. These forces can prevent emergency closure or result in the failure of hydraulic components ." Various methods are available to analyze and physically model these systems. ARL has modeled: spillway gates, emergency closure gates, ]oads on hydraulic cylh~ders, and forces on high head dispersion cone valves. STEADY FLOW GRADELINE .Ds TAN C E '///////~//_/,~2~~/~,/:,//~/~ VALVE O P ENED FIGURE 19 TRANSIENT PRESSURES ALONG A CONDUIT, AFTER VALVE OPENING :' ALDEN RESEARCH LABORATORY Since its founding in 1894, the Alden Research Laboratory has provided professional services to industry and government in the areas of fluid mechanics, hydraulic structures, fluid metering, and hydraulic equipment testing. Until 1986, when it was separately incor- porated, ARL was a department of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Initially focused on experimental studies, hydraulic modeling, and fluid metering, ARL continues these traditional activities, as w ell as offering mathematical modeliner and on-site hydraulic and hydrographic measurements. This spectrum of capabilities in analyzing and solving complex flow problems for industry has earned ARL an international reputation. ARL has extensive resources in technical personnel, facilities, and administrative support. The staff includes research engineers, soft- ware en~neers for computer inter- facing with hydraulic systems, technicians, and other specialists for analyzin~r complex flow prob- lems. ~Vell equipped craft shops and experienced personnel permit rapid fabrication, installation, and instrumentation of test equipment for use at ARL or at industrial sites. Facilities include numerous build- ings, flow systems, and modern, computerized fluid mechanic in- strumentation. Micro computers are dedicated to the various test fa- ciliries, and technology has been developed in computerized image processing of surface velocities, and the automation of test facilities and controls. ARL's library con- tains more than 1,000 volumes and journals related to fluid mechanics, hydraulic equipment, and related topics. ARL is located in Holden, Massa- chusetts, just off 1-190, approxi- mately 5 miles north of Worcester. Several major carriers provide air service to nearby Worcester Air- port, and additional airports are located about an hour's drive away in Boston, MA; Hartford, CT; and Providence, RI. VENTURI METER DESIGNED BY CLEMENS HERSCHEL; CONSTRUCTED IN 1893 FOR CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR; DONATEb TO ARL AND USED UNTIL 1972 AS A SECONDARY STANDARD Q SELECTED CLIENTS FLUID METER CALIBRATION AND EQUIPMENT TESTING AEROjET TECHSYSTEMS CO. AEROQUIP CORP. ANCHOR/DARLING VALVE CO. ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. BADGER METER, INC. BAILEY CONTROLS CO. BELlLOVE CO. BELOIT CORP. BETHLEHEM CORP. B.I.E BINGHAM-WILLAMETTE CO. BROWN BOVERI CORE BYRON JACKSON PUMP CO. A.W. CHESTERTON CO. CLEVELAND ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING CO. CONTROLOTRON CORE DANIEL INDUSTRIES, INC. DELMARVA POWER & LIGHT CO. DIETERICH STANDARD CORP. DOW CHEMICAL USA DRAVO CORP. DUKE POWER CO. DYNASONICS. INC. EASTECH, INC. ECOLAIRE VALVE CO. ENERGY FLOW SYSTEMS, INC, FERRANTI O.R.E., INC. FISCHER & PORTER CO. FLOW TECH CORP. FLOW TECHNOLOGY, INC. FLUIDIC TECHNIQUES, INC. FMC CORP. FOXBORO CO. GENERAL DYNAMICS, ELECTRIC BOAT DIVISION GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. HAMILL MANUFACTURING CO. HAYWARD TYLER, INC. HERSEY MEASUREMENT CO. HOFFER FLOW CONTROLS, INC. HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER CO, INGERSOLL RAND CO. ITT GRINNELL INDUSTRIAL PIPING, INC. JACKSONVILLE ELECTRIC AUTHORITY KENNEDY VALVE LEOPOLD CO. LISLE-METRIC LTD. MEASUREMENT VARIABLES, INC. MIDLAND ROSS OF CANADA, LTD. MID-WEST INSTRUMENT MUELLER STEAM SPECIALTY NELES-JAMESBURY CORP. NEW ENGLAND POWER CO. NOVA SCOTIA POWER CORE NUMET ENGINEERING CO NUSONICS, INC. ONTARIO HYDRO ORANGE & ROCKLAND UTILITIES, INC, PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO. PANAMETRICS PERMUTIT CO. PORTSMOUTH NAVAL SHIPYARD POTOMAC ELECTRIC POWER CO. POWER TECHNOLOGIES. INC. HENRY PRATT CO. PRESO INDUSTRIES CORP. PRIMARY FLOW SIGNAL. INC. PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & GAS CO. ROSEMOUNT, INC. SENSUS, INC. SINGER/AMERICAN METER DIVISION TAYLOR INSTRUMENT TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY TEXSTEAM UNION GAS LIMITED VICKERY-SIMMS, INC. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP. WORTHINGTON DIRECTIONS TO ARL FROM 1-290, TAKE EXIT 19 TO 1-190 NORTH, THEN EXIT 2 TO HOLDEN. GO 1 MILE ON EXIT ROAD TO WEST MOUNTAIN STREET (2ND LIGHT). TURN LEFT AND GO 1.3 MILES TO SHREWSBURY STREET (3RD LIGHT). TURN LEFT AND GO 0.8 MILE TO ARL ON THE R GHT, JUST BEFORE 122A INTERSECTION. ":