Gibbs Station 1-CS 911017 (2) CASE #: P & Z HEARING DATE: C. C. HEARING DATE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PD-121 (GIBBS STATION ADDITION - PHASE I October 17, 1991 November 12, 1991 LOCATION: Along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, and north of Parkway Boulevard. SIZE OF AREA: 58.66 Acres. REQUEST: Approval of a zoning change from (MF-2) Multi-Family-2, to (PD-SF-7) Planned Development Single-Family-7, for 176 single-family lots. APPLICANT: Heath & Knight Properties Mr. Hammond Heath 1660 Dallas Parkway Suite #1400 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 248-9190 Dan Dowdey & Associates (Engineer) Mr. Bill Anderson 16250 Dallas Parkway Suite #100 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 931-0694 HISTORY: There has not been any recent activity on this parcel. TRANSPORTATION: MacArthur Boulevard will serve as a minor arterial to this future subdivision. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Vacant; MF-2 South - Vacant; MF-2 East - Vacant; MF-2 West - Vacant; PD-SF-9 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Future Land Use Plan indicates this area to b~ developed medium and high,density residential. as ITEM 8 ANALYSIS: The applicant is requesting approval of a zoning change with proposed PD regulations which vary from standard (SF-7) guidelines: 1) 34% of the lots will have a 20' front yard setback 2) 5' side yard building line for interior lots (but no more than 35% of the total project) 3) lots along Village Parkway will front on this street, which is classified as a collector 4) Gibbs Crossing Street is proposed to have a length of 1,600+ between intersections 5) Lots 15-19, Block A, and Lots 1-42 (located along the creek), will be front-entry homes. Although it is suggested by the guidelines of the Future Land Use Plan that the subject area should develop as medium and high density developments, a less intense use is certainly welcomed here. Back in 1985, when the Masterplan was revised, some of the surrounding zoning included (TH-I), which has now been rezoned to (SF-9) and (PD-SF-9) zoning. Future land uses for single-family development, on the property to the west, coupled with a greater demand for single-family vs. multi-family in Coppell, suggests that staff should support this request. Additionally, because of potential for increased traffic volumes along MacArthur, due to its new connection into Lewisville and the mall, a less intense use such as (SF) would not burden MacArthur Boulevard as much as the multi-family uses. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the PD site plan as submitted 2) Deny the PD site plan 3) Modify the PD site plan ATTACHMENTS: 1) PD site plan exhibit PD121.STF