Lake Park-CS 900626 .'. '.j ..........~ .. - ~: ~~ L. $i~, Director of Plying ~ Comity $e~ices ~~{~''~ S~JECT:M FILL ~O~ST - ~ P~ S~IVI$ION DATE: ~e 26, 1990 Although the peait to fill is reviewed and approved by Building Inspection, a couple of co~ents =ight be warranted here. First, all the concessions Hr. Wise is willing to ~ake would be required, anyway. Secondly, ~e reviewed the plat with our engineers (Ginn) before recommending it to Co~aission and Council. Third, we required the finished floor elevation to be placed on the individual lots adjacent to the flood plain to insure no flood problem. Finally - and as an aside - Hr. ltinckley insisted several city staff ~p..~bers (including n~self) ~eet with him, his engineer, and Larry aackson so Larry could ostensibly beat staff over the head with one of those 'prior agremaent' instrtments suggesting exemption frma new codes and ordinances (ala TC). I didn't buy it then, and unless B~uce in his research tells me other~ise, I don't buy it no~. Anyway, Buildtno Inspection needs to take Irttola on this one, and tl~n ~!_y after the plat has been filed for record. GLS/lsg LP/FILL