Lauren Estates-CS 980416 crrY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE NO.: PD-169. LAUREN ESTA P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: April 16, 1998 May 12, 1998 LOCATION: Along the west side of Moore Road, appr, south of Sandy Lake Road. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 2 acres (3 residential lots). CURRENT ZONING: SF-12 (Single Family-12). REQUEST: APPLICANT: Zoning change to PD-SF-7 (Planned Developn 7). Developer: Dewayne Randle 4012 Haclcmore Loop Irving TX 75061 972438-9200 Fax 972-579-0734 HISTORY: The property was platted as Lot 1 of Harrisc 1977. The zoning on the property has been years. TRANSPORTATION: Moore Road is a C2U two-lane undivided coil standard within a 60'-wide right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - East- West - Stringfellow Addition; SF-12 Single-family residential; SF-12 Northlake Woodlands East Phase 2; PD-SF-7 Harrison Addition No. I; SF-12 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the pfc low density residential uses. Item # 6 )ximately 680 feet tent, Single Family- n Estates No. II in SF-12 for over 14 ector constructed to ~xty as suitable for DISCUSSION: This proposal is an unusual and innovative sol~ of a relatively narrow small-acreage tract into of which is over 21,000 square feet in area. front Moore Drive cornply with SF-7 developr 3, which comprises less than 3:5 % of the tota from SF-7 development standards. Its sial, reduced to 5 feet and its access to a public str( driveway easement. This is within the gu Planned Development District. Issues concerning exact firelane radii, site dn have yet to be resolved totally. However, addressed during the platting process. The issue which the planning staff finds mo: request for a Special Use Permit for stucco ma designs were such that the project would gte use of brick, the planning staff would be more However, staff believes that the fight choice mortaring technique and/or a surface treaunen yield an entirely satisfactory Mediterranean al that is the style that is sought. Staff believes that stucco construction by Spec was established for the purpose of scrutinizj~ Each applicant should provide strong jusfifical case cost-cutting does not appear to be the mo would be prudent to reserve judgment on the as final design of at least one of the homes has RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSI( The planning staff recommends denial of the I Use Permit for stucco type construction and Planned Development District subject to the being corrected as follows: Provision of inside firelane radii a miniruum of ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a late ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan Item # 6 tion to development 3 lots, the smallest The two lots which lent standards. Lot property, deviates yards have been ;t is via a 24'-wide [defines of the PD tin,age and the like, hese details can be problematic is the erials. If the home ~ly suffer from the favorably inclined. of brick, the right of the brick could ~earance, if indeed iai Use Permit only l§ its use closely. ion. While in this tlvafion, we think it ssue until such time ~en completed. equest for a Special approval of the PD site plan submitted 30' in length. date.