Meadows Addn 1-ES 830506THE STATE OF TEXAS ] ] COUNTY OF DALLAS ] THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS Rick Toia Homes , for and in considerati( sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash to me in hand paid by the City o Texas, and other ~aluable considerations, receipt of which is a do hereby give and grant to the City of Coppell, Texas, the rig reconstruct, and perpetually maintain an Entry Feature Easement across the following described property: BEING a part of Lot 1, Block A of the Meadows, Sectlon addition to the City of Coppell, Texas as recorded in V Page 3232 of the Deed Records of .Dallas County, Texas i Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137, and Being mot described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 1, said p the intersection of the West right-of-way.line of Meado (70.0 feet wlde) wlth the North right-of-way line of Sa Road (50.0 feet from centerline); THENCE South 89°53'40'' West along sald North right-of-w of Sandy Lake Road 38.0 feet; THENCE North 42030'27" East, 55.71 feet to a point on t right-of-way line of Meadow Run; THENCE South 0°30' East along said West right-of-way Meadow Run, 41.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same perpetually to the City of Coppell and its successors, together with the right and pri~lege at an times to enter said premises, or any part thereof for the purpo structing, reconstructing, and maintaining the said Entry Featu on the condition that the City of Coppell, Texas, and its sucre at all times, after doing any work in connection with construct struction and repairing of said Entry Feature restore said prem the condition in which same were found before such work was und and that in the use of said rights and pri veleges herein grante. City of Coppell, Texas, and its successors will not create a nu do any act that will be detrimental to said premises. WITNESS MY HAND THIS the g day of Title: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS ] COUNTY OF ~_~'~ I of the Coppell, knowledged, at to construct, upon and 3ne, an ~lume 79246, the particularly int being Run ~dy Lake ~y line ~e West ~e of , Texas, F and all se of con- ~e Easement ~sors will [on, recon- lses to ~rtaken J, the said lsanee or BEFORE ME, a'Not~t'y Publi~in and for County, T~xas, on this day personally appeared ~<tC~---l'~,/~ /m'~.~,~ known to ne to be the person whose .am~is su~bed to ~ ¢oregoing instrument, an acknowledged to me ~hat ~[~~/~/~ ~~% executed the same f. r the purpose and consideration therein expressed. ~ ~~ ~ GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this~~ day o , 1 ' ~0~~ COunty~ lexas NSz'4/'£ I /~o.o' z A IV,~DO W'N~' $ 8~'53"~0"W' ~8'~. 7..~,' ~ A AI O Y L ,4 K E ,e'O A D L_ ~ I~O, o '~ ST~'EET TYPE OR PRINT' '' (" RECORDERS Rq.C. IEIPT :( GF NO. Special i00,LB~ CLOSER Dtercks .~ RECEIVED OF Dallas 'TITLE COMPANY, ................. :.(-~) Entry Feature Easement. dated 5/9/83 ._~ 'from.' Ken E. Harchant CustOm Homes, Incto T~e Cia7 of Coppell ..... n -~-~, ~ - e .......... -~enc ' -~ dated m 5/6/83 -'-~ -;~..~rom P~ck Toila Ho~es - ~-.-m-The-.City of B~ppell ~-~ ) Pt. Lot~ 1 E '~ _ County/Texas, onthe date and time shown stamped hereon. By: RETURN TO: ~0 ~$ at ~ontfoz ~t O, Box401900 ~TURN- RECORDER'S tECEIFT THE STATE OF TEXAS ] ] COUNTY OF DALLAS ] THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS Ken E. MarChant Custom Homes, Inc. , for and in considerat sum of One Dollar ($1.00) cash to me In hand paid by the City o Texas, and other valuable considerations, receipt of which is a do hereby give and grant to the City of Coppell, Texas, the rig reconstruct, and perpetually maintain an Entry Feature Easement across the following described property: BEING a part of Lot 1, Block E of the Meadows, Section Or addition to the City of Coppell, Texas as recorded in Vol Page 3232 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, in Patience Piles Survey, Abstract No. 1137, and Being more described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, said poi the intersection of the North right-of-way line of Sandy (50.0 feet from centerline) with the East right-of-way li Meadow Run (70.0 feet wide); THENCE North 0030, West along said East right-of-way line Meadow Run, 41.0 feet; THENCE South 43008'35'' East, 56.09 feet to a point on the right-of-way line of Sandy Lake Road; THENCE South 89°53'40'' West along said North right-of-way Sandy Lake Road, 38.0 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same perpetually to the City of Coppell and its successors, together with the right and pri~lege at an times to enter said premises, or any part thereof for the purpo strutting, reconstructing, and maintaining the said Entry Featu on the condition that the City of Coppell, Texas, and its succe at all times, after doing any work in connection with construct struction and repairing of sald Entry Feature Easement restore to the condition in which same were found before such work was and that in the use of said rights and pri~leges herein grante City of Coppell, Texas, and its successors will not create a nu do any act that will be detrimental to said premises. WITNESS MY HAND THIS the THE STATE OF TEXAS ] COUNTY OF ~ ] ~ dayof ACKNOWLEDGEHENT ion of the f CoppeIl, cknowledged, ht to construct, upon and 9, an dme 79246, the >articularly it being Lake Road qe of of North line.of Texas, and all e of con- re Easement ssors will [on, recon- said premises ~ndertaken J, the said [sance or BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in a~d for .~ County Texas, on this day personally appeared ~J~y ~L~PrTO~ 'known :o me to be the person whose name ~ubscrtbed to the foregoing instrument, an~ acknowledged to me that ~ executed the same fo~ the purpose and consideration therein expressed. / GIVEN UN~ER My HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ~day of ~~ , 19 ~. ~r6tgry Public, ~ County, Texas · '% ~ /.5 t,, I ~ANOY L. MKE K'OAD 'aa'az b z"~ ~'. I/~o. ,89'ao'£_ __ I/P.O. O' i STREET /