Parks Apartments-CS 860114 RealAmerica CORPORATION January 14, 1986 Mr. Randy Fleming Ginn, Inc. 16135 Preston ~Dad Suite 106 Dallas, Texas 75248 Re: The Parks Apartments - Coppell Dear Randy: As per our conversation on January 13, 1986, I am enclosing copies of the soils reports and compaction test results that I have received to date for the utility lines and the subdivision approaches. I have instructed Southwest Laboratories to include you on the distribution for any future tests that pertain to these areas, including the concrete compression tests results for all the paving to be poured. Attached as Exhibit "A" are the reports from Maxim Engineers that pertain to the 78-inch storm sewer that was installed. Exhibit "B" is a copy of the density reports for approach %2 and %3 into the complex. Exhibit "C" is a copy of all the reports that I have received to date on the fireline. I have discussed these reports with Ralph Armstrong at Mid-Cities and he tells me that we should have the balance of the reports this week that are needed to verify the compaction for all the lifts over the firelines. I have not yet received any results of the compaction tests for the sewer line he is installing for Univest on the west end of my site; however, I have requested them for my use in tracking his progress. The last exhibit is a copy of the lime series for the fire lane areas. I have marked on a reduced site plan the locations that the soil samples were taken from and also mrked areas 3 & 4 as areas in which I have ordered additional samples be taken. I am ordering the additional tests because those areas have a different soil type that I feel will have a much higher plasticity index and will need to have lime added to reduce the index to acceptable levels. 15851 Dallas North Parkway · Suite 235 · Dallas. Texas 75248 · (214)450-5820 Mr. Randy Fleming Page TWo If you have any comments, or questions, please call my office or talk to Shorty on the jobsite and we will attempt to help you. Sincerely, RealAmerica Construction Company, Inc. ME/se Enclosures cc: Shorty Harvel Ralph Armstrong - Mid-Cities - (Exhibit A & C)