Park, Peter-CS 970210 Nathan D. I~ter Cons Eng 214-739-5961 P.02 CONIIULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Fd~mV I0. 19~ Mr Peter Pmk. 11445 EflwmkJ. 5u~ 113 Ddnn. Texm 75229 Sublect. 18.9 acre Sandy Lake Road Property City of Coppell. Texas I wes recen~ contacted by CCM Engineering Corporation, representatives for the property Iomeed on the oppe~e ~tcle of Sandy Lake Road from your 18.9 acre tract. The City of Co~el (CIo/) ha~ requested that they obtain a letter of permission from Hanmi Invesb~ent a~ owner of the I~c~-,N in order to grade the existing ditch to drain across yom' site to ~ Creek, along the north gde of the property. As explained to $~ou previously, the ~uth dewtopment wtl have a storm sewer outtet te,,,,inating at the Sandy Lake Road north rtgh(-o(.way line and empO/mg into the existing ditch through the central part of the 18.9 acm ~te. Since this Is the natural flow direction, we are obligated to accommodate this dmlnage To permit the grade to drain operation will result in deepening of the ditch and peovtdtng a po,n'b'w dope to the meek. This could enhance drainage of your property as w~l m~d my recommemlation is to grant the letter of permission. E~ H a ~,gg,~ad form for the letter of permission. Once you have prepared it on ~ L,II.,head and ~jned. please froward to me. [ will then see that the leffer is delivered to the City l~ you have any questions about this malter, please let me know. NATHAN D MAJER CONSUL~G EHGDIEERS. INC. Tkfee lleflbl)eeb / Illl N. Ceetfel Eepwlf. / I.lte 100 / DelIB.. Teele 7513~. / (214) 739-4'/41 10-97 09: 16A Nathan._.D. H&~e~ Cons Eng 214-739-5961 P.03 ( HAHN.r INVESTHENT LETTERHEAD) Mr. Kenneth N. Griffin, P.E. AooLstant City Nanog®r / City Engineer C~ty of Co~p~ll P.O. Box 47! Coi~mll, T~xao 75019 lend! tmke Road Property Deer I~. GriffLne we sro the c~ners of the site referenced above, located on the north side of Sandy Lake Road northeast of the intersection with Rlv~rchasa Drive. We underatand the property located on the other side of Sandy Lake Road will have a storm sewer outlet discharging into the exiating ditch across the central part of our pro,arty. wa have no opposition to the existing ditch across our property being graded and dee~n~ to drain to ~nton Creek along the north eido of the 18.9 acre tract. We expect the property o~er ~or the south develo~nt to ~ res~neib~e for seeing that the o~ratlon on our pro~rty 1ncoc~rate. any erosion control ~eeuree re, ired by the C~ty o[ Coppell. Also, we expect our pro~rty to ~ reetored to the condition existing prior to the qrede to drain o~fation and that the resulting ditch side slopes ere qrad~ to a stable condition. Stncarely, Peter Pork, President