Peninsulas-CS 940324 COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: March 24, 1994 TO: Department of Planning and Community Services FROM: Public Works Staff RE: Preliminary Plans Comments - MacArthur Park - Preliminary Plan 3/18/94 1. Need details on proposed lift station. 2. Parks, Recreation, and Master Plan shows a linkage park trail along Denton Creek which is not shown on this plan. Developers have not met with staff to discuss the alternative plan identified on this plat. The alternative proposed falls outside of the platted area and within the 100 year floodplain. Access, construction, and maintenance of the proposed Hike and Bike Trail, as well as the authority for this amenity in the flood control district, must be discussed before this matter is carried any further. If these issues cannot be satisfactorily addressed, staff will strongly recommend that the Hike and Bike Trail be identified on the north bank of Denton Creek consistent and in the spirit of the Parks, Recreation, and Master Plan. 3. Has drainage easement on the J. V. lot in the Parks of Coppell been dedicated and filed? 4. MacArthur Blvd landscape and irrigation improvements will comply with the Streetscape Plan. 5. Island Drive/MacArthur entry will comply to the Streetscape Plan. 6. Park Dedication Ordinance will be required at final plat; i.e., 52 lots x $1,285.00 per lot. 7. Any and all common areas will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. 8. All common areas need to be designated by meters and bounds and placed on the final plat. /dm cc: P.E., City Engineer Central File PLANS.MACARPK