Summit P1-SY 971113TO DOWDE"4, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 5225 VILLAGE CREEK DRIVE SUITE 200 PLANO, TEXAS 75093 (972) 931-0694 FAX (972) 931-9538 RE: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached [] Under separate cover via ~_..OOlr i'~-r"' the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] For your use /[~As requested For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return.__ copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO P1~2,60-3 ,/'~--~lnc, ~ IFa& 01471 If enclosure8 ere not es noted, kindly notify us et once. 518, EXIS~I~ (];Ri{PRIJIHIg Cl{ - 585' lg588' V495' o 485! 4?5' 8 ..----"-' ..... I I)roi"!le 1':.-.~ lU, o[i'le 4-' ..... 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D GRtIPRI~I NE Cross section · ~ ; ~' ~"1TM ~" ' I ' ""~"l" ' , i I ' ~ ~ ' I ;'" ~ ' i i"i'[' ~ i "' * ' I '* "' ' I" t ',' , I *" ~ "I '''* ~ ~ 'I 1828 185e 1888 1118 1148 1176 1268 1230 1268 1298 1328 1358 Distance 515' 518' t:565, n 498, 485i P~OPOSED ~P~I8[ CR. Cross section 6 .... I 885 ' I-='. 996 958 1866 1659 1189 1158 1296 1256 1389 1356 1496 1456 l)is~;ance 515' 518' ]1~595, 561{t n498 485 486 1358 PROPOSED GRAPRUINE CR. - Cross section 39139 ~,.,- x,,-, .... .~-~. 5 ..~ ? 1566 1656 1866 1959 2188 2256 2466 2558 2768 2856 3866 3151{ l)istance 564' 566 v492' PROPOSED GRi~PEUIHE (iR. - 6 76 146 216 286 356 429 4!t6 566 636 ?66 776 846 Distance 518 1~588 ~ 495, PROPOSE]) {;{{{{I~BIIii{~ tZR. - Cross section 4.5 .12'6 ' ' ~ ~ JB66-e,~------.66B 916 986 1856 11~.6 1196 11166 1336 1466 1476 154~ 1616 1686 1758 ])istance 4~8' ~4~5, PROPOSE]) CRi~PEUIHE CR, (:poss section 76 -' '' ' I ' ' ' ' ' i' '~'!'' '' I'' ' ' ''' ~! '-" '' I' ''' I' '' '" "' I ' ' '' I 966 1666 1049 1686 1126 1166 1266 1246 1286 1326 13(;9 1466 1446 Distance 584~ 581' n 489, {98 1828 1858 1888 1118 1148 11';'8 1288 1238 1268 1298 1328 1358 Distance lg4!)8' ~ 4!)5' 1 PNOPOSE]) GJIRPEVINE (3R, - 999 1929 1656 1686 1116 1146 1176 1296 1236 1269 1296 1326 135;9 ])istance 581' 498, e 495t v !492 1 0 n 489, 483' 998 PIiOPOSED G]i;IPEtlIIIE (:ii, - C~oss section 98 ~,88i{-~-~,F--,858 '-~- ~: .... 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',9-.'686~,656 ' ~IST, GRAFRUIH]C CR - Cz,oss section 86 "" -' 16C ijmmmB ~ - .L I II I ~3~ --' I l--I ;:i ~ I I ' I ' ' I ' I' ' ' ' F' ' ' ' I'i il ,llll~l iI ,Iii,' , i ' I l| , I ' i r, "l I ' ' I ' I I I II ' ; I I '' '~' ~: I !)99 1929 1659 1086 1J19 1149 1i79 1296 1230 12G9 1296 1326 1350 Distance 564' 561' 498' ~495' 486! 483' 996 EXIST, GRi{PRUII~ CR - Cress section 96 1626 1856 1686 1116 1148 1176 1266 1238 1269 1296 1326 1356 Distance n Ug. 99e 182i] 1~58.1~8 llli] 114i] It'/II 12i]8 1238 126~ 1298 I328 13~ 515' 510' E585, eseet V *. 4~5, ! 0 856 966 ]~XIST. GR~I~RUINE CR - Cross section 6 956 1666 1956 ii96 1156 1299 i256 1306 1356 1466 1456 ])istance 515' 516' 585' 566t 4!)0 486 1358 EXIST, GRAPRUIH]C CR - C~,oss section 36136 '~-1 ''~ 865 '- I ! Ill I I lllll'llllI llllll I II'fill ll~ II I I rll I I I IL~ILIII I ~llllll I l'll~ ~ IlI I I I I I I I ! ! 111 I ll~UI /509 1658 1890 1~50 2189 2256 P.480 ?.558 2769 2858 3080 3159 Distance