ST0001-ES010918 (4) FREEPORT PARKWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL NO. 5 DESCRIPTION BEING all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the JOHN VEST SURVEY, Abstract No. 1508 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being out of a tract of land described in deed to the City of Coppell, recorded in Volume 2000-242, Page 6802 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas (D.R.D.C.T.), and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said City of Coppell tract; THENCE N 00°00'36" W, along the west line of said tract and with the east right-of-way line of State Road, a distance of 667.75 feet to a corner; THENCE S 89o47'35'' E, departing said right-of-way line, a distance of 71.16 feet to a ~- inch capped iron rod (stamped SRA 3225) set for a corner; THENCE S 00°12'25" W, a distance of 657.91 feet to a ½-inch capped iron rod (stamped SPA 3225) set for a corner; THENCE S 33°00'14'' E, a distance of 21.91 feet to a ½-inch capped iron rod (stamped SRA 3225) set for a corner; THENCE S 00°12'25'' W, a distance of 11.73 feet to a %-inch capped iron rod (stamped SRA 3225) set for a corner on the south line of said City of Coppell tract; THENCE N 75°42'45'' W, along the south line of said City of Coppell tract, a distance of 83.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 47,497 square feet or 1.090 acres of land, more or less. 4126 ~5"E 0 50 I00 200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET SCALE: I" =100' I I CITY OF COPPELL VOL. 98135, PG. 5682 D,R.D.C.T. I CITY OF COPPELL I o', vo,. 2ooo-2.~2. ~. 6802 I,- ~ D.~.D.C.T. ROW PARCEL NO. I~: AREA: 47,497 SQ. FT. I I~ 1.090 ACRES CITY OF COPPELL VOL. 96164, PG. 190 D.R.D.C.T. S33°O0'14"E 21.9r soool2,25,,w 1.73° -.. POINT OF BEGINNING LOT I, BLOCK A, FREEPORT PARKWAY EXTENSION VOL. 2001-092, PG. 00037 P,R,D,C,T, I(~fe: C:heel No. ~ i~ Lixdi:~ ~dl~l~. f~iIm/li. ~ ~I~HT-O~-WAY i~n b~: ~ .~1 ~=t, ~. ~t ~,t. ~ ~,,,t~, T,,~, Ts. PARCEL NO. 5 ~ob Ne.CCH: / (817) 649-3216 (817) 6~-8212 Me~o (817) 649-7645 Fox COPPELL, TE~S I~ 4126 OF 2