Woodridge-CS 940928 WOODRIDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Jim witt City Manager City of Coppell SEPTEMBER 28, ! 994 911 Rolling Brook Coppell, Texas 75019 214.462.8817 Jim, At the last meeting of the Woodridge Homeowners Association (WHA) an issue was discussed which WHA feels we should bring to the city's attention. Woodridge is divided in two by a drainage ditch that runs north, starting at Red Cedar Way and ends at the MacAuthur/Sandy Lake intersection. The section of the ditch south of the Mapleleaf bridge (seephoto 1 on page three) has a concrete rip-rap and has held up very well against erosion and other problems. The issue that has become a serious concern is the section of ditch that starts at the Mapleleaf bridge and runs north toward Sandy Lake (seephoto 2). This section has become a concern area for our neigh- borhood because of the erosion problems, safety problems and general aesthetics of the area. First, the erosion problems. Starting at the Mapleleaf bridge the ditch has begun to erode throughout the entire length. Along the course of the ditch areas have eroded and become small stagnant pools. The outflow drains, from the surrounding neighborhood, have caused more serious erosion in their immediate areas. Some of these outflow drains have completely eroded and collapsed into the ditch (seephoto 3). There is a major outflow drain and culvert, that empties a large portion of Woodridge into the ditch, about 900 feet from the Mapleleaf bridge. During a heavy rain the 40" drain pipe is at full capacity and expels water at such a rate that a large area of earth has been removed on both sides of the ditch. So much so that the foundation of the alleys will eventually be threatened (seephoto 5). Also, this culvert has been completely undermined so that the water flows under the concrete, instead of over, at normal water levels (see photo 6). Second, the safety concerns. Several residents are complaining about snakes, rodents and skunks that are coming out of the ditch and into the yards. Also, there are very large roaches that have been plaguing the area bordering the ditch. There are several stagnant pools that parents are concerned with because children have been seen playing in these filthy pools (seeptwtos 4 and 5). These pools breed mosquitoes and the homes bordering the ditch have had to deal with that situation as well. Third, the issue of aesthetics. Who knows what happened when Woodridge was planned 14 years ago. The fact that the ditch did not have rip-rap throughout the entire length is puzzling. The eyesore it has become is unset- fling. WHA is trying hard to improve the image of the neighborhood, but the ditch is a major stumbling block. The image the ditch conveys cannot be denied. It is WHA's understanding that the rip-rap will be installed along with the future Sandy Lake expansion. WHA feels that the ditch cannot wait until the expansion starts, especially since there is a good chance that the expansion will be delayed. WHA is asking the city to correct the structural and safety issues of the ditch and place the rip-rap in the ditch before the expansion project begins. The dp-rap could be completed to the point where it will meet the new concrete pond when Sandy Lake is completed. WHA has other ideas concerning the ditch and we would like to talk to the city about other possibilities. Please take time to drive by and see the ditch for yourself. I think you will agree that the ditch is an embarrassing situation and needs immediate attention. Thank you, in advance, for your attention to this issue. WHA looks forward to your comments. President, Woodridge Ho~reeowners Association CC: Jim Witt Norman Alexander Mitch Reitman FIo McFadden Stably Lanny Mayo Danny Watson Candy Sheehan Marsha Tunnell Don Meador Raymond Hildebrand George Redford Stan Lowry, Carl Thompson Larry Wheeler GaD, Seib Ken Griffin Steve Goram Looking south from the Mapleleaf bridge at the drainage culvert which has a concrete rip-rap extending to Red Cedar Way. The rip-rap has prevented erosion and saftey issues. Photo 3 shows a section of culvert, completely eroded, that has collasped h~to the ditch. Photo 4 shows typical erosion of the ditch. Photo 5 shows the erosion caused by a major drain outflow in this area Photo 6 shows that the concrete culvert, shoum in photo S, is completely under- mined and that the water actually runs under it dur- ing normal flow. Looking north from the Mapleleaf bridge at the drainage culvert which has a rip-rap which ends approximately 50 feet from the bridge. Serious erosion begins at this location. Area of the Woodridge ditch that needs new rip-rap installed. This section could be completed to the point where it will meet with the proposed pond included ill the furore Sandy Lake expansion project. SANDY LAKE : " SUGARBERRY 58 ..' PINYON MAPLELEAF 51 ELMVALE 6 FOX TAIL5 RED CEDAR WAY 56 ELMHILL 7 N LENTEN 6 TUPELO 24 TREE5 <MAC ARTHUR 38 TOTAL HOMES 746