Verizon Wireless-PT231002Disclaimer: This permit form is intended to reflect Texas Local Government Code Chapter 284, City of  Coppell Code of Ordinances, and City of Coppell Design Manual for Installation of Network Nodes and  Node Support Poles.     Mobile Communications Infrastructure Permit (See City of Coppell Design Manual for Installation of  Network Nodes and Node Support Poles…)  Submitting under Chapter 284 of Texas Local Government Code?  Yes         No  If yes, continue below. Otherwise, continue with standard right‐of‐way permit.  ** All permit requests will be accompanied by engineered plans identifying any existing city or private  utilities (underground and overhead on separate sheets), existing right‐of‐way limits, existing utility  easements, structures, and any other potentially conflicting topographic information.  Number of network nodes requested? _______________________  For each network node identify or provide the following:   Location – provide latitude & longitude, street address if applicable, and photo of proposed  support pole if existing   Identify district for each network node.   If attaching to existing support pole, documentation of permission to attach pursuant to Chapter  284   If attaching to city‐owned service pole, submit letter requesting attachment and complete  attachment agreement   Color sample for powder‐coating or paint system to match    Color rendering of proposed attachment for each location   Documentation of support pole load analysis for each attachment (Letter/memo from Texas  Professional Engineer, signed and sealed, or approved alternative)   Size and location of equipment cabinets  Number of permitted node support poles requested? ______________________  For each network node identify or provide the following:   Location – provide latitude & longitude, street address if applicable, and photo of proposed  location with surrounding infrastructure (existing poles, cabinets, etc.)   Color sample for powder‐coating or paint system to match existing poles in the same right‐of‐ way   Map of proposed location, existing utility and service poles in the same right‐of‐way, and  distances between each   Height, diameter, and cross‐section of pole   Color rendering of proposed pole for each location   Documentation of support pole load analysis for each attachment (Letter/memo from Texas  Professional Engineer, signed and sealed, or approved alternative)   No new poles will be allowed in Parks or on residential streets with a pavement width <= 50  feet  1 0 DENTON_TAP_4_SC Verizon Wireless Site 04 222 S Denton Tap Rd Disclaimer: This permit form is intended to reflect Texas Local Government Code Chapter 284, City of  Coppell Code of Ordinances, and City of Coppell Design Manual for Installation of Network Nodes and  Node Support Poles.     Nature of transport facilities requested? (provide description)  _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________   Location – provide latitude & longitude, street address if applicable, and photo of proposed  location with surrounding infrastructure (existing poles, cabinets, etc.)   Concealment and camouflage details   Documentation of support pole load analysis for each attachment (Letter/memo from Texas  Professional Engineer, signed and sealed, or approved alternative)      Permit Application and User Fees (Included for reference)  Small cell/network node application fee $500.00 (1‐5 network nodes);$250.00 (each additional  network node); $1,000.00 per pole  Small cell/network node user fees $250.00 annually for each network node; $20.00 per  year for city pole  Transport Facility monthly user fee $28/month x number of network nodes located in  right‐of‐way  Collocation on city service poles fee $20/year/service pole      Node on utility pole Signature of City Representative Date VERIZON WIRELESS REPRESENTATIVE: Cameron Harmon, 512-767-6426 ENGINEER: Alex Hershey, KGI Wireless, 512-767-6463 Scott Latta 10/02/2023 01/12/2023 To: Coppell, TX (Scott Latta) Transmitted via email to WLatta@coppelltx.gov RE: Verizon Small Cells Located at: 32.965293, -96.993412 (East side of S Denton Tap Rd, South of Braewood Dr. in Coppell, TX.) [Scott], This is in response to your inquiry to Verizon concerning interference to your existing telecommunications devices and services related to Verizon’s proposed facilities at Sandy Lake Rd & N Denton Tap Rd, Coppell TX. Verizon provides Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) under licenses granted by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). Pursuant to these licenses, Verizon is authorized to operate its CMRS network in many geographic areas throughout the nation, including the above noted location. The FCC exclusively regulates all technical aspects of Verizon operations and network and preempts all state and local regulation of radiofrequency transmissions. The FCC rules protect co-channel and adjacent licensees against harmful interference. The above noted proposed Verizon facility is compliant with all applicable FCC requirements. The points below cover Verizon’s practices pertinent to complying with the FCC requirements: 1. Verizon locates its transmitting antenna(s) in order to maximize vertical and horizontal separation from other operator’s systems to minimize interference potential. 2. All equipment at the proposed facility is designed and certified to operate within the frequencies licensed to Verizon by the FCC, and to operate in a manner approved by the FCC. 3. The power levels generated by the facility’s radios and corresponding effective radiated power (ERP) from the transmitting antenna(s) are within the limitations specified by Part 22 (for cellular), Part 24 (for PCS), Part 27 (for 700 MHz, AWS or C-Band), Part 96 (for CBRS), Part 30 (UMFUS/mmWave) or Part 101 (for microwave) of the Commission’s Rules. Verizon is committed to providing state of the art wireless services that benefit your community. In the unlikely event that interference does occur, Verizon agrees to fully cooperate with the entity experiencing interference to identify and correct, to the extent reasonably possible, any issues caused by the Verizon installation. Please contact your local Verizon resource below if you have additional site-specific questions. Contact Name Contact Email Contact Phone Chirag Jagwani Chirag.jagwani@verizonwireless.com 469-418-4793 Sincerely, Chirag Jagwani Principal Engineer-RF System Design Verizon