ST9301-CS021007From: To: Date: Subject: "Kiger, Debbie" <Debbie. Kiger@jacobs.com> <staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us> 10/7/02 11:05AM SLR - Holmes Builders Suzan, We are revising the Sandy Lake Road plans to incorporate comments from our last meeting with the City as well as recent DWU comments. To clarify the situation of the Holmes Builders new street entrance from SLR: Their civil engineer is still deciding whether or not to do the design work themselves. They will have to revise the roadway layout sheets, drainage, striping as well as make vertical profile revisions (the proposed street intersects Sandy Lake in a superelevated section). In order to make a complete construction set, this also means that cross sections will need to be revised. We will proceed with our portion of the design, not showing any revisions due to the proposed street. Once Shannon Hebb signs and seals the plans, then the Holmes Builders' engineer can obtain the files from the County and begin their design, if that's what they choose to do. Depending on their decision, all the revised drawings will then be issued by Nathan Meier as 'Revision #1' to the bid/construction set. Debbie Debbie Kiger, P.E. Jacobs Civil, Inc > 6688 N. Central Expwy > Suite 400, MB 13 > Dallas, TX 75206 Phone: 214-696-3433 Direct phone: 214-424-7579 NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer.