ST9301-CS020911 (2)From: To: Date: Subject: "John Mears" <JMears@dallascounty.org> <staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us> 9/11/02 8:19AM Re: Sandy Lake 1996 was before my time with the County. However, the plan profiles show the existing water lines to be fairly deep. In addition, the plan locations for light poles are often adjusted in the field for various reasons. My suggestion would be to put a note in the plans or specs, about having the water lines in the area of the median located prior to installing the poles and maintaining a minimum clearance from the lines. >>> "Suzan Taylor" <staylor@ci.coppell.tx. us> 09/10 4:07 PM >>> John: I was reviewing some of the comments made by DWU in 1996. They questioned whether the street light locations would conflict with the 30-inch water line. Sverdrup responded that the street light design would be forthcoming at a later date. After looking at the most recent plans, it looks as if there may be a conflict between the 30-inch and the street light locations. Do you know if the street light locations were designed to avoid conflicting with the 30-inch?