ST9301-CS021213Su~'r~-Taylor- Sandy. Lake Road (91-8301 From: "John Mears" <JMears~dallascounty.org> To: <staylor (~ci.coppell.tx. us> Date: 12/13/02 10:36AM Subject: Sandy Lake Road (91-830) As you know Jacobs is trying to complete the County design contract for Sandy Lake Road construction plans. I faxed you a letter from Jacobs which responds to some previous City comments. According to Shannon they have addressed all of the comments except t~4 which states the need for revised drainage around the Thompson tract as a result of filling on the property. Jacobs is requesting a Contract Modification for the extra work due to a changed condition. What can we dc to resolve this issue? Page 1 ! CC: <ARobinson@dallascounty.org>, <shannon.hebb@jacobs.com> DEC--15--02 10:06 214 655 AM PUBLIC WORKS 214 653 6445 P.OI DATE: SENT BY: FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION CO FER SHEET John L. Mears, P.E., Senior Project Manager DALLAS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 411 ELM STREET, 4TM FLOOR DALLAS, TEXAS 75202 Phone: 214-653-7151 Fax: 214-653-6445 TO: COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: PHONE NO.: NO. OF PAGES (Inc. Cover Shee0: COMMENTS: Please call 214-653-7151 if there are any difficulties or problems in the transmission ofthis fax. DEC--1~--02 10:06 AM PUBLIC WORKS 214 653 6445 'JACOBS Jacobe Clvlt Inc. 6688 North Central Expressway Suite 400, MB 13 Dallas, Texas 75206 1.214.696.3433 Fax 1214.696.3499 September 30, 2002 Mr. John Meats, Project Engineer County of Dallas Department of Public Works 411 Elm Street - 4~ Floor Dallas, TX 75202 RE'. Sandy Lake Road - Supplemental Agreement Dear John: Mr, Ken Griffin has requested several revisions to the plans based on a meeting dated July 19, 2002. After carefully reviewing ach comment we have the following comments: Comment 1: Traffic control plan will not work and it needs to address the modular block retaining wall at driveways. Need a typical section of how a car gets over 5 feet. Response: Based on your conversation with Shannon Hebb on August 16, 2002, we have reviewed the traffic control plan and incorporated additional guidelines outlining the construction sequencing of the roadway and driveways without trying to hinder the contractor's consiruction methodology. We believe that the plans were adequate and therefore, the work is considered additional work to our contract. Generally, the contractor will use the TCP to develop the specifics on how he wants to efficiently and economically construct the project. We also added some additional stages, which eliminates the need for a typical section to get cars over the 5 feet. Comment 2: The reference to "Note C" on the typical sections is referring to what standard? Is it a standard Coppell Drawing? Response: We will add the standard Coppell drawing to the plan set for reference on which Note C can be found, Comment 3: Buttons are used as the standard in Coppell in lieu of stripes for lane lines. Response: We will incorporate the buttons on the plans. Comment 41 Drainage on the Thompson property has chang~ due to the d~veloper landfill operations on his property. Therefore, a new curb inlet and RCT with a "Y" inlet at thc west curb return at Rivervlew needs to be added to handle water from the property in thc future. The drainage area map needs to reflect this change and "Y" inlet added at Sta 51+84.42 instead of the Typ~ C headwall. The drainage pipe for the Riverchase Subdivision in this area should be connected to the "Y" inlet. Response: We will incorporate new drainage structures based on the changed conditions, except Since thc redes gn the drainage connection from the subdivision, which is several feet beyond thc ROW. is due to the landfill operations creating a changed condition, we consider this additional work. Based on a field investigation the subdivision runoff goes into an inlet at the cul-de-sac and into a RCP. The ReP connects to headwall and runoff flows into an over grown ditch which continues to the existing roadway where it ponds. Presently, there is not any cross drainage structure for this runoff. We A Subsidiary of JaoObS Engineering Group InC. DEC--I~--~2 1~ :07 AM PUBLIC WORKS 214 65~ 6445 P- ~  ssue and desi ed a drainage system, which includes a Type C hcadwall with RCP at Sta · tiffed this i gn .... · ' ~wc $ and drainage 84.42. In order to connect the subdivision drainage system additlo, nal design; su y .... ,. _., would need to be completed. Wc believe that this beyond the scope et our presem work ~,u easements . - ................ -,,, develo,~r desien the connection ~hc work could be accomplished by having me lnomp~uu ~,,v~,,~ r- -- when he changes die topo~'aphy of the area by his landfill operations. Comment 5: The MB(]F au die culvert crossing is not labeled and should be a tubular rail. Response: Due to the location of the guardrail and because ~he roadway section has curbs, guardrail is not teclmically not required. Therefore, the ~uardrail was removed. Commeni 61 The specifications/bid documents ne~d to be modified to reflect the following items: · Lin~ treatment to be 8 inches, add in a rate of lime; · Erosion control should be lump sum; · Bid items should not have any TxDOT identification number associated with them; and · The mark ups in the bid document needccl to bc completed. Response: In general the markups and items to be change will be completed as requested. However, the pay items in which thc unit of payment was changed and requires recalculations are considered additional work. Based on the items above that are noted as additional work the sum of $$,000.00 is being requested for compensation to complete the work, $7,887.00 for design labor and $113.00 for direct costs. We also have been contacted by Mike Daniels with Nathan Maier Consulting Engineers, I~c. representing The Holmes Builders Inc, to provide a median opening and dedicated left turn lane at Sta :M+50 on Sandy Lake Road for a new entrance to their new subdivision. We have put together a cost estimate and submitted it to Holmes Builders for compensation of design services to change the plans. Mr. Daniels has discussed the median opening and new entrance with Mr, Ken Oriffin, who directed Mr. Daniels to contact us. This work changes 25 drawings and adds two new drawings to the set. We regret this request because we are so close to being complete, but due to the nature of continuous changes and the amount of work to revise the plans, we believe that it is warranted. We desire to complete this work as soon as possible in order to finalize the project. Therefore, a quick decision to this supplement is requested. We have attached our estimate for your review, ff you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, cc: File 13,'$80-501 Shannon Hebb