ST9301-CS030102From: To: Date: Subject: Suzal3, "Kiger, Debbie" <Debbie. Kiger@jacobs.com> "Suzan Taylor" <staylor@ci.coppell.tx. us> 1/2/03 2:06PM RE: Sandy Lake Road I will plot those 2 sheets out for him and mail them - do you have his mailing address please? Debbie ..... Original Message .... From: Suzan Taylor [mailto:staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 8:47 AM To: Kiger, Debbie Subject: Sandy Lake Road Debbie: Don Snow with Scarborough Engineering is working for Oncor. There is a transmission line located near Riverchase Drive that may conflict with the proposed road. Don has a half-size set of plans but can not scale off of them. He needs a full size copy of plan sheets 20 and 21, or they could be e-mailed to him. He has micro-station and autocad. Please let know what we can provide to him and I will let him know. Thanks NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is stdctly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. JACOBS Jacobs Civil Inc. 6688 N. Central Expwy Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75206 214-424-7500 Transmittal DATE: TO: Janua~ 2,2003 Don Snow Scarborough EngineeHng 3129 Handley DHve Fo~Wodh, Texas 76112 REFERENCE: Sandy Lake Rd - Construction Plans THE FOLLOWING IS TRANSMITTED [] Herewith [] Under Separate Cover COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 1/03 Sheet 21/94, Sheet 22/94. Remarks: Suzan Taylor of the City of Coppell asked that I forward these full size plans to you for your use in coordinating Oncor's field revisions. Please call me at 214-424-7579 if you have any questions. SIGNED: Debbie Kiger, P.E. ~/ COPY: Suzan Taylor- City of Coppell File 13480-500