ST9301-CS030421From: "Scot AlbertTM <s.albert@attbi.com> To: '"Suzan Taylor'" <staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 4/21/03 8:41 PM Subject: RE: Sandy Lake Road Thank you for the update. What plans do you have for repairs in the interim? ..... Original Message ..... From: Suzan Taylor [mailto:staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 3:01 PM To: s.albert@attbi.com Cc: Michael Corder Subject: Sandy Lake Road Mr. Albert: The anticipated construction start date for the improvements along Sandy Lake Road (Kimbel Kourt to E. City Limits) is October 2003. Dallas County was responsible for the design of the improvements and we received the plans in late January 2003. We are entering into a supplemental agreement with the engineering firm that designed the plans to add sidewalks and other improvements not included in Dallas County's scope of work. We have acquired all of the right-of-way except for TXU and anticipate acquiring that soon. Please contact me if you have any additional questions about Sandy Lake Road. Suzan Taylor CIP Coordinator