DR9601-CS 96070507;05!98 08:12 '$214 739 0095 HALFF ASSOCIATES Z002/002 HNH Associ�llt. Mc. o 9 Associates, Inc. MEMO 8616 616 Nonhwcst Plata Drive Dallas, Texas 75225 (214) 739 -009 Fax (214) 739 -0095 o Garreth Campbell took PID contract documents and specs brought to the meeting by Dan Woody, who said he included the rest of documents for a complete sets. Specifications for the PID are at the City for final execution. f Steve Williamson asked if Tri- 'Lech will need to submit and NOT form for the PID project. Tri-Tech is not required to perform the EPA SWP3. The PID project is interpreted as a City of Coppell project and not a private development project which would require the SWP3. Halff Associates has verified this with the City of Coppell. Dan Woody said they will be doing the embedment for the PID as per City of Coppell Standards. Garreth Campbell said that Hill & Wilkinson could lower the utility boxes at the landscape and irrigation areas, as required to make the grades work. a Garreth Campbell said in the final walk through the City will check all utilities, they do not finalize anything before then. The inspection for the PID will be checked separately from Haverty's onsite work. Garreth Campbell said an Erosion Control Plan and Bond Ordinance must be satisfied after completion of site work by the Developer. Garreth Campbell will fax a copy of said ordinance to Steve Williamson. Additional items: From Steve Williamson- o All Insurance should also include Catellus Development Corporation as well as Haverty's and /or The City of Coppell. • Steve requested that Tri -tech provide an estimate of the Spoil Dirt to be placed in the stock pile. 5