ST0202-AG030610AGENDA REQUEST FORM COPFELL DEPT: Engineering/Public Works DATE: June 10, 2003 ITEM #: 22 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of a Resolution to designate Bethel School Road from Denton Tap Road eastward to Heartz Rd. as a one-way street during construction; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON ABOVE DATE GOAL(S): Motion to Approve Res. #2003-0610.4 M - Peters S - Faught Vote - 6-0 Tunnell absent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Approval of this item will provide for a safer construction area. Staff recommends approval of allowing one-way designation on Bethel School Rd., from Denton Tap Rd. eastward to Heartz Rd., during construction. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: DIR. REVIEW: <~ ~ ~ Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/02 FIN. REVIEW: ~ ,o ~, CM REVIEW: Document Name: #BethelSchool I -AR A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS RESOLUTION NO. ~[~.__ ~ ~, ! ~. 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE CONTRACTOR, TO MAKE BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD EAST OF DENTON TAP ROAD EASTWARD TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH HEARTZ ROAD, ONE-WAY TRAFFIC DURING PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION OF BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Bethel School Road must undergo reconstruction in the near future; and WHEREAS, during the period of said reconstruction, traffic will be impaired; and WHEREAS, its staff opinion that such reconstruction would be safer if the City Engineer, in conjunction with the Contractor authorized to perform such reconstruction, is permitted to make Bethel School Road one-way during the period of construction; and WHEREAS, after consideration the City Council has determined that it would be in the best interest of the City and its citizens to provide for a safer reconstruction process by permitting Bethel School Road to become one-way during the period of construction; NOW, THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the City Engineer, in conjunction with the Contractor for the Bethel School Road reconstruction, is hereby authorized to undertake the necessary steps to make Bethel School Road, east of Denton Tap Road to its intersection with Heartz Road, a one-way street during the period of construction. SECTION 2. That the traffic engineer is authorized and directed to erect signs and official traffic control devices according to the Texas Mm~ual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as amended, as is necessary to give notice as provided herein. SECTION 3. That this Resolution shall take effect in~nediately from and after its passage as the laxv and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City' of Coppell, Texas, this the /O _t/'~ da), of ,2003. A VED DOUGLA~ N. STOVER, MAYOR ROBI~RT E. HA~//CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: Y BAI~/CITY SECRETARY MEMORANDUM FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING To: From: Date: RE: Mayor and City Council Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Director of Engineering/Public Works June 10, 2003 Consider approval of a Resolution to designate Bethel School Road from Denton Tap Road eastward to Heartz Rd. as a one-way street during constructions; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. For some time now the Engineering Department has been working on the design of Bethel School Road from Denton Tap Road eastward to Heartz Rd. to allow for the reconstruction of the roadway. In addition to the reconstruction of the roadway, it's our goal to accomplish two other aspects of the job: 1) to provide for a wider paving width at the intersection of Denton Tap Road to allow for a left-turn lane; and 2) to work with the United States Postal Service to reconfigure the driveway access onto Bethel School Road to allow for a safer ingress/egress to the Post Office. There is an agreement on the Council agenda this evening to finalize negotiations with the USPS to allow for the reconfiguration of the driveways. Once that agreement has been voted on, then staff will know which direction to take in finalizing the construction plans and proceed with the bidding of the project. In reviewing the logistics of the actual construction of the roadway, it is apparent that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to maintain two-way traffic during construction. To effectively rebuild this roadway one-half of the road needs to be constructed at a time. This means that from Denton Tap Rd. to Heartz Rd. there will only be a road width adequate to maintain one lane of traffic. In reviewing traffic patterns, it is important that vehicles leaving the area have an opportunity to tum left on a green light to enter Denton Tap traffic in the mornings. There are other options for getting into the area from Denton Tap Road. Most notably a car entering the area could utilize Vanbebber to Heartz to gain access to Hidden Valley, Sandy Oak, Oak Brook and other streets east of Heartz Road. This agenda item is requesting the approval of a resolution to allow the contractor to make Bethel School Road one-way, westbound, during construction. The actual construction sequence is anticipated to be the rebuilding of the south side of Bethel School Road in the first phase. While this work is on-going, the east bound lane of Bethel School Road would be barricaded off at Denton Tap Road. The westbound traffic would still be allowed to continue through the intersection to gain access to Denton Tap via the traffic signal. During the second phase of construction, it is anticipated that the westbound traffic would be shifted to the newly constructed south side of Bethel Road i.e., the westbound traffic would be traveling on the eastbound lanes. This does cause some concern with vehicles turning off of Denton Tap Rd., however, with "CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING - EXCELLENCE BY DESIGN" appropriate signage and possibly some temporary modification at the entrance, this should be a workable solution. Utilities that may be in the way are currently being relocated along this section of Bethel School Road at the proposed widening near the intersection of Demon Tap Road. Therefore, once construction starts the contractor should have a clear path in removal and reconstruction of Bethel School Road. It is anticipated that the actual construction time will be approximately 90 days. Staff recommends approval of the resolution to designate Bethel School Road as one-way westbound during all phases of construction. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. "CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING - EXCELLENCE BY DESIGN" " Y � � 4 s U t cn L t 1 ti 40 dr ca A �• - iE ri N� h 8'�sr c . f ►• .ci � � w ' W o w ff h M � CZ Co 14 � �d A