WA0002-CS030618Suzan Ta for - Re:Golden Trian le Mobile Home Park Pa e 1 wr� OLD' Q From: "Abel Saldana" <ASaldana @dallascounty.org> To: <staylor @ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 6/18/03 12:14PM Subject: Re: Golden Triangle Mobile Home Park Suzan, Plans - we are working on the Cover Sheet (Dallas County version) and a Quantity Summary and General Notes Sheet. I am unaware of any changes needed after our constructibility review, but I will check w/ the Senior Inspector. Specs - I do know that we added some items and respective quantities and increased some quantities. I'm still realigning PK's specs to our format since we are bidding the project. Schedule - with our current projects workload we are at least 2 weeks away from completing the bid package for advertisement. We will eventually need all CADD files, so I will let you know when (and the easements). Good luck on the easements. Thanks! Abel >>> "Suzan Taylor" <staylor @ci.coppell.tx.us> 06/18 10:18 AM >>> Abel: Where do the plans stand? Will Pacheco Koch need to make any revisions? I am still waiting on the water line easements from the mobile home park. They are less than responsive about getting them to us. We sent them the easement documents in February. Can we get a copy of the plans and specifications after you have completed your changes? Thanks CC: <KNobles @dallascounty.org >, <RBrown @dallascounty.org>