ST9301-CS031001l Suzan Taylor- RE: ST 93-01 SANDY LAKE ROAD(Kimbel Court to East City Limits) Page From: To: Date: Subject: Tom Manchester <tmanchester@amspg.com> 'Suzan Taylor' <staylor~ci.coppell.tx.us> 10/1/2003 8:53:14 AM RE: ST 93-01 SANDY LAKE ROAD(Kimbel Court to East City Limits) Thank you for the reply. .... Original Message ..... From: Suzan Taylor [mailto:staylor@ci.coppeli.tx.us] Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 4:45 PM To: Tom Manchester Subject: Re: ST 93-01 SANDY LAKE ROAD(Kimbel Court to East City Limits) The anticipated construction start time is February 2004. The construction plans were prepared by Dallas County for the City. The City entered into an agreement with Jacobs Civil (the firm that designed the plans for Dallas County) for additional design services on September 23. The additional design work should take approximately 45 days to complete. We anticipate the project taking 18 to 24 months to complete, however the completion time is specified by the contractor in the bid. If you have any other questions please contact me. Suzan Taylor CIP Coordinator 972-304-7019 >>> Tom Manchester <tmanchester~amspg.com> 9/30/2003 2:00:22 PM >>> Hello, I have seen the date on this project slip a few times. Do you happen to know when it is now scheduled to start and complete? I live in Riverchase, and the terrible state of that stretch of road affects me daily. Thank you, Tom Manchester Senior Account Director Corporate Events AMS Production Group 972 818-7400 214 724-4593 cell www.amspg.com <http://www.amspg.com/>