St Andrews Est-CS031021_~ _ I Teresa Turner - Re: St Andrews Final Plat From: Teresa Turner To: Matt Steer Date: 10/21/03 10:41:05 AM Subject: Re: St Andrews Final Plat Matt, Page 1 ~SeS I think it would be premature at this time for them to submit the plat. They still have outstanding floodplain issues. They are attempting to develop the subdivision by going through FEMA with a CLOMR-F instead of submitting afull-blown flood study for review. Until they can submit something to Ken and get his blessing the plat should be put on hold. That is engineering's main concern at this time and it could affect the plat. They are also proposing some private drainage easements which we have yet to see. Let me know if you need any further information. Thanks. Teresa »> Matt Steer 10/21 /03 10:10:06 AM »> Teresa, Did you have any outstanding issues with the St Andrews Preliminary Plat? They want to submit for final plat, and we weren't sure of the remaining Engineering issues. I have read through the file, and it looks like there was a flood study that was to be submitted for your review along with a $2000 fee. Also, there was discussion as to the proposed alignment of Stonewick Drive. Approval was granted contingent upon the following conditions: 1. Common landscaping and wall easement to be maintained by HOA. 2. Ensure that a connecting sidewalk will be constructed between lots 14 &15. 3. A $2000 flood study review by City, 4. Not allow any development, structures or fill in the floodplain until appropriate approvals are obtained, 5. More information on grading plan to be submitted, 6. Determination and approval of the tree mitigation plan. Thanks, Matt