ST0202-AG030923 (2)COPPELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM DEPT: Engineering/Public Works DATE: September 23, 2003 ITEM #: 14 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of awarding Bid/Contract #Q0603-01 to Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. for the reconstruction of Bethel School Road from Denton Tap Rd. to Heartz Rd. in an amount of $297,813.35 as provided for in the IMF; and authorizing the City Manager to sign. APPROVED BY Motion to Approve CITY COUNCIL M- Brancheau ON ABOVE DATE s- Raines GOAL(S): Vote - 7-0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On July 8, 2003 seven bids were opened for the Bethel School Road project. The apparent low bidder was Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. Based on passed work experience with Tiseo, it is my recommendation that the bid be awarded to Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. in amount of $297,813.35. Construction of this project will resolve an ongoing issue that the City has experienced with traffic in and around the Post Office. Staffwill be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. FINANCIAL COMMENTS: Funds are available in the Infrastructure Maintenance fund for this project. Agenda Request Form - Revised 09/02 CM REVIEW: Document Name: #BethclSchRd- IAR MEMORANDUM FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING To-' From: Date: RE: Mayor and City Council Kenneth M. Griffm, P.E., Director of Engineering/Public Works September 23, 2003 Consider approval of awarding Bid/Contract #Q0603-01 to Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. for the reconstruction of Bethel School Road from Denton Tap Rd. to Heartz Rd. in an amount of $297,813.35 as provided for in the IMF; and authorizing the City Manager to sign. On July 8, 2003 seven bids were received and opened for the Bethel School Road project. The low bidder on the project was Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. in an amount of $297,813.35. Also, Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. bid the fewest calendar days of any of the seven bidders. Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. was the contractor on the recently completed Ruby Road project. This project was designed in-house and my estimate for the construction cost was $350,000. Because of the limited workspace and the nature of the reconstruction, an agenda item was brought before Council on June 10, 2003 recommending that the contractor be allowed to restrict traffic to one-way on Bethel School Rd. during the course of construction. That request was approved via Resolution #2003-0610.4. Also, during the design of the project, it was noted that the location of the driveway to the United States Postal facility was creating havoc with traffic patterns along Bethel School Road. In essence, the driveways close proximity to the intersection of Denton Tap had the effect of backing traffic up into Denton Tap Rd. in the mornings when cars were leaving the Post Office and trying to merge into the westbound traffic on Bethel School Rd. On June 10, 2003 an interlocal agreement was brought before Council to allow for the removal of two of the three Post Office driveways onto Bethel School Rd. with the reconfiguration of the access to the parking lot to be further east. Also, a new driveway was proposed to access the secured area on the east side of the Post Office. Since that approval, we have been working with the Post Office to obtain necessary signatures from their corporate office in Tennessee. Our last correspondence from their attorney requested one additional change to the agreement. This was for the City of Coppell to also be responsible for replacing sod in areas where the existing driveways are to be removed. In the overall scheme of the project, this is a fairly minor cost. Therefore, changes have been made to the agreement and processed back to the attorney for the United States Postal Service. We are currently awaiting final approval of that document; however, this project was bid with a 90-day period in which to award the project. That 90-day period will expire the first week "CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING - EXCELLENCE BY DESIGN" of October, prior to the next City Council meeting. Therefore, this project is being requested to be awarded at this time to Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. so that they can begin the mobilization and we can tie down the actual start of construction. Also, we can begin notification to the public about the restriction of the traffic movement along Bethel School Rd. during construction. Staff recommends the approval of the award of the Bethel School Road reconstruction project to Tiseo Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $297,813.35. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. "CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING - EXCELLENCE BY DESIGN"