ST9604-LR 981007Hooper Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Construction Materials Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS JOB NO.: 98.1089 CLIENT: Rebcon, Inc. DATE: 7 October 1998 PROJECT: Fairway Drive, Coppell, TX SUPPLIER: TXI LOCATION OF POUR SET 1: Paving from northeast corner curbline, 25' north and 10' west from intersection of Belt Line & Fairway LOCATION OF POUR SET 2: SAMPLE DATA: SET 1 SET 2 MIX NO. Truck No. 480 Cement Ticket No. 1046470 Flyash Time Batched 11:19am Sand Time Sampled 12:30pm in. Concrete Temp. (ASTM CI064) 87°F 1.0 m. Air Content (ASTM C231) 7.2% Water Unit Weight (ASTM C138) Admix #1 Admix #2 AEA 8275 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS (ASTM C39) (Standard 6 inch x 12 inch cylinder) Cylinder Slump Age Test Total Load Compressive Required Number Inches Days Date Pounds Stren.gth 28-Day {ASTM C143) psi Strength 5 4.50 7 6 4.50 7 7 4.5O 28 8 4.50 28 10/14/98 10/14/98 11/04/98 11/04/98 28-Day Destroyed on jobsite by others. Destroyed on jobsKe by others, Destroyed on jobsite by others, Destroyed on jobsite by others. Average 4000 TECHNICIAN: DISTRIBUTION: EDB (12.00 Noon-l:30pm) (1) Rebcon, Inc. (1) City of Coppell, Garreth Campbell 2870 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 351-6419 Fax (214) 351-5148