ST9604-LR 980909Hooper Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Construction Materials Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS JOB NO.: 98.1089 CLIENT: Rebcon, Inc. ~ DATE: 9 September 1998 PROJEC~v~iv;i~-p;II, '[:X ~ SUPPLIER: TXI LOCATION O~'~'~3UR-S~ 1: Piers~ [ightpole bases just north of Belt Line and just west of Fairview LOCATION OF POUR SET 2: SAMPLE DATA: SET 1 SET 2 MIX NO. Truck No. 474 Cement Ticket No. 1136431 Flyash Time Batched 1: 1 Opm Sand Time Sampled 1:45pm in. Concrete Temp. [ASTM CI064} 92°F 1.0 in. Air Content (ASTM C231) Water Unit Weight IASTM C138) Admix #1 Admix #2 AEA 8274 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS {ASTM C39) (Standard 6 inch x 12 inch cylinder) Cylinder Slump Age Test Total Load Compressive Required Number Inches Days Date Pounds Strength 28-Day {ASTM Cl 43) psi Strength 1 4.00 7 09/16/98 2 4.00 7 09/16/98 3 4.00 28 10/07/98 4 4.00 28 10/07/98 116,600 4120 I19,400 4220 147,600 5220 137,500 4860 28-Day Average 5040 4000 TECHNICIAN: DISTRIBUTION: GKO (l:00pm-2:3Opm) (1) Rebco,~, Inc. (1) City ol Coppell, Garreth Campbell 2870 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 351-6419 Fax (214) 351-5148 Hooper Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Construction Materials Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE TESTS JOB NO.: 98.1089 CLIENT: Rebcon, Inc. DATE: 9 September 1998 PROJECT: Fairway Drive, Coppell, TX SUPPLIER: TXI LOCATION OF POUR SET 1: Piers forlightpole bases just north of Belt Line and just west of Fairview LOCATION OF POUR SET 2: SAMPLE DATA: SET 1 SET 2 MIX NO. Truck No. 474 Cement Ticket No. 1136431 Flyash Time Batched 1: 1 Opm Sand Time Sampled 1:45~m in. Concrete Temp. (ASTM C1064) 92°F ~ ~0 ~n. Air Content (ASTM C231) Water Unit Weight IASTM C138) Admix //1 Admix //2 AEA 8274 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTS (ASTM C39} (Standard 6 inch x 12 inch cylinder) Cylinder Slump Age Test Total Load Compressive Required Number Inches Days Date Pounds Strength 28-Day [ASTM C143) psi Strength 1 4.00 7 ' 09/16/98 2 4.00 7 09/16/98 3 4.00 28 10/07/98 4 4.00 28 10/07/98 116,600 4120 119,400 4220 28-Day Average 4000 TECHNICIAN: DISTRIBUTION: GKO (l:00pm-2:30pm) (1) Rebcon, Inc. (1) City of Coppell, Garreth Campbell 2870 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 351-6419 Fax (214) 351-5148 Hooper Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Construction Materials Testing REPORT OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS CLIENT: Rebcon, Inc. DATE: 9 September 1998 PROJECT: Fairway Drive, Coppell, TX JOB NO,: 98.1089 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: 1) Lime Stabilized Subgrade - Brown Clay with Lime ASTM D 698 STANDARD PROCTOR: 1) 93.0 pcf @ 26.0% Moisture 37) 38) 39) LOCATION PROCTOR LIFT Street Subqrade North of RR Tracks approx. 20' south of north end approx. 15' east of west end Street Subqrade South of RR Tracks approx. 30' north of south end approx. 5' west of east end approx. 25' north of south end approx. 10' east of west end MOISTURE DRY PERCENT REQUIRED CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION COMPACTION % PCF % % I Fin. Sub. 29.3 89.1 95.8 95+ Optimum to +5% Fin. Sub. 26.7 92.9 99,9 Fin. Sub. 26.1 93.7 100.7 TECHNICIAN: DISTRIBUTION: CDJ (1) Rebcon, Inc. (1) City of Coppell, Garreth Campbell 2870 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 351-6419 Fax (214) 351-5148