ST9301-CS040108Suzan Taylor - Re: Fw: sandy lake road, east of macarthur Page 1 of 2 q -ol From: TO: Date: Subject: Suzan Taylor Narayan_Venkatasubramanyan@i2.com 1/8/2004 9:39 AM Re: Fw: sandy lake road, east of macarthur Mr. Narayan Venkatasubramanyan: I am with the Engineering Department and we are in the final design phase for construction plans on Sandy Lake Road, from east of Kimbel Kourt to the east city limits. The project consists of the reconstruction of the existing 2-lane asphalt road to a 4-lane divided roadway with improved drainage. We are currently reviewing the 90% complete construction plans. All of the right-of-way is acquired except for one parcel and we expect to have that within the next few weeks. Once all of the right-of-way has been acquired we will initiate utility relocations. The project is anticipated to advertise in late March or early April and construction will start soon after. you need any additional information, please call e-mail or call me at 972-304-7019. Suzan Taylor Engineering Department >>> <Narayan_Venkatasubramanyan@i2.com> 1/7/2004 1:27:06 PM >>> i had sent the following question to Streets@ci.coppell.tx.us: "as a resident of the riverchase subdivision of the southeastern part of coppell, i am curious to know who is responsible for the condition of sandy lake road east of macarthur, i have noticed that the city has done an excellent job on sandy lake road between macarthur and denton tap road. unfortunately, this only makes our end of sandy lake road look a whole lot worse, does this stretch fall outside of your purview? i suspect not. i see two problems with this section of sandy lake, one chronic and another one looming on the horizon: the stretch of sandy lake starting a hundred yards or so east of macarthur and going out to coppell city limits has always been less thoroughly maintained than the rest of it. the incidence of rough surface, potholes, etc., is much higher than elsewhere. with construction on the retirement home on sandy lake approaching completion, i expect traffic on this stretch of road to increase significantly during the next year or so. i'd like to know if you are planning to do anything about this. thank you. i have been asked to redirect my question regarding sandy lake road to your department, could you please respond? thank you, file://C 2Documents%20and%20Settings\staylor\Local%20S ettings\Temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 1/8/2004 Page 2 of 2 narayan venkatasubramanyan 1321 coral drive, coppell 469-357-84-46 file://C :~Documents%20and%20Settings\staylorLLocal%20Settings\Temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 1/8/2004