Northlake WE P1-6-CS040115T H £ C I T Y 0 F COPPELL January 15, 2004 Jerry Daniels 4D Construction 11200 Old Seagoville Rd Balch Springs TX 75180 Drainage Improvements at 775 Pelican Ln Final Acceptance Dear Mr. Daniels: Representatives of the City of Coppell have confirmed a final inspection of the referenced project. The two-year maintenance bond and as*built drawings have been received from the contractor. Maturity on the bond will be two years from the date of this letter. Sincerely, Rick O'Dell Construction Inspector Office Phone: (972) 304-7090 Fax: (972) 304-3570 CC; Ken Griffin, Director of Engineering & Public Works Rhonda Brothers, Engineering Secretary Glenn Hollowell, Director of Public Works Donald Brewer, 775 Pelican Ln, Coppell TX ~INTENANCE BOND TRAVELERS CASUALT. .{D SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA Hartford, Connecticut 06183 BOND NO. 104125808 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Fou~ D Construction, Inc. as Principal, hereinafter called ContraCtor, and TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, as Surety, hereinafter called Surety, are held and firmly bound unto The C~.~' o f Coppg~.~, Tex~ as Obligee, hereinafter called Owner, in the penal sum of $ 15,351 , for the payment whereof ContraCtor and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, ContraCtor has by wfltten agreement, dated September 22, 2003 entered i~to a contract with Donald Brewer for Storm Drainage Improvements at 7.75 Pelican Lane in accordance with the General Coeditions, the Drawings and sPeCifications, which contract is by reference incorporated herein, and made a part hereof, and is referred to as the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation b such lhat, if Contractor shall remedy any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship which shall appear within a period of Two ( 21 year(s) from the date of substsntlal completien of the work provided for in the Cord~ct, then this obligation to be Void; othenvise to remain in full force ar~l effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Owner shall give ContraCtor and Surety notice of observed defects with reasonable prompthess. SIGNED and sealed this 9th dayof Jan~'~y , 2004 IN THE PRESENCE OF: Fou~ D Const~uction~ Inc. ~ / (Seal) T~LER~ C~U~AND SU~ COMPLY OF ~ERICA ~o ~ ' Ch~ M. ~ '' S-2326-1 (07-97) TRAVELEP,~CASUALTY AND SURETY COMI~AN¥.'OF ~z~NRICA TR. ;LEP, S CASUALTY AND SUP~T¥ COB~ FARMINGTON CASUALTY CO1VI~ANY ' Hartford, Connecticut 06183-9062 POWER OF ATTORNEY AND CERTITICATE OF AUTHORITY OF ATTORNEY(ST-IN-FACT KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, THAT TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMIN(~TON CASUALTY COMPANY, corporations d~ly organized under the hws of the State of Cannecficuh and hay/nE their principal 0ffxce~ in the Cit~ of Haz~orcl, County of Ha~ord, State of Connectia~t* (hereina~r the "Companias") hath m_~-. constituted and appointed, and do by the.~ 'prasenta m~ke~ constitute and appoint: C~h R. Harbangh,'Chris M. Hill, Donald G. Murray, of Dallas, Texa~, th~ tree and · hwful Attom~s)-in-F~ct. with fldl power and authority hardly confen'~d to sign, execute ~nd acknowledge,.at any phce -~thin thc Uni~d Stat~, the following instnnnent(s):, by hi~.~her sole signature and act, any and all bonds, r~o~izan~ ~or,~act~ of indemnity, and other writings obligatozy in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional unde~nklng and any and?all consents incident theretO and to bind the Companies, thereby as fully and to the same extent as if the same were si~ned by the duly authorized o/~,~s of the Companies. and all the acts of ~id Attomey(s)-in-Fact. pursuant to the authority herein given, are herdoy ratified and · .This appointment ismad~ u~ and by authority of tho following. Standing Resolutions of said Companies. which Resolutions aze anw in full forco and effect: ~ 'v'O t,'~fz. Thai the Chai~ the pr~/dent* any Vice Chair~ any Exe~ufiv~ Vic~ P~ide~, any ~ Vic~ pr,~d,t~_t.· any V*r.~ P~e~idmt* any to dp with tJ~ Company's nan~ and ~ ,with tiz Company'~ seal bonds, recogni~, con~ of ~!ty, and other ,,vriting~ obligatory in the natore of n bond, recognizance, or condltional uxzla*Xnking, and any of ~aid officefl or the Board of Director~ at any tlm~ may remove any such appointee and revoke the powor givea him or her. ¥OTED: *[hat ,the Chai~n. the President, any Vice Chai~ any Executive ¥ice President, any Senior Vice I~/deut or any ~rzce President in ?ating and n copy thex~of b filed, in tl~ omce of tl~.,%:~n~y. VOTED:.. That any bond, ei,~, c~tract Of indenufity, or .wr/ti~ obli~-v _,w~ in the nato~ d · bond, rec~ i-~.e, or cotal/fional undet~nHng sludl be valid and 10:n~.ut~a th~ Coml~ny whe~/(aT s/gncd by the Pre~/dent* any Vice Cha/rmi~. ~ny I'~.ecufive Ym Presi~ant* any Senior Vice Ibis/dent o~ any ~r~.~ X~,e$/den~ any ~ W~ce President* the Treamrer, any Asdstant Trea~, the Coqz)tate ~:retary c~ any required) by one or more Altomny~-in*Fact and Agene~ p~rmant to tl~ powex ggescfibed in hi~ or he~ cerlificato or their cefl/ficate~ of authoriq or by one or n~ Company o/r~cer~ pursuant to s written delegalioa of authotSly. ~ lower Of Attorney and Certificate of Autho~lty h signed and sealed-by facsimile (mechanical o,r printed) under and by athofit~ or:the following Standing Re~hflon voted by the Boards of Directors of TRAVEI.]zRS CASUALTY AND SURETY · COMPANY~ OF AMERICA, TRAVEv.gu..q. CASUALTY AND*SUReTY COMPANY and FARMI~GTON (~SUALTY COMPANYb which Resohtio, i is now in full force and effect: ¥Ot~:2-~:. Tht tl~ sj~.t,~-~ of cach oftl~ following ot~.ct~ P~e~dent, any E.x~x~w Vic~ Pre,dent* any ,~cnior Vice Pr~idc~, any Vic~ P';csiden~. any Assis~at Vice President, any Sec'tm'y, any As.~tant ~, and tl~ se~l of th~ Coml~ny may 1~ af]fix~ by ~ to any powe~ of att~av/or to any cetfifica~ rehting thereto al~ointing ll.e~de~t Vice Presidan~ Resident A.q~hnt Sec~tafie~ or Attorneys-in*Fact for