ST0003-CS031219~za~ ']'~ylo~: RE: From: To: Date: Subject: "Roberts, Ken" <kar@Huitt-Zollars.com> 'Suzan Taylor' <staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us> 12/19/2003 11:49:09 AM RE: Coppell Road Suzan, Our surveyors have been behind on all of our projects and we are just getting the last parts of the surveying into the office. We are obviously behind schedule at this point but I do not believe it will have a major impact on the overall schedule. I need to look at what we have as far as surveying is concerned on Monday and get back with you. We have been in touch with Teague, Nail & Perkins concerning their design of Sandy Lake Road and we have exchanged some information to coordinate the two projects. As we have gone through the existing plan information that you gathered up for us, we did not see any plans for the newly constructed Ruby Road. Do you have copies of those plans that we can have? Kenneth Roberts, PE Huitt-Zollars, Inc. ..... Original Message ..... From: Suzan Taylor [SMTP:staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us] Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 9:23 AM To: kar@Huitt-Zollars.com Subject: Coppell Road Ken: Can I get an update on the status of the plans. When can we expect a set of preliminary plans? Parks has a question about some of the trees on the project. Thanks