ST0003-CS040405T H E . C I T Y · O F COl'FELL April 5, 2004 Mr. Kenneth A. Roberts Huitt-Zollars 3131 McKinney Avenue, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75204-2489 RE: Coppell Road ST 00-03 Preliminary Review Comments Dear Mr. Roberts: Following a review of thc above referenced plans, the following comments are offered for your consideration: PLANS - GENERAL COMMENTS The width of the hike and bike trail needs to be changed to 8'. Can the trail be moved away from the back of curb? Need to ensure that trail is designed in compliance with thc Parks and Recreation Department's standards. Do we need the 3' sidewalk easement? 2. The recessed inlets should not encroach into thc sidewalk if at all possible. 3 Can any of the existing trees be saved? The sidewalk can bc meandered in locations to avoid some of thc larger trees The power poles on both sides of the roadway will need to be relocated. Where do the3' need to be relocated? On the cast side of the roadway, there is 2' between thc edge of sidewalk and right-of-way from Station 21+5(/northward. 5. The water meters need to be relocated 8" off of the back of curb. The existing fire hydrants that are to be relocated may need to be replaced with new hydrants. Will have the Streets Department make a determination on the hydrants. Need to ensure that there is a minimum of 3 fcct of clearance around thc fire hydrants. The existing 8-inch water main is thin wall PVC and is located under the proposed roadway. The roadway elevation is being lowered Need to ensure that there is sufficient cover over the water line. 8. Thc City's water grid maps show a 10-inch water linc that parallels the 8-inch water line. Will check with thc Utilities Department. COVER SHEET 1. Add the Project No. 'ST 00-03' to the cover sheet. SHEET P- 1 1. Should thc maximum slope outside of the right-of-way be 4:1 ? 2. If the roadway is constructed one lane at a time - a keyway will be needed. SHEET P-2 1. Freese and Nichols proposed roadway is 34' back to back. There will need to be a concrete transition from 37' to 34' south of Cooper Lane. Coordinate with Freese and Nichols on the tie-in of the two roadways. 2. ls there an existing water valve at Station 19+27 and will it need to be adjusted? SHEET P-3 1. Station 21+50 - There appears to be an existing fire hydrant that on the east side of the roadway that will need to be relocated. 2. Station 23+07.64 The 'Sawcut (Typ.)' needs to be removed. The 12' dimension is in the wrong location. 3. Station +24+73 - If the cleanout remains in the sidewalk, it needs to be cast-iron. SHEET P-4 1. What happens with the drainage in the concrete flume on the south side of Plantation Drive? 2. There is an existing light pole at Station 27+50 that will need to be relocated. 3. Steps are being added to the private sidewalks. Are there any ADA/building code issues that will have to be addressed. Will we need property owner approval? Are there any alternatives to the steps? 4. Thc private sidewalks are being extended to the back of curb for mailbox access. Are there any ADA issues that will have to be addressed? 5. With the proposed ADA rules, will the manhole need to be relocated out of the barrier free ramp? SHEET P-5 The City is installing a water tine and fire hydrants in the Golden Triangle Mobile Home Park. An 8-inch water line will tie into the existing water line on the north side of Park Lane. (plan sheet attached) 2. Can the sidewalk be adjusted to miss thc existing manhole? 3. Station 32+58.18 - The 13.5' dimension is in the wrong location. 4 What t39e of inlet is proposed at Station 33+40? Will a drainage easement be required? 5. Station 33+69.31 - The 31' is in the wrong location. Correct the leader arrow. SHEET P-6 1. More information and details arc needed on the proposed drainage at the WH. Wilson Elementary School. SHEET P-7_ 1. The finished grade in front of the existing 6' brick wall is being lowered - will the integrity of the wall be effected? SHEET P-8 1. Can the proposed storm sewer laterals connect to the existing inlets on Greenwich Lane if the roadway is being lowered? GENERAL COMMENTS FOR NEXT SUBMITTAL 1. The trees designated for removal will need to be shown on the plans. We will need a list of the trees prior to bidding thc project. The paving plan/profile sheets need to show the following information: a. high point station, elevation, and flow arrows b. top of curb elevation at all of the curb inlets The storm drain plan/profile sheets need to show top of curb elevations at all of the curb inlets. Need sufficient detail on all ADA access ramps, sidewalks, and crosswalks to ensure that the plans are in compliance with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations. This includes the correct slope, correct width, correct texture, and correct color differentiation. 4. The removal and repair of irrigation and fences will need to be addressed. 5. Need a typical section on the asphalt transitions - show the flex base extending one foot beyond the HMAC. Please revise the plan sheets as needed. Enclosed is thc review set of plans, which should be returned with the next submittal. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me at 972-304-7019. fi~ncerely, ~ Suz~aflsC. Tavlor C.I]~. Coord~inator Enclosures 3