RC Townhomes-CS040506DE VEL OPMENT RE VIE W COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: PD-201-TH~2, Riverchase Townhomes, Lots 1-52~ zoning change request from LI (Light Industrial) to PD-201-TH-2 (Planned Development-201, Townhouse-2) to allow the construction of 52 single-family attached homes on 4.42 acres of property located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 1,400 feet north of Riverchase Drive, at the request of Jason Rose, Architect STAFF REP.: Gary Sieb PROJECT ID//PD-04-0013 DRC DA TE: April 29, 2004 and May 6,2004 CONT/I CT: Kenneth M. Gr~n, P.E., Dir. of En~ineerin~/Public Works 972/304-3686 COMMENTSTATUS: ~ ~FINAL .~r'r'~c~n, ~ ~ ~v P&Z Site Plan - 1. All off-street parking shall be on a HOA owned and maintained lot. 2. The Engineering Dept. has concerns about the parking provided on Lot 1-X being too close to MacArthur Blvd. 3. Brick pavers are no longer allowed in public streets, use stamped and stained concrete instead. · See additional comments on Preliminary Plat case for this development. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Riverchase Townhomes Addition~ Lots 1-52~ Preliminary Plat to allow the construction of 52 single-family at~ached homes on 4.42 acres of property located along the east side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 1,400 feet north of Riverchase Drive, at the request of Jason Rose, Architect STAFF REP.: Gary Sieb PROJECT ID# PP-04-0014 DRC DA TE: ~4pri129, 2004 and May 6,2004 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Dir. t 972/304-3686 1. All off-street parking shall be on HOA owned and maintained lots. 2. All sidewalks on private property will need to be in a sidewalk easement. Drainage Area Map - 1. You show a large area of the City Park and ballfields to the NW of this property draining through this development. Indicate how that drainage will be picked up and conveyed through the site to an appropriate outfall. 2. The developer will need to obtain written authorization to grade any areas on the adjacent private property. 3. Additional comments may be generated during full Engineering review. Preliminary Water & Sewer Line - 1. Verify that the 24" and 12" lines are shown properly; make sure you are tying into the 12" line, not the 24" line. 2. For the connection of the sanitary sewer to the existing stub out: verify that the stub out is really there, and that the elevation works for you're proposed sewer line. 3. Remove the General Note that "water service is 3/4" with bullhead connections." 4. Valve spacing needs to be no greater than 500' per the Subdivision Ordinance. 5. The Engineering Dept. will work with the developer to provide a looped fire line during full Engineering review. The developer will need to acquire one easement across our park property, as well as permission to cross a city of Irving water line.