ST0003-CS040603June 3, 2004 JoAnn Smith 420 Coppell Road Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Coppell Road Project #ST 00-03 (fi.om Cooper Lane to Sandy Lake Road) Dear Ms. Smith: This letter is written as a follow-up to our telephone conversation of Tuesday, June 1, 2004 concerning trees along the property at 412 and 420 Coppell Road. As I stated in our conversation, with this letter I am providing you copies of Sheets P-2 and P-3 fi.om the construction plans. These sheets show the proposed roadway construction adjacent to your property at the intersection of Kaye Street. The current construction plans show the need for the removal of a 33" Oak tree at the southeast comer of Kaye Street at Coppell Road. Since our telephone conversation on June 1, we have contacted the design engineering firm to ask them to reevaluate the intersection to determine what options are available to the city to save the tree. As I stated, we are cutting the roadway down approximately one-foot in this area, so even saving the tree could cause some damage to the root system. One option we are looking at is to curve Kaye Street to the north, as it approaches Coppell Road, to try to center it between the 33" Oak on the south side of Kaye Street and the 15" Elm on the north side of Kaye Street. I have included with this letter a rough schematic showing how that alignment could look. To accomplish the realignment of Kaye Street as it approaches Coppell Road we would need additional right-of-way from 412 Coppell Road. Another option would be to install a smaller radius at Kaye Street and Coppell Road. The current subdivision ordinance does require a 25' radius for these types of street intersections. Placing a 20' radius might move the roadway a little further away from the tree, but would also create a sharper turn onto Kaye Street. If we are successful in coming up with a realignment to shif~ Kaye Street further north, the City is hopeful that you, as the property owner of 412 Coppell Road, would be willing to dedicate the additional right-of-way necessary to accomplish the realignment. Once you have had an opportunity to review this information and/or consider the realignment of Kaye Street, please feel free to contact me so we can discuss this further. Also, I hope to hear from our design consultant in the very near future on what ideas they might having in preserving the existing 33" oak tree on the south side of Kaye Street. As stated in our conversation, the timeline for the construction of Coppell Road is mid-2005. To meet that timeline we do need to begin obtaining the right-of-way so that any utilities can be relocated before construction of the roadway. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Sincerely, Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. Director of Engineering and Public Works Office 972/304-3686 Fax 972/304-7041 E-mail kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us (4,0 LB$./$Y MIN.) 1 O' ELECTRIC EASEMENT -- PROP. 10'x1( R.O.W. CLIP Pi REQUIRED = = FREE ~" ~ w RAMP (TYP.) I0'x10' R.O.W. CLIP REQUIRED EX. CONC. CURB &: GUTTER AWCUT &: STREET HEADER