ST0003-CS040811Suzan Taylor - RE: Coppell Road Page 1 of 1 From: "Roberts, Ken" <kar@Huitt-Zollars.com> To: 'Suzan Taylor' <staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 8/~.1/2004 3:11 PM Subject: RE: Coppell Road Suzan, Our field crew should be out sometime tomorrow to stake the additional right-of-way. Kenneth Roberts, PE Huitt-Zollars, Inc. ..... Original Message ..... From: Suzan Taylor [mailto:staylor@d.coppell.tx.us] ~ent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 :~0:00 AM To: kar@ H uitt-Zollars.com Subject: Coppell Road Ken: You recently submitted an alternate alignment for Kaye Street that would miss the 33-inch oak on the south side of the street. The alignment would require an additional 309.19 $.F. of right-of-way. Ms. Smith, the owner of the property has requested the city to have the new right-of-way staked so that she can see how it will impact three other trees on the north side of her property. Is your firm available to stake the right-of-way for the new alignment for the city. Please let me know and I will advise Ms. Smith that a survey crew will be there. Thanks file://C:LDocuments%20and%20Settings\staylor\Local%20Settings\Tcmp\GW}00001.HTM 8/11/2004