ST9301-CS041006M. essage Suzan Taylor - RE: E. Sandy Lake Road Page 1 of 2 From-' To: Date: Subject: CC: "Pembroke, Bill" <BilI.Pembmke@jacobs.com> "Suzan Taylor" <staylor~ci.coppell.tx.us> 10/6/2004 11:31 AN RE: E. Sandy Lake Road "Goode, Nark" <Mark. Goode@jacobs.com>, "Lin, Gilbert" <Gilbert. Lin@jacobs.corn> We will proceed. Thanks. We have revised the drawings to reflect traffic buttons. One of my goals is to get the quantities as reasonably accurate as possible given the age of the plans and underlying survey, and the incorporation of revisions that were not part of the County's project. My experience, like that of the City's, has been that when revisions are made it complicates the quantity take off process because it increases the risk of items "falling through the cracks". For instance, the new median opening in addition to increasing associated paving quantities, will increase several other quantities including traffic buttons and markings, temporary traffic control, and PVC sleeves. For this reason we are going back through all of the changes to focus on their effect on the quantities. Of particular concern to me is the amount of Earthwork that will have to be completed. For this project we surveyed cross sections at each end of the project and at locations that were identified in the scope where we collectively knew changes due to development and construction had occurred. However, we were not contracted to go back and survey all areas. The original survey was done so long ago, it is my expectation that ground movement has occurred that will affect the actual quantity that the Contractor will be asked to perform. Collectively we need to take appropriate measures within the bidding and contract documents to protect Coppell from rampant and excessive claims for extras during construction. It is because of this very concern that I previously offered to perform a coordination review of the final bidding package for no extra fee. I am still willing to provide this should you desire. 8ill ..... Original Message ..... From: Suzan Taylor [mailto:staylor@ci.coppell.tx.us] ~ent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:38 AM To: Pembroke, Bill Sabject-' Re: E. Sandy Lake Road Bill: Ken wants the median opening so proceed with the change. We met yesterday to discuss the plans and specifications for the project. We have concerns about the quantities being correct (i.e. stamped concrete and the paving buttons). We previously provided a copy of our updated button specifications but the plans still reflect jiggle bars. The city does not use jiggle bars but uses a double row of 4-inch white round single reflective buttons. Many of the pay items are 'plans quantities' so it is imperative that the quantities be correct. Under the engineering scope you were supposed to revise bid quantities and provide two copies of the supporUng documentation. Thanks >>> "Pembroke, Bill" <BilI.Pembroke@jacobs.com> 10/6/2004 10:00:33 AM >>> Suzan: file://C:~Documents%20and%20S ettings\staylorXLocal%20Settings\Temp\GW} 00001 .HTM 10/6/2004 .Message Page 2 of 2 Please confirm that Ken wants the median opening to the nursery and we are to proceed with this change. We consider this opening and the associated changes extra scope and respectfully request that our fee be increased by $446. Breakdown of hours: PM 1 hr @ $120/hr PE 2 hrs @ $90/hr CADD 2 hrs @ $73/hr Please let me know as soon as possible so we can revise the plans accordingly Bill William G. Pembroke, P.E. Senior Project Manager Jacobs Civil Inc, 6688 N. Central Expressway Suite 400, MB 13 Dallas, TX 75206-3924 ph: 214.424.7500 dir: 214.424.7591 fax: 214.696.3499 ~bi!!,pembroke@jpcobs,cP.m NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. NOTICE - This communication may contain confidential and privileged information that is for the sole use of the intended recipient. Any viewing, copying or distribution of, or reliance on this message by unintended recipients is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. file://C:~Documents%20and%20Settings\staylor~Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}00001.HTM 10/6/2004