ST0402-CS041130Ke th Marvin - Fwd' I.H. 635 WBFR Extens on Home Depot Drive to Be t Line Road - Ge ometrics and Signals At Belt L~ge 1 ~ From: Ken Griffin To: Keith Marvin Date: 11/30/2004 9:47:28 AM Subject: Fwd: I.H. 635 WBFR Extension: Home Depot Drive to Belt Line Road - Ge ometrics and Signals At Belt Line Keith Here's the last info I had on the 635 WBFR at Beltline. ken g >>> Jim O'Connor <joconnor@ci.irvingtx.us> 11/10/2004 12:18:17 PM >>> Weldon and Jason, I have received your request for City comments regarding the geometrics and traffic signals for the proposed frontage road improvements at the northeast corner of the I.H. 635 at Belt Line Road interchange. Following are those comments. These are preliminary and based on the schematic design that we have seen to this point in time. They are also preliminary since this intersection is located in the City of Coppell, although the City of Irving is responsible for the maintenance of the traffic signals by Interlocal Agreement; all comments will require coordination with the City of Coppell staff. 1. The northeast corner intersection should include a turning lane and "porkchop" traffic island to channelize the high volume traffic which negotiates this acute-angle corner. The inside radius of the turning lane should be R=140' which; with the 69deg central angle of this corner, the tangent of the turning lane curve should be approximately 100' which yields the radius of 140 feet mentioned. 2. The length of the deceleration lane for the right-turn should be as long as possible, limited only by the location and geometry of the proposed interior local street intersection with the frontage road currently shown to be about 900 feet east of the east curb line of Belt Line Road (exact location to be determined and approved by TxDOT and the City of Irving). Turning traffic volumes at this corner are very high necessitating the maximum amount of storage. The 150' long transition (45 mph design) for the decel lane should begin 60 feet west of the west end of the curb return for the outbound turning lane of the proposed local street east of Belt Line. 3. The City of Irving agrees to relocate, re-construct and improve, as necessary, the traffic signal at the northeast corner of the proposed I.H. 635 WBFR and Belt Line Road. The signal will be located within the traffic island mentioned in comment #1 above. This work will include installation of conduits and loop detectors (unless video detection is to be used). If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. James E. O'Connor, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer City of Irving, Texas Voice: 972-721-2646 Fax: 972-721-3720 email: joconnor@ci.irving.tx.us