WA9701-EM050303BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. Project No. 2002124 CONSULTING ENGINEERS Client: CITY OF COPPELL~ TEXAS Project: Denton Tap Road 16-inch Water Lthe (Airline Drive to Bethel Road) Date: 3-Mar-05 By: D.K.S. ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. I Description I Quantity I Unit I Price I Amount I Mobilization 1 L.S. $ 5,000.00 $ 5~000.00 ?umish and Install 16-1nth PVC WaIerline by Open Cut w/Embedment 2 along west curb line and in the median and along the west road curb 3~488 L.F. $ 44,00 $ 153~472.00 3 ?umish and Install 16-Inch PVC Waterline by other than Open Cut 429 L.F. $ 225.00 $ 96,525.00 ?urnish and Install 16-Inch PVC Waterline by other than Open Cut with 4 ~teel Casing 113 L,F. $ 300.00 $ 33,900.00 5 Furnish and Install 10~Inch PVC Waterline by Open Cut w/Embedment 10 L.F. $ 30.00 $ 300.00 6 Furnish and Install 8-lnch PVC Watarline by Open Cut w/Embedment 292 L.F. $ 32.00 $ 9~344.00 7 Furnish and Install 8-Inch PVC Waterline by other than Open Cut 276 L.F. $ 125.00 $ 34r500.00 8 Furnish and Install 6-Inch PVC Waterline by Open Cut w/Embedment 150 L.F. $ 30.00 $ 4.500.00 Furnish and Instal] 2-Inch PVC Waterline by Open Cut to Restore Irrigatic 9 Line Service 103 L.F. $ 5.00 $ 515.00 10 Furnish and Install 16-1neb Butterfly Valve 3 Ea. $ 3~800.00 $ 1 Ir400.00 11 Furnish and Instal] 8-Inch Gate Valve 11 Ea. $ 900.00 $ 9,900.00 12 Furnish and Install 6-Inch Gate Valve 8 Ea. $ 700.00 $ 5,600.00 13 Disconnect and Relocate 6-Inch Gate Valve 2 Ea. $ 250.00 $ 500.00 14 Furnish and Install Standard Fire Hydrant 5 Ea. $ 2~000.00 $ 10~000.00 15 Disconnect and Relocate Standard Fire Hydrant 4 Ea. $ 800.00 $ 3~200.00 16 Connect to Existing Standard Fire Hydrant 2 Ea, $ 500.00 $ 1~000.00 17 Furnish and Install 2-Inch Air and Vacuum Release Valve & Vault 4 Ea. $ 3~000.00 $ 12~000.00 18 Provide Connection to Existing 24*' Waterline 1 Ea. $ 1~500.00 $ 1~500.00 19 Provide Connection to Existinl~ 16" Waterline 1 Ea. $ 1~500.00 $ 1~500.00 20 Provide Connection to Existing 12" Waterline I Ea. $ 1~200.00 $ 1~200.00 21 Provide Connection to Existing 10" Waterline I Ea. $ 900.00 $ 900.00 22 Provide Connection to Existing 8" Waterline 6 Ea. $ 600.00 $ 3~600.00 23 Provide Connection to Existing 6" Waterline 5 Ea. $ 500.00 $ 2~500.00 24 Provide Connection to Existing 2" Waterline 9 Ea. $ 300.00 $ 2~700.00 25 Fumish and lnstal124" x16" Tapping Sleeve and Valve I Ea. $ 12~000.00 $ 12~000.00 26 Furnish and Install 16" x 16" Tapping Sleeve and Valve 1 Ea. $ 8~000.00 $ 8~000.00 27 Furnish and Install 12" x 12" Tapping Sleeve and Valve I Ea. $ 6~000.00 $ 6~000.00 BIRKHOFF, HENDRICKS & CONWAY, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Project No. 2002124 Client: CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS Project: Denton Tap Road 16-ineh Water Line (Airline Drive to Bethel Road) Date: 3-Mar-05 By: D.K.S. ENGINEER'S OPINION OF CONSTRUCTION COST Item No. [ Oe,cripfion ] quan~t~ I Unit I Price I Amount 28 Furnish and Install 10*' x t0" Tapping Sleeve and Valve 1 Ea. $ 5~000.00 $ 5~000.00 29 Furnish and Install 8' x 8' Tapping Sleeve and Valve 4 Ea. $ 3,800.00 $ 15~200.00 30 Furnish and Install Ductile Iron Fittings 12~500 Lbs. $ 2.00 $ 25~000.00 Abandon and Plug Existing 8" Waterline at all locations shown on the Plans 31 including excavationt backfiIling and restoration to Existing condition I L.S, $ 4~000.00 $ 4,000.00 32 Full Depth Concrete Saw Cut l~010 L.F. $ 5.00 $ 5~050.00 33 Remove and Replace Concrete Pavement 290 S,Y, $ 50.00 $ 14~500.00 34 Remove and Replace Concrete Curb & Gutter 218 L.F. $ 35.00 $ 7~630.00 35 Remove and Replace Bush 3 C.Y. $ 60.00 $ 180.00 36 Extra Crashed Stone for Embedment 50 C.Y. $ 60.00 $ 3~000.00 Furnish, Install and Maintain Solid Block Sod (6' width along l~ench + 15' 37 ~ide bore pits) 2,528 S.Y. $ 4.00 $ 10~lll.lI ~umish Trench Safety Design by Professional Engineer Licensed in the 38 5tare of Texas I L.S. $ 2~000.00 $ 2~000.00 39 ?umish? Install and Maintain Trench Safe ,ty Plan and System 4~043 L.F, $ 1.50 $ 6~064,50 40 Fumish~ lnstall~ Maintain and Remove Erosion Conttol Devices I L.S, $ 3~000.00 $ 3,000.00 41 Fumish~ Install and Maintain Tra file Control Plan and Devices I L.S, $ 10~000.00 $ 10~000.00 Total $ 537:291.61 Contlngenc] 0 % $ $ 5371291.61 USE: $ 5401000.00