Hidden Valley-CS050406 (2)From: "Tim Bennett'1 <tim@bennettconsultinginc.com> To: "Rodney Louviere" <rlouviere@daa-civil.com>, "Keith Marvin" <kmarvin@ci.coppell.tx.us> Date: 4/6/2005 12:54:53 PM Subject: Retaining Wall at Hidden Valley Estates This morning, at his suggestion, I went with Keith to the site and we examined the existing wall that has been constructed on the east side of the properly and made measurements and observations comparing the as-built wall to the January 18th drawing in his file. First, we observed that the wall, while attractive in appearance, does not match the design drawing in most respects. We measured the slope of the wall as 2" to 2 1/2" to the foot on the front exposed face. The top of the wall is 12" matching the drawing. If we assume that the back side is semetrical with the exposed front, which we measured this makes the width of the wall at the base of a 5' to 6' section 36". The space that could be observed from the top of the excavation to the top of the wall does not appear to be wide enough to support this assumption. The drawing calls for the wall to have a slope of 4" to the foot front and back which would make the width of the base of the wall an additional 2' wider at the base than what we observed. The drawing shows the wall extending below the lower grade a distance that i think was 24 inches straight sided at the full width then an additional 20 inches (Dimension D) at a narrower width. We observed that the wall, as built, does not extend below the lower grade at all, 'has no straight sided feature to be burried at this face and has a footer or no more than 6" to 8" depth at about 18" of width centered on the full width at the lower grade. The wall sections we observed were at least 6" too low to allow for the 1" in 10" maximum slope shown on the drawing to the existing upper grade for the soil back fill at the top of the wall. We assumed that this was to allow for the stone cap that has been proposed, but is not represented on the drawing on file with the city. By my estimation, 55% of the mass of the wall called for on the drawing is missing. Gentlemen, this is a gravity wall system that depends on its mass to withstand the forces exerted on it by the difference in grade and all that entails. I find it difficult to believe that 55% of that mass called for by your structural engineer can be neglected without degrading whatever safety factor he built into his design to an unacceptable degree. This puts my property at risk, which is unacceptable. Tim Bennett CC: "Bob Benes" <bodoelem2@yahoo.com>, "Kenric R. Hevron" <khevron@comcast.net>, "Jeff Reid" <jeff. reid@aa.com>