FTTP-CR050607~un O? 05 03:~?p BTI. I.JTY I}}; ]~OC,\TIO~' I-'x.' ',UGH1-OF-W.\~ ()R £ ' '~ ," ' CQMPLE"I';[O;X, VERIF!CATIO>,' No'r'~r'v cnta t CiU of' CoppeH Public Wo:I<s Division at 972-~,52-5155 to schedule m~ ,ith l'tiliT & Stree~ personnel ro verify that you: p:oject I)~ been comp!atari to :op~e~ specifications. F~zi/ure to :ched~le venficc.O'on inx~ecdon may de/ay jY~zre project:. Sub-cont:actor CompmW N~me ~/~:~/~ ~ -4 hr.wontact Number ~'7Z- ~. Date of VerJ~cation AppoNtment Tin-e of Verification AppoNtment /., ~ h)~O~:'~A'12~ BELOW ~ BE COMP~D BY CITY OF COPPELL PE~O~EL t a s~9[e / not accepl~le because ~ )[Iow-up needed? ~ YES Follow-up scheduled for inspected by of Streets Mcdntena2zce Division ~d found to be ~ ' acc.xvt~wle / not accept&[e because d/oB'~up needed? NO / YES Follow-up schedMed for A copy o? thLs completed notice is to be prGvided to: City of CoppeI1 Engineering Dept. 255 ParkYvay Bird,, Coppell TX 750~9 Office: 972-304-3679 Fa_x: 972-304-3570