FTTP-CR050609 (2)Jun 09 05 03:21p # ol Post-it Fax Note 767! Dale ~r,gl. ~:~) ]pagesl~ -~ Co/Dep~ Co Fax # Fax # t/[l[.i]¥ RELOCATION IX iLl(iii} O[,-W~, OR EASE,~IE),rl COMPLETIOR~ \ ERiF!CATi()X N~m r'~,~-~- . 5hce~ personnel ~o verify that your project hm~ been completed ~o Cit~ of :oppeil :;?ciEcndons i'~zi/z(re to ;chedg/e ve/Jyfc(~ion fnsfiecffon may delay furore pr~;~ r ~,~,~; ..... , ~ - ,, , .... /~.~.~%':~r~ 2'4 hr. Cot~tact Number ~7~- ~ '~' - / 7 Date of 7erificahon Appo~tment ~ )ne of Verification Appo~:ment _~~~35~x T ~0 h- ~SLOW d found/o be~pt~?j/nor accep/&le aecau~e ;l[o~'-up needed? ~ YES Follo~-r~y schedaled for Inspected by ~ ~ ~ of Streetr MMnten~ce ~d found to be acceptr~le /;tot accept~[e because d/ow-up ;~eeded? NO / YES Follow-uti scheduled for A copy of this completed notice is to be provided to: City fCoopml Engh~ee,'-ing Dept. 255 Parkway Blvd., Coppeli TX 75019 Office: 972-30:1-5679 Fa_x: 972-304-3570