ST9904-CS 980714121 1 Major Investment Study Julyl4, 1998 Dep~rtment of ~ransportation Mr. Kenneth Griffin, ILl';. l)irector of Engineering, & Public Works City of Coppell ILO. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Mr. Griffin. , , ; The Texas Department of Transportation is ready Io move forward with the SHll4/SH121 Major Investment Study (MIS) and invite you to attend the Technical Committee Meeting scheduled for July 27, 1998 at 10:00 a.m. in Conference Room A al City of (irapevine's City Hall. The address is 200 South Main Street. The first step in moving ahead with this project was the hiring of HDR Engineering to manage the MIS process. This meeting will give us an opportunity to introduce the HDR Engineering staff' and update the Committee on the project schedule activities. Additionally, the basic criteria and measures will be presented for your feedback and direction as we prepare fi)r the first public meeting. We hope that you will be able Io attend this meeting. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (817) 370-6614. Sincerely, MIS STUI)Y TEAM HDR Engineering, lnc HNTB J s~h W. Atwood, PE Project Manager Advance Project l)evelopmenl TxDOT-t~TW 2501 Southwest lxx~p 82(I · P.O. Box 6868 · Fort Worth, Texas 76115-0868 (8171 370-6500 Fax (817) 370-6759 An Equal Opportunity Employer